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Everything posted by girling

  1. I am having a photographer / resort issues. I was told by the hotel their day pass for vendors is $90. I have booked a photographer outside from the hotel for our wedding photos. I just received an email from the resort photographer stating that NO outside photographers or videographers are allowed! Is there not a way around this?? Has anyone found a way around it?? What if my photographer is a 'guest' at our wedding who happens to be have awesome equipment...can they really say anything? Any suggestions or advice would be really helpful. Thank you so much in advance.
  2. I received the following information from Jazmin about having a Poolside Cocktail Party and I wanted to make sure that there are no additional costs than the $1,070 usd price I was originally quoted. "you can have a private pool party with a cost of 1´070usd per 40people maximun and 3 hours of special drinks (piñas coladas, margaritas, sparkling wine & beers) + special ilumination + sound equipment + speakers + microphone + lights and DJ- very nicely decorated" Any brides out there recently come back from their wedding who decided to go with the poolside cocktail party??
  3. Does anyone have the Wedding Package information for GBP Tulum? I have tried contacting them but haven't heard back and the info on their site seems very general. I would like to know what ALL of my options are before I book. Thanks in advance
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