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Everything posted by Jackieadewole

  1. Well Jake is older now and very docile due to his age:) But thank you JayKay for the advise. I am looking into hiring someone to watch him for the day. As i think it would be unfair to ask my Mother to watch him the whole day. Any other brides here from Winnipeg?
  2. Hell Winnipeg Ladies, I'm wondering if other ladies are including their dogs in their Wedding Day? I live in Winnipeg, Manitoba and i plan to have our Wedding outside this summer! I want my dog " Jake" to attend my wedding in July, Jake is my babe and has been with me since 2008. Me and my Fiance are having been doing allot of research on this topic. And have learned allot of couples are opting for their dogs to be at their Weddings also. So many famous people have included their dogs in their Weddings too. I just cant decided what role he is going to play. We are having a small group of family and friends and they all know how much " Jake" is apart of ours lives so it wont be any s surprise he will be their. Jake has been apart of my life since he was a pup, he is my morning joy. Is their anyone else thinking of having their dog in their Wedding? And if so, what kind of role are they playing. At this point we are having " Jake"definitely in our Wedding Picture. And in attendance sitting in the back of the venue I'm so excited and my wheels are spinning with ideas for the Big Day!! Please share your ideas with me, maybe others have same ideas? Or better ones? Thanksss
  3. Hell Ladies, I'm wondering if other ladies are including their dogs in their Wedding Day? I live in Winnipeg, Manitoba and i plan to have our Wedding outside this summer! I want my dog " Jake" to attend my wedding in July, Jake is my babe and has been with me since 2008. Me and my Fiance are having been doing allot of research on this topic. And have learned allot of couples are opting for their dogs to be at their Weddings also. So many famous people have included their dogs in their Weddings too. I just cant decided what role he is going to play. We are having a small group of family and friends and they all know how much " Jake" is apart of ours lives so it wont be any s surprise he will be their. Jake has been apart of my life since he was a pup, he is my morning joy. Is their anyone else thinking of having their dog in their Wedding? And if so, what kind of role are they playing. At this point we are having " Jake"definitely in our Wedding Picture. And in attendance sitting in the back of the venue I'm so excited and my wheels are spinning with ideas for the Big Day!! Please share your ideas with me, maybe others have same ideas? Or better ones?
  4. O i wish i could be in Bermuda! Whats it like????
  5. How does one start a POST/THREAD here? im so new here so lost
  6. How does one start a POST/THREAD here? im so new here so lost
  7. I have been to Jamacia, sandels resort its really nice 5 star! And you can have your Wedding on the beach! Never been to Mexico though. Stacy do you have a dog by chance:)?
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