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Everything posted by Dazeydawl

  1. Oh and i should also mention that i didnt have to pay any customs or duty fees!!!!
  2. maybe they fixed it from last week because of losing our money on us or something?? cause ya they paid almost 34 to have it sent to me
  3. HAHA i just got mine today!!! I got the 13x13x3 for 1.35 each also paid 18.50 shipping!! Which is funny cause on the box it says they paid 33.40 to have them shipped so not sure they much money off of me lol. Mine only took a week! and they are perfect
  4. 150 posts or you can donate to the site, I think it's $30, and become a supporter, then you can start downloading right away
  5. awesome find!!! i was wondering where to get these and usually i pay alot for shipping.. so yay free shipping!!!
  6. I can understand wanting it to be cheap for people to travel.. i had this disscussion as well because people were concerned but in the end me and my fiance made the decision to do what is right for us. After all people have to understand that this is a wedding not just a vacation. it is very easy anytime of year for people to book cheap 700-900 all inclusive vacations, but for a wedding we wanted something nicer and something you wouldnt just do as your annual vacay. We just had to realize and accept that not everyone would be able to make it. Those that love you and really want to be there will make it possible what ever the price. you have to realize that with most 700 all inclusives you getting a 2 or 3 star hotel.. which in mexico or the DR is not the greatest of hotels and is usually packed with young springbreaker types. Not saying that you probably wont be able to find something nice for that range but it will be very difficult, hopefully you find something
  7. I havent quite started them yet.. just bought everything. Actually excited cause i came home today to find a delivery notice that they tried to deliver my canvas totes that i ordered. Im in canada and ordered them from ingreetings.com just last monday. its only been a week and they are already here!!! so excited cant wait to start. will def be posting pics of the process
  8. Im probably bringing someone from home as i havent really found anyone in jamaica i like except michael saab but his prices are high. For me to bring a professional from home (with just as amazing work) i got quoted 2000 plus air and hotel which will be about 3500 total and for that price i get a full 10 hour day of shooting and a ttd shoot the next day. 3500 with michael saab only got me 5 hours of coverage and thats it. so really you just have to look at what each is willing to do for you and how it compares. the photographer im bringing normally charges almost 5000 for a 10 hour day for a local wedding but for destination she drops it and throws in the ttd shoot for free because she gets a vacay out of the deal.
  9. I girls I had an idea tonight for the first aid kits.. I thought of adding gel packs just the small ones you can stick on your forehead.. not sure where to find these or if they are cheap but they would be great as most hotel rooms have fridges so people could keep them cool and use them if they have a headache from being hungover or just from overheating
  10. Haha thanks!!! I actually just got back from dollarama and saw them there, I started freaking out my fiance thought i was nuts! lol
  11. I love stamps too!! Im cutomizing my oot tote bags with a cute love birds stamp and our wedding date
  12. awesome! Thinking of making barefoot sandals for all the women for my oot bags gonna need about 16!
  13. Awesome thanks!!! haha i actually didnt even think about goggling it
  14. Anyone know where i can get those mini first aid kits in the white box that evryone south seems to be able to find
  15. Very cute!!! Where did you get the logo on the first aid kit. I see many brides have used it but i cant find it
  16. Thanks! Unfortunately because of my work schedual i can only hit the gym 3-4 times a week and im going maintly for the classes or until i at least have the motivation to stay on machines without getting extreamly bored after 10mins lol. zumba, body pump and kickboxing classes is where i hope i can keep my attention focused. I have a small apartment so no room to work out at home im also going to be taking up archery has my fiance bow hunts and hits the ranges all the time. Its awesome for arms and shoulders! Diet will definately be the hardest part for me because everyone always goes out to eat at my work and its really difficult to not tag along.
  17. i love the idea of pashminas for my oot bags.. any idea how much shipping is to canada..
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