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Everything posted by skyy

  1. Hi Ladies, Jackiem44 can u email me the information ([email protected]. I'm doing OOT bags but I'm not sure what will b in them yet its 2 many options...Skyy
  2. Hi Jackiem44, I need 2 find that out myself, I do not want 2 pay full price for a child..........
  3. Hey My 2013 Sisters!!! I have found MY STD'S Whoop Whoop !!!!! Not only have I found them I ORDERED SUPPLIES 2 MAKE THEM !!!!! OK as I did over time (on BDW lol dont tell my job) I came across the boxes that look like suitcases with the message in the bottle...... I LOVE them so thats it, the search is over I'm not penny pinching I want them. I'll make up for the cost some where else. For some this will be all they receive because only the ppl that book are getting invitations...... As U can see I EXCITED!!!!!!!! @Shay4966 I'm sure I know your family U know AC is a tiny circle....... TTYS Skyy!!!!!!
  4. Erica12 & Shay4966 Heyyyyyyyyy!!!!! @ Erica12 Thank u so much 4 the web site I'll b checking them out later today. @ Shay4966 u have been a Busy Bride Bee!!!!! I think I will play around & see if they look like anything worth buying paper 4. I’m in AC, where are u? FYI: I’m not crazy! I text way 2 much so I shorting most words most of the time.
  5. @ Chula I found some on Etsy ( Sproulliedesigns) for $3.50 per STD but I need a whopping 100. I only need the pass ($2.00) and sleeve ($1.50). Is it me or do you agree $350.00 is a lot for STD’s Hey Chula and Missjade, Whoop Whoop to us 2013 Brides!!!!!! Ok Ladies I having a problem, the vista print STD’s are sooooo cheap but I want those boarding passes BAD. I would try to make them myself but if I spend the money on all the supplies and they don’t turn out right I will be beyond ticked off. I’m very picky!!!!!!
  6. Hi Ladies, I loveeeeee them!!!!!!! Can someone email me the template or @DeAngelis2b can you tell me how much you would charge 2 make mine for me....(I'm so serious) [email protected]
  7. Hi Ladies, Congratulations :cheer2: !!!!!!!!!! I’m so excited to find this thread!!!!!!!! My Big Day is 7-30-13 at Dreams Punta Cana. So far we have reserved our date, ceremony, and reception location; I still do not have any package prices. I made save-the-dates on vista print one day just playing around but now I think I want boarding passes. This is the problem planning so far in advance the more I look the more I like. Again Congratulations and I’ll be talking with you all. Skyy
  8. Hi favorsmr, thank you so much for the information. Its my aunt and I really want her there.
  9. Hi favorsmr, thank you so much for the information. Its my aunt and I really want her there.
  10. My question is r u doing the centerpieces yourse,lf so how r wrapping them 2 get 2 the DR with out having a heart attack? I would b 2 worried 2 ship glass. Does any 1 have florist information, I would really like 2 work with some 1 there. HELP...........
  11. My WC is Carolina, we got of to a rocky start but she's fine now. She takes a day or so 2 answer my emails.
  12. Hi Ladies, Has anyone seen "Jochy Fersobe Photography'? You have 2 go check it out!!!!! Under Film (Full HD) the second couple Techy and David, OMG they are doing a full music video.....It looks like so much fun, I want 2 do this. I have no idea how much something like this would cost but I'm going to find out.... Its so so good!!!!!!!!
  13. Hi Ladies, Has anyone seen "Jochy Fersobe Photography'? You have 2 go check it out!!!!! Under Film (Full HD) the second couple Techy and David, OMG they are doing a full music video.....It looks like so much fun, I want 2 do this. I have no idea how much something like this would cost but I'm going to find out.... Its so so good!!!!!!!!
  14. Hi derap, I just heard from my WC she found out that a hospital 40 min away does do dialysis for hotel guest, its the "Hospital Punta Cana". I'll be contacting them, keep me posted. Skyy
  15. Hi Semmens2sincock The prices are on the web site for HDC under "The Experience" I think the prices are great. Let me know what you think.
  16. Is anyone going with a florist from PC? I know I should be able 2 find a lot more for the money with an outside vendor. Help...........
  17. Hi derap, Nno I haven't had any luck. I emailed my WC (Carolina) but she hasn't got back 2 me. If you find out anything please let me know and I'll do the same.
  18. Hi Melissa, My WC sent me photo's of the Himitsu, Portafino, and El Patio Terraces. She didn't send any info on the Bordeaux Terrace is that the Portafino Terrace and do you know how many it holds. I am reserving the Himitsu but I would like to see everything the resort has to offer first. Thank you
  19. Hi Withkids, I haven't received any prices for 2013. My Travel Agent said they aren't out yet. My WC (Caroline) hasn't sent me my contract yet for the same reason even after I sent my deposit. I would love 2 be able 2 tell my family an exact price. Help!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Does any one know where someone would be able 2 receive dialysis. I have a family member who would love 2 come, she receives dialysis 3 times a week. Any information would be a great help. Are the honeymoom suits really the best rooms? I think I will end up with the Himitsu Terrace for the reception. Can anyone give me the pro's and con's of that location. DJ or no DJ? I have no idea what 2 do. I know there's a disco, what do most ppl do? I wish I was getting married tomorrow................
  20. Hi, I'm a newbee as well. My wedding date is 7/30/13 at Dreams Punta Cana, I have so many questions. I still don't believe I'm planning a wedding without complete control. I'll be on pins and niddles until the morning after. I love this site its so much information.......
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