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Posts posted by May12

  1. Thank you so much! The credit for the stationary goes to Ginger O'Hara www.serendipitybeyonddesign.com. I know I raved about her before, but I mean it! She had pulled everything together for us and designed this based on my convoluted idea I had in my head....An upscale Mexican/Mayan-y sort of feel but not over the top and less literal with earthy colors of chocolate brown and burnt orange...she somehow understood that and gave us this AND included the burgundy in there which we incorporated into our colors! Genius!


    Here are some of the other things she did...

    Favor Tag-

    Favor Tag.jpg


    Luggage tag- this will be in a lucite holder with a leather strap attached to the OOT bags- it will be 2 sided

    Front and Back-

    Luggage Tag.jpgLuggage Tag2.jpg



     Menus- Each Guest will have their name on the top and their meal choice. This way we did not need to do place cards, and with a group of 32, we didn't need tablecards. The menu will also have a shimmery burt orange backing on them, line on our invites...

    menu.png  menu-fish.png


    a Pic of our invites-



    Do not disturb sign-




    Thank you Cards-the will be folded in half in the middle of the design-


    Thank You.jpg

  2. Something else to think about... If you are delivering OOT bags to the rooms, they get delivered at turn down service. We have a welcome letter and timeline in the bag. We have our welcome cocktails on Thursday night when most people get in, which means they wouldn't see where they're supposed to meet us that night if they are already out for dinner. Sooooo, we found out we can do a small check in card that the front desk can give them, this way they know where to meet us that night. We also found that not as many people REALLY look at the website details as much as you think, so this was a must for us!

    Here's what we had done:

    The check In Card-

    Check In Card   



    The Timeline for all guests-this will be in the OOT bag-




    Our Welcome letter-


    Welcome Letter.jpg

    These are  the proofs, so the paper will make it pop, but just wanted to give you guys an idea. If anyone is interested in seeing our menus, favor cards, do not disturb sign, etc. let me know and I'll post them. :)

  3. I started booking all things spa in the end of January...about 4 months out. First was booking mine (hair/make-up, nails, trial hair and make-up) via their website and then/now just email back and forth with them. We are planning some extras for our wedding party....the Marine Wellness for all the guys and girls, mani pedi's for all the guys and either nails or hair or make up for the girls. The spa has been AMAZING! They put everything together for us on a spreadsheet with prices almost immediately. I also have a few guests who want their hair done and they just told me a few weeks ago. They were able to get them all in, and they will be charging them separately. With the gold package we get 15% off so putting it all on 1 bill, even if you're not paying for it all might be better for your bridesmaids wallets...just an idea.

    Also, make sure you book your couples massage if you are getting one with your package! :) And timing for me worked out best to do my trial hair and make-up on Wednesday.

    Here's how the timing works for a Saturday wedding- 5:30 ceremony(where guests get there at 5):

    Nails: They suggest Friday

    Hair:Bridesmaids go first in groups of 3 at noon (depends how many you have doing their hair) I go at 1pm, my Mother is in at 1:30pm, guests go in at 3.

    Here's our "timeline" we did for them.....   


    Wedding Party Events final.jpg


    Originally Posted by Amanda Gardner View Post

    How far in advance should you book the spa for hair and make-up? Did you book your bridesmaids as well?


  4. Welcome back!! It looks like you had an amazing time and than you soooooooooooo much for all of the much needed info and ideas you've shared! :)

    I called Nayeli and "she was in a meeting". I'll let everyone know once I hear from her. So, I just wrote to Juan Carlos to see what was up with some of our planning and just to touch base to see if he was there! Here is his response...(and the quickest response by far...Kudos to Juan Carlos!)


    Hi Sheryl

     we are still here ... :) We remain Bluelense, but in the exellence our name is VIPphoto have, from bluelense ... in fact I already took 2 years here.

     Here we have all the information of your wedding, because we work with the coordinators, and we are every day at the hotel.

     if you want we can meet before your wedding day for details. We're saying in lobby

     I tell you that the package you have with us, we will be ready from geting ready to the end of dinner. (the quality of our work is still VIP...)
     we will take lots of pictures for you to choose which one you like, one or two days after your wedding.

     for more details please write us

     keep in touch!


     Juan Carlos Lancelotti



    Originally Posted by MsBlissMpls View Post

    Yes. My 2 cents is that when we were there 2 weeks ago it was VIP. I posted the link to thier site a little while ago.

  5. ABSOLUTELY!! Can you give me your name(you can PM me if you want) and I'll tell her you need the info, and see if she can tell me if something is open! 

