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Damon Nash

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  1. This is why I absolutely hate forums... I don't even want my name on this site anymore. Someone please flag my posts so they can delete all my comments.
  2. Wait a minute, I was never rude, or wasn't trying to be rude in any of my msgs. I never disrespected or meant to disrespect anyone. Not once did I call names or talk down on any of your work. I'm just being a realist in a time of crisis. The services you all provide are exceptional. The only thing I didn't like was how I was "reprimanded" for using the word VACATION. And then I got tag teamed by Tlseege. And finally got back-doored by you again with the "I second that" comment. I used to get offended when I presented my totally-competitive prices and people said, "But all you are doing is snapping photos with your fancy cameras". Instead of coming down on them for their ignorance, I educated them on the quality and creativity of my work as compared to the other photographers below and above my price point. I didn't go into a whole sermon about how much the cameras cost or the amount of work-flow that goes into processing images and the headache of creating photo books. I booked the wedding but I certainly would have upset them if I made them feel like doing their wedding was such an overly tedious job for the pay. Remember, I'm speaking as a frustrated and confused "groom to be"... not a photographer. Look at some of the things that were said starting after the word "Vacation". I didn't mean that you would come down to Jamaica, get wasted every night, and sleep until 3pm everyday. I meant a vacation from the states to a tropical paradise where you can do something that you love, and you are good at, while producing beautiful, memorable, artistic stills that keep your clients in awe. Jeesh... Did no one read the thread when I clearly said, "BTW, and that's not to talk down on destination photographers. You truly get what you pay for and if you want quality photos you hire from the outside.They have found an awesome niche. "
  3. I feel so helpless at this point. I told my fiance that I was thinking about handing the butler the camera, setting the iSO to 100, f stop at 16, and have him take as many photos as he could fit on two 32gb cards. Then Id sort through them once we got home...she didn't laugh. lol
  4. I hate to sound like a jerk but your comments were rather unprofessional. How would you like it if the chef at your favorite restaurant came out from the back and told you how tiring and demanding it was preparing your meal? You'd probably lose your appetite and remind him that choosing to be a chef is a career choice that he signed up for and hard work comes with the pay.
  5. Ok people I think I get the point. Like I said, I am a seasoned photographer and understand the nature of destination photography. But as I put my consumer hat on I now feel the same way many of the other consumers feel about getting these services abroad. Its expensive and confusing, hence the fact that many of us post via these forums. And to make a point, when selling people on your services it would be a good idea to highlight the quality and commitment rather than harp on how tedious and demanding destination weddings can be. I want my photographer to relax and enjoy his time at my wedding. I don't want him stressed and suffering from sleep deprivation. You all make it seem like an all inclusive photography labor camp... that pays a few grand of course. I pray for that kind of stress and pay at my day job. Sign me up!
  6. BTW, and that's not to talk down on destination photographers. You truly get what you pay for and if you want quality photos you hire from the outside.They have found an awesome niche.
  7. So the part that really frustrates me is the fact that I am a wedding photographer/videographer. So you already know I will scrutinize the you-know-what out of the photos. You would think that a flight, room, and small cash settlement would mean a free vacation to any photographer but these guys are wanting flights, rooms, AND an extra $2-3k for their services. If it were me, I'd take the room and flight while deeply discounting the service. But I guess that's just me and this is how these guys make a living. How I would love to be a destination photographer. LOL.
  8. I think those deals run out as they approach the peak season. Right now is the best time to book since their 2012 outlook is still developing.
  9. Yeah, we were inquiring about that but Sandals is telling us that the photog would have to book a room for a min of 3 nights. That adds an extra $1200+ to the cost of photos.
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