So glad I just found this thread! I would also desperately like to get in shape for my wedding, I had a baby 2 years ago and never lost the weight from it, I thought preparing the wedding would be just the incentive, but instead all the celebrations and bridal parties etc are making it even more difficult! The main thing I wanted to cut-out was alcohol, particularly the white wine that I drink a lot of, but I just cannot bring myself to drink vodka sodas, ugh! I think it is important to find a fitness programme that works for you, and also that isnt too ambitious, I for one always just give up on the whole thing if I am not able to do it for 1 day! There are lots of gyms and palces for spa treatments where I live, which I completely plan on indulging-on before the wedding gets closer. good luck with the weight-loss ladies, any motivational stories would be very welcome!