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About Goldielochs47

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  1. We used Caribe. We paid $550, which was the cheapest package they offered, and then paid an additional $100 for re-touching
  2. We Caribe for our Vow Renewal. We got the cheapest package ($550) they had and then paid and additional $100 for re-touching.
  3. I arrive on 14 February. My vow renewal is on 17 February. I don't think the ones they suppply have a lid for me to transport the vase back home. I guess we will just do it again when we get home. I am also doing a hand ceremony, I saw it on this site and I thought it fit us perfectly. HAND CEREMONY WORDING These are the hands of your best friend that you are holding on this day of renewal, as you promise to continue to love and cherish each other today, tomorrow and forever. These are the hands that have and will continue to work alongside yours, as together you continue to build your future. These are the hands that will passionately love and cherish you throughout the years, and with the slightest touch, comfort you like no other. These are the hands that will hold you when fear or grief fills your mind. These are the hands that will wipe the tears of sorrow and joy from your eyes countless times in the years to come. These are the hands that will give you strength when you need it. And lastly, these are the hands that even when wrinkled and aged will still be reaching for yours, still giving you the same unspoken tenderness with just a touch.
  4. Did anyone do the sand cermony? What did they vases look like that was provided by the hotel. How was it taking them back home, did the sand spill out?
  5. I am going with Caribe. I can't believe the weather, it is suppose to rain the week of my Vow Renewal 17 February.
  6. I leave on 13 February for my Vow Renewal Ceremony on 17 February!! I know this is crazy but I bought three dress and I am still not sure which one I am wearing!! Uuuggghh...decisions decisions. I have on that I pick up form alteration on Saturday and the one fromDavid's Bridal is made of satin and I am just not sure how that will travel!
  7. Our WC quote me $75 to put two sheers over the Gazebo!!! WTH!!! I am only doing a Vow Rnewal which was advertised as free. I was going with the Pearl Wedding Package at first then change to a Vow Renewal since it will just be my huband and I. Well now it's " We no longer offer a Free Vow Renewal". But it's still being advertised on their site mind you!!!! AT the bottom it clearly states for bookings made after Jan 2012 and beyond. I have been corresponding with them since February!!They will try and nickel and dime you for every little thing. It is so aggravating!!!! Uuuuggghhh!!
  8. I want this dress. How much to ship to Colorado springs
  9. I am getting married on Feb 17 at EDR. Who did you pick for your photographer? We are only doing a vow renewal (25 years) but we still haven't picked a photog and it will just be us! Maybe my Mom and daughter.
  10. I hate that too!!! Uuugggh just say you can't come. My husband and I are just planning on us being the only ones at our Vow Renewal!! If you want to come fine if not "Oh the Hell Well" THe first time we got married in "88" we were by ourselves in Korea, then we renewed our Vows in Kenya, Africa and we were by ourselves then so this won't be any different. It's about "OUR LOVE" anyway. Wwwhhheeewww OK got that off my chest!
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