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Everything posted by Mlite83

  1. Congrats! I look forward to reading your review once you find time in your newlywed bliss Just wondering since you didn't bring a lot down with you - did you end up paying a lot for decorations etc through the resort? Trying to budget for that aspect of the big day and decide on buying here and bringing it down or just going through the resort... Congrats again - can't wait to see pictures!
  2. I noticed that Le Chateau seems to be bumping up their dress prices too - there traditional LC dress (satiny fabric, knee length, some pin tucking etc) still runs $130ish but it seems for anything different in style or fabric yoou are pushing $225! I have purchased several dresses from there in the past and always love the fit so I'm disappointed that prices have jumped so much!
  3. I love how light it looks - the movement in the wind will be beautiful and very beach appropriate!
  4. Beautiful -- I love this style dress for beach weddings, so light and airy!
  5. Looks fantastic - I think you have done a great job integrating orange and pink into this!! I love the whimsy of it
  6. Wow - you have done a great job! Everything looked amazing! I especially like how you incorporated little saying like "Do me Wright" -- very cute!
  7. Just a heads up Secrets chains tend be rather pricey -- I priced them out earlier this year for my winter 2013 wedding and quotes came back around $3k per person for 1 week! Great location I'm sure but might be hard on your budget!
  8. Exactly! I also think some people don't realize that when you are planning a wedding you can't wait to do a better deal last minute because there might not be sufficient room on the flight over or at the resort. So yes, prices may get cheaper closer to the date but if you want a guarantee that you will definitely have a seat on the plane and room at the resort than you best book with our group!
  9. I don't think $1500 pp is too high at all - people need to recognize that a 3 star resort that you get for a great deal (ie under $1k pp) might be great for spring break or a last minute trip but it is not necessarily the ideal location for a wedding!
  10. I am a teacher and I'm not even planning my for a holiday -- its bumps the prices up like crazy and it means the resorts could be full of children...no thanks, my vacation (wedding, no less) is just that a vacation!
  11. Where did you get your dresses from?? I am considering convertible dresses for my girls but haven't done too much research yet.
  12. Maybe Le Chateau -- especially as its prom season? You can check out their dress shop online to see if there is anything that interests you!
  13. 100% agree! I love how kind and helpful everyone is - complete strangers working together to make a wedding perfect!
  14. Have you talked to your Dad directly about this? Maybe in a conversation you could get to the bottom of why he may not attend - if you understood his thinking on it maybe you can offer some counter points to his reasons. Family dynamics can be tricky, especially around weddings when parents are split so hopefully you can work something out Good luck!
  15. I haven't been in this situation but maybe it's just a grass is always greener type thing? I'm sure your dress is beautiful, maybe it just other stresses and nerves manifesting itself this way? Especially since as you said the dress was fitting quite large and you had a hard time envisioning the final fitted product? You fell for this dress once, so like the other girls have said, once you have everything in place I'm sure you'll get those feelings again!
  16. I am having an AHR but right now all the details are TBD so I am just mentioning that if you can't attend our Mexican nupitals we hope you can join us for the AHR after we return....of course it sounds a little more polished than that As for font choices, I have always hated trying to pick fonts (for newsletters, promotional things etc) so I left that in FI capable hands - lol!
  17. Thanks for sharing - nice to have positive feedback about a seller before buying!
  18. I understand how you would like to incorporate orange but I think I'd to change the line to pink...in my opinion the orange doesn't really have enough presence so either amp it up with orange elsewhere or change the lines to pink. I love the font choices though!! Looks great!
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