    Originally Posted by danak71 View Post



    May12, Thank you so much! There are so many photographers by the name of "Juan Carlos" when I put it in Google! And I emailed one that I found via Google and he told me he wasn't the photographer for the resort so then I was confused LOL


    My travel agent and I have calls in to Nayeli AND her boss trying to find out what Saturdays they have available in May and June at 4 pm but she's not responding! We have March 23, 2013 held until today but we're considering getting married a little later in the year if there's something available. But I don't want her to release March 23 and then she doesn't have another date available in May or June just be cause I waited to hear from her!


    If you think about it, would you just ask her if you speak with her if she has any Saturdays in May or June at 4 pm? I would love you forever if  you were able to get that answered! My travel agent and I have been trying to no avail and I wish I had thought about it when I was there with the wedding coordinator that gave us the tour. But we didn't think about changing the date until we had already left the resort.



  6. YAY! Glad you decided on EPM...it is very luxurious, sleek and modern. That's what we loved about it and had the same...holy smokes, this place is amazing feel from the second we pulled up. We knew it was THE place!  

    We are going with the in-house photographer and it is supposed to be Blue Lens...at least that is who we met and quoted us and we have not heard of any change. I think Juan Carlos is a photographer with them. Did you see them in the lobby?? They're usually to the left of the staircase if you're looking down towards the bar.

    Makes me want to double check though...I think I'll die if it did change...we're leaving in 11 days!!!

    I'm calling Nayeli today for some answers so I'll let you know!

    Originally Posted by danak71 View Post

    Does anyone know who the resort photographer is at this point? I know it has changed several times. When I was at EPM last week for my site visit the wedding coordinator that gave us the tour (Alejandro maybe? sorry I don't remember his  name) told me that it was Juan Carlos but I don't see any information anywhere for him so I'm wondering if  that's accurate. Or maybe Juan Carlos is the name of the photographer but the company name is something different?



  7. We are going with their house DJ... Mannia. We were quoted $1150 for 4 hours including lighting. each additional hour is $150. Their email is [email protected]

    I guess it depends how many people you have and where the reception will be. We tend to have a rowdy group so the CECO Terrace and a DJ was more our speed. Fernando, from Mannia has been really great and accommodating. We honestly HATED his sample playlist and told him our concerns. We asked if we could give him my music for "request" purposes and he is 100% fine with it. The pain in the butt part was converting everything to MP3 from iTunes, but at least I know we'll have music we like, and someone to DJ...just in case. We're meeting him the Monday we get down there to go over everything, and give him the passport with the music on it(that he's returning to us the next day). Fingers crossed that it all works out!

    We leave in 12 days and still no closer to tying up details with Nayeli! :( Has anyone heard from her!??



    Originally Posted by KlazNov17 View Post



    What DJ are you going with and how much are they charging you??  I am debating on whether this is the way I want to go, or just bring an iPod with a speaker system.



  8. We started as soon as we booked! The earlier the better....especially when it takes so much time in between responses! My advice, be as specific as possible with what you want and ask for price quotes for every detail you are thinking of. It will make it easier down the road. Remember, you can also send pictures of your ideas and ask for them to do it.  For the DJ, we emailed them directly to start planning.

    Originally Posted by Amanda Gardner View Post

    After reserving your wedding date and booking your room how long did you have to wait for information on the wedding to start planning? Price list, centerpieces, bouquets, DJ, etc...



  9. You probably have the right one, but here it is just in case...[email protected]

    I feel your pain! We leave in less than 2 weeks and do not have our "planner" from her...that she promised to have to us last month. We have most of the details done but still missing a few things to finalize, and we REALLY need to see her cost estimate vs our cost estimate. I'm getting worried! Looks like I'll be calling Mexico this week...very frustrating!  

    Originally Posted by k032379 View Post

    Ladies please help. I have sent Nayeli 4 emails within the last month and a half and have not had one response. It is coming up on 5 months until my wedding and I would like to start planning soon. I tried not to bother her too much cause I know she is working on you ladies' weddings plus some but I am thinking that maybe I have the incorrect email address. What email address do you ladies have for her?
    Thank you in advance K



  10. Aw! That's so cute!! I'm so glad everything worked out for you. Congratulations!! :)

    Originally Posted by MsBlissMpls View Post

    Congrats all of you upcoming brides!!! It's so much fun. I wish we could do it again. We just got back from our 10 nights at EPM and although I love being home we were spoiled so much I wish we could go back.


    I just hung our "just married" door sign from the resort on our bedroom door, that's how much I miss it :( 



  11. We're using them too. The info I have for them is: [email protected] and the phone #'s are, 011 9988899226 or 011 9988899282. Is that what you have?


    Originally Posted by Sharon99 View Post

    Is anyone using the DJ? Its DJ Mannia and I have been trying to email them our song lists but their email is bouncing back that their mailbox is full and their phone number isnt working. WTF! I am in full panic mode and I think its probably pointless to email N about this since she wont respond to me. :(

    I have no idea what to do and am at a complete loss....




