Hey Future and past GBP brides. So...my 6 month count down phase has come and gone...and how it's time to kick this thing into gear. Time off booked at work, invitations ready for pick up this weekend, welcome bags done! I have become a DIY bride because having a destination wedding makes it so easy...you don't really have to focus so much on pleasing anyone else...just keep things light, casual, and enjoy! This week I will have mys welcome letter done & printed, along with the tags done and printed. Upcoming are the iron-on transfers for tshirts and this is the hard part..! Without knowing how many guests we are having we don't wish to go out and purchase a bunch of stock. Did any past brides buy bulk T's? If so any ideas on where I can order for cheap? Cost savings are always a plus!! I'm in the Greater Toronto, Canada area! Keep the advice and ideas coming ladies. This is a fantastic forum.