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Everything posted by Dazeydawl

  1. Wow the cost of those are a little crazy!! I do like the color though... The flowers on it are gorgeous! Just the writing needed some tweaking
  2. Awww do you have your invites posted at alll? i would love to see them!! I love your color combo as well.. blue and orange looks so good together! Mine is a little on the girly side lol oh well finace doesnt mind!
  3. I think i may do the tins as well.. still unsure as i already bought the little white first aid kits so i would have to take everthing out of those and throw it in the tin... but i just like the look of te tins so much better... and looking at the site the cost insnt much.. just shipping to canada is.
  4. I love this dress!!! I love how fluffy the bottom looks and the beading detail on the side is soo flattering!!! You make it look amazing
  5. Thanks!!.. Both my mom and fiance are so impressed with my invites they think i should start a business lol.... i think they need to slow down
  6. I also like that the font that our names are in is the same font used on our OOT bags!!! gotta love coordination!
  7. Thanks!!! i like it too! I printed out a test print and layered it on my kreft paper pocketfolds and it really looks great together! brings all the colors (purple, grey, coral, and brown) togetehr nicely!
  8. Thanks! I really do enjoy making the invites as well.. so even though i was happy for the help a part of me was sad that it was being taken away lol. So im thinking of just sending her this one and asking her opinion... and just sort of wording it as...' since your doing these just for the cost of printing i feel bad taking so much of your time trying to get it as i want. So since i had some time on my hands i came up with something and would like your professional opinion and thoughts on what should be changed'. how does that sound? I do agree on the bottom font.. however i dont want to introduce a 4th font. not sure which of the other two to do it in. I did do a test print and it is easier to read on the printed version.
  9. So I completely changed my mind on what i wanted to do for invites. Which also put me in a bit of a dliemma. Turns out my brothers girlfriend has a home based invitation business on the side and she offered to help me out and do them for cheap. We have gone over everything i want and i sent her examples. I got some proofs back this morning of 3 designs... there must have been some miscommunication because the proofs are nothing like what i wanted.. Now being the typical control freak that i am and seeing as how i was bored today i went ahead and designed another invite. Now i feel bad and dont know what to do. If i should send her my new invite and just ask her to help me with printing so that im not doing in on my home printer or let her continue to design and hope she comes up with something more like what i am wanting. My new design
  10. You centerpieces are sooo cute! I love em. And good job on the OOT bags.. i like the little plastic pouch you put everything into.. where ddid you pick those up?
  11. I bought mine online from ingreetings.com..... and i hear good things about cheaptotes.com shipping can be pricy but i think the cheap cost of the bags evens it out
  12. So gorgeous!!! Did you get in the pink? or does it come in white as well?
  13. Ah i have no idea how to describe ribbed.. its just the way the fabric is... you probably have ribbed tanks as most racerback tanks are ribbed. And $2 tanks!!! thats awesome! I wish i could find some that cheap. And as long as it turns out that it will last a couple days thats really all you need. cause really if your writing bridemaid on them how many times will the girls actually wear them? a couple times throughout the week maybe... then after the wedding probably never again
  14. Awesome!!! Those were the same ones i was looking at but in the grey. sadly $8 in canada though maybe ill take a drive down the store again and pick them up
  15. My DIY petal aisle runner inspiration.... Not sure if i am going to attempt this project yet, ill have to talk to the FI and see if hes up to help me with the task, but if i did i would want one like this Maybe it would be less labor intensive???
  16. i really love how they did the flower petals on the back of the chairs.... did this pic come from a 'how to'?
  17. MissBubbles The ones I was looking at are $8 each in canada. But now that I think about it they are stretchy and ribbed. Not sure how the transfers will work on that. Speckles We're the tank tops you got ribbed? I was wanting the ribbed racerback tanks but I'm not sure if they will work
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