  12. We were able to change up the menu and customize it and also thought soup was too hot for an outdoor wedding. We went down there and did a tasting and here's what we wound up with...tuna tartar ap, the hearts of palm salad, filet with scallops and the chocolate agavera cake. The fish option for the entre is chilean sae bass with shitake and lobster risotto. (and there was no additional charge with the gold package but not sure about the others) On our reply card we had the menu options but didn't have all the specifics as we were still waiting to find out about fish options. We worded it as: beef and seafood, seafood, and other dietary restrictions. We are printing menus for the reception and that's where the full menu will be listed for everyone.

    Originally Posted by KlazNov17 View Post

    I know this was touched on a while ago, but what is everyone doing about the menu?  I am not thrilled with the selections and don't know if I should offer a fish dish or just beef or chicken.  I need to decide fast so I can include the option on my invites I am trying to get ordered this week! I also really don't want to offer soup as a course.  I was thinking something more along the lines of jumbo prawns or something??  Is anyone else having an issue with the menu?




    Originally Posted by Jill Conner View Post

    May 12... this stuff is GREAT!!!


    HOWEVER... it has suddenly stressed me out!  I would LOVE to have something like this (all of it!) printed; however, I am NOWHERE NEAR as close to you having such an exact itinerary!  Holy cow!  Did you ask 1 million questions, or how did you learn so many details!?  From what I have found, the wedding coordinators don't offer much help as far as "telling" information as they do about answering questions... 


    First, thank you! :)

    YES! I did ask about a million questions! I found out the same as you, they do not offer up much info, so here's how I did it..I was doing a few questions at a time and getting a couple back...asking the leftover ones and a few more...I gave up. I put the questions in 1 email with headings on each subject...FLOWERS..then my bouquet, bridesmaid bouquets, centerpieces, etc...until everything that involved a flower was done....then ceremony details, reception details, menu, rehearsal, DJ, photographer, after party, spa or honeymoon info, payment, etc, and every other MINUTE detail I could think of. We went back and forth with different color font each time we got back to each other so we didn't get confused. It took a broad topic and then drilled it down to get to the little details. With much lag time between responses, this was the way for me to get a lot of answers quick. When it was something timely we were waiting on, I just told her I needed that info asap. Did they miss a few...sure, but I found it easier for me to re-question it because it was right there. Don' get me wrong,I'm still waiting on info but feel SOOO much better that if we got there tomorrow, it would be something of what we imagined. WHO KNEW this wedding planning would be so crazy!!     


    Originally Posted by Jill Conner View Post

    May 12... this stuff is GREAT!!!


    HOWEVER... it has suddenly stressed me out!  I would LOVE to have something like this (all of it!) printed; however, I am NOWHERE NEAR as close to you having such an exact itinerary!  Holy cow!  Did you ask 1 million questions, or how did you learn so many details!?  From what I have found, the wedding coordinators don't offer much help as far as "telling" information as they do about answering questions... 



  14. Hear Hear!!!! I had the same situation with one of my closest friends of 15 years! SHE was the one who said, "have your wedding where you want it...those of us who will be there, will be there regardless." She was a bridesmaid and would have been my MOH, had my MOH not been family...and we discussed that!  She also has quite enough $ to make the trip, and helped us decide on where to have it. Well guess what...JUST when ordering bridesmaid dresses came rolling around, she SENT ME AN EMAIL and bailed out. I was devastated. :( Honestly, it hurts. I too, would and have been there many times for friends and family...ALL over the world, and it's hard to understand why they choose not not be there for us. BUT....it is what it is. Another good reason to marry your best friend who will always be there for you!


    Originally Posted by k032379 View Post

    Funny im thinking my MOH may pull that same stunt because her entire demeanor about the wedding has changed in the last couple of months. She went from super excited and cant wait to "i need to come into some money". I just kindly state, "dont we all". But she is comes from money. People are something else. I'm not going to get upset with anyone. It is what it is. I just wouldn't make this type of major commitment & not hold up to my end of the bargain.



  15. YUM!! I just read this to my fiance and he said, "mmmmm....banana....!" Was it all banana or a fruit filling?? 

    Originally Posted by IliaPSU View Post

    We had the top tier as banana (my favorite!), middle layer as chocolate, and bottom layer as marble (vanilla/chocolate).  I couldn't ever get the WC to give me a flavor list, but anything I asked for she was able to do.  I think I have also heard that they do strawberry and have different kinds of fruit fillings.



  16. Welcome back and CONGRATULATIONS!! It sounds like everything went beautifully! Really good news about the DJ! I was a little worried about them, so thanks for the feedback!

    Question for you...what kind of wedding cake did you have??  We want tres leches but found out they cant do it as a tier cake so now we have some flavors to choose. Does anyone have a wedding cake flavor list??

