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Everything posted by jlb392

  1. great finds....I'm going to have to check out Dollar Tree.... Five Below will probably have some good stuff too
  2. good point! doesn't matter how ugly they are, as long as they hold 22 oz of daiquiri!
  3. thanks.....feels so good to have the date. I think I was driving my FI nuts last night...I was so excited. We definitely have to meet up when we get there....I'll buy you a drink lol
  4. I'm not that much further....I did just finally get the date yesterday. Are you doing a legal ceremony? If so, it may take a couple days for them to get back to you with the judge's availability.
  5. sounds good. I'll copy & paste yours (I think that's the easiest way...then the next person can quote me or copy mine) DominicanAlly (Alicia) Wedding: April 11, 2013 Travel: April 6-20 jlb392 (Jessica) Wedding: April 17, 2013 Travel: April 14-24
  6. nah, go with your first choice....from what I saw on their Facebook page, you won't be disappointed.
  7. I know how you feel...it's been just over a week for me, and we have our date and the resort, but it just feels like there's so much to do. This site helps a lot- but it can also make you feel a little overwhelmed when you look at all of the DIY stuff (especially if you aren't crafty- like me).
  8. oh...and aloe vera. Considering it will be April for my wedding and no one will have had much sun (his family is in Indiana and mine is in Pennsylvania), aloe is going to be a must-have.
  9. there are these ones....they aren't the cutest mugs, but if everyone's drinking, who cares? http://www.discountmugs.com/nc/travel-mugs/2642/22-oz-travel-mugs-with-spill-resistant-lids.htm
  10. thanks for posting this. I had wondered the same about the sunscreen, and you helped me make my decision
  11. A hangover kit is a great idea. I've heard that the 22 oz insulated cups are always a big hit, so I think we'll be adding those. Also, I think a pocket Spanish phrases guide, a deck of cards, puzzle books, hand sanitizer, bug spray, a waterproof bag for their room keys, tips, etc....
  12. I think we're going to use Julia Eskin. Her work blew me away and her pricing is about the same as the others.
  13. we're doing the same thing. We'll have 25-30 people (we're doing the blue affair package, so 20 people are included). Then just doing dinner and the cake. I think if you're doing the complimentary package, it's 10 people that are included, then you just pay $15 per person over the 10. We thought about getting one of the larger packages that included a reception, but just figured that since we would do something here at home later, it's not worth the additional $$ to us.
  14. Myfitnesspal is awesome. I used to use it, but since I'm doing WW online and already tracking my food on that, MFP became a little redundant. But it's definitely a fantastic tool
  15. I just wish I could do Bikram. My hands and feet get so sweaty that I can't do most poses.
  16. My FI and I tried it a few months ago. It was okay, but neither of us lost weight and we REALLY got sick of drinking shakes. I don't think I will be able to drink another one for a long time {shudder}
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