    Originally Posted by IliaPSU View Post

    It was pretty warm at night, not hot, but definitely not chilly.  I think it will probably be even warmer in May, so maybe pashminas aren't necessary?


    I brought my own lanterns because they told me that it is difficult for the resort to get them.  Because they fold flat, they were super easy to throw into my suitcase.  Just a note, they charge $100 per 20, so if you bring more than 20 - they will increase the price.  I brought 16 and it was plenty for the event terrace.





  17. OK...Rehearsal time- We JUST found out 2 weeks ago what time it would be...getting married in 1 day less than 1 month! There are 2 weddings the day before ours so for us, the time is at 7pm on Friday, the day before. We asked this question about 2 months in advance while we were starting to figure out our welcome letter....I wish I thought of it earlier as we are in a bit of a scramble getting everything printed! 

    We have someone we found on Etsy doing ALL of our stationary. (save the dates, invites, thank you's, welcome letter, check in card, itinerary, favor cards, luggage tags, menus, do not disturb signs, wedding party events letter.) She does everything custom...colors, design, wording, font, you name it! Here's the best part...EVERYTHING she is doing cost less than invites ALONE we found on wedding paper divas, papyrus, and other various sites. I LOVE her! Her name is Ginger and her website is www.serendipitybeyonddesign.com email:[email protected]

    So we had the same dilemma on how to let everyone know what was going on. They deliver OOT bags at turn down service. Our issue was that when people check in on Thursday, how will they know to meet us for cocktails at 9 that night if they are already out for the night when their bags are delivered with the welcome letter in there? We found out we can give them something small at check in. We made up "check in" cards, welcoming them and telling them to meet us that night.

     In their OOT bags will be a welcome letter and time line of events for the rest of the weekend. In the wedding part group's bags will be their special events time line page as well.

    We also found out that it's easier for the resort if they know who's bag is who's to deliver, so we made luggage tags for them.

    In the welcome letter, we told them to contact us in our room through the front desk if they need us, and if it's an emergency, call my Fi's cell. His works in Mexico, mine does not. We also told everyone to call their cell phone provider to make sure their phone works in Mexico in case they need it. We were thinking that we can make a master list of everyone's room once we're there and then slip a copy under everyone's door once they're checked in, but they can also reach anyone through the front desk, so not sure that's necessary. The wedding coordinator can get you everyone's room # once everyone is settled.

    Hope this helps!! :)


    This is the check in card, timeline, welcome letter and wedding party events page (changing an error on the guys timeline-3pm pre game ceremonies are on Sat not friday) ... (If anyone wants to see the other" stuff" we did, let me know and I can post it!)






    Welcome Letter.jpg

    Wedding Party Events.jpg


    Originally Posted by Jill Conner View Post

    Welcome drinks... that is a good idea too... 


    Do you guys have itineraries for your guests?  I haven't put much thought into this to be honest... but now I am starting to wonder how you communicate with everyone!  I'm assuming there will not be normal cell phone coverage!  


    How are all you ladies working out this communication piece?!  Now I'm wondering how we even figure out who is in what room, etc. 


    Also, none of the planners have mentioned a "rehearsal" to me... anyone doing one of these?  Or are these normal? 


    Apparently you all have become my wedding planners... I suppose Gloria will appreciate not getting bombarded with 400 emails from me with 1 question in each! ahah!





  18. We were going through the same dilemma! We originally considered ME by Melia, because it was more of a party scene, great food, great decor and it's right in the middle of the action in the Hotel Zone, which is super easy and normal to leave the resort and hop around to restaurants, bars, clubs, shopping etc. Once we saw both resorts (and many more) on our Wedding Venue Hunt, we fell in love with EPM even though it was pricier. We decided that we'd rather have less people, and more of what WE wanted for our wedding than try to cater too much to what everyone else wanted. It was a tough choice but we're so glad we went this way. It was pretty rowdy at EPM at the pool with a wedding group we saw there, and everyone is laid back and having fun...it's not a snooty resort. I KNOW our group is going to be rowdy, and they will for sure make their own party! 

    An idea for you...We're renting a mini bus and taking a day trip to Tulum. The original idea was to go out in Cancun for the night. When we took a vote, the Tulum trip won. If you're interested in an excursion of some kind, there are plenty of companies that offer personal tours...just google it. For ours, we found www.Cancunvans.com had the best price and could get all 16 of us in the same minibus!      

    Good luck!!     

    Originally Posted by danak71 View Post

    We're getting married March of next year. We haven't given our deposit yet as we're still checking out resorts. But I've had my mind set on EPM until I found out the resort is quieter than I originally thought. I'm now considering El Dorado Royale. There's a thread up here for that resort as well so I'll check it out. Thank you so much for your feedback!








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