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Posts posted by ElleGee

  1. Reception Photos. We held both the cocktail hour and the reception on the gazebo terrace. It was beautiful with the lanterns strung across. I brought with me pretty much every decoration you see (except the lanterns and flowers). If you have any questions, please feel free to PM me directly and I will be more than happy to help you out!
















  2. Well, our big day has come and gone . . sniffle, sniffle! Here are some photos of it all coming together!



    PLEASE NOTE: These are not are professional photos. Juan Navarro was are photographer (and there are a few sneak peek photos included here), but we have not received his photos yet!!


    This is one of my bridesmaids and I at the Bonfire the night before the wedding.



    Day of the Wedding, getting ready at the SMB Spa. I did a trial run with Blanca the night before (as seen in the picture to the right) and LOVED IT! Absolutely recommend her for both hair and makeup!  The fourth photo is the back of my hair wedding day. Very beachy!





    Pre- Wedding Mimosas on the balcony of our honeymoon suite. Happy bride-to-be! GORGEOUS BEACH!




    We are ready for the ceremony! The flowers were breathtaking!!






    For the Ceremony setup, Planner 1 Events built the white chuppah, with crystal backdrop, and a white wooden aisle. Mayan Flowers provided the floral arrangements of orchids, roses, and lisanthas. I brought the chair sashes and made the bling chair sash jewlery and attatched starfish (with earring hooks hot glued to them) hanging from the sash cuff. I made life size cut outs of our two dogs and surprised my groom by having them at the chuppah!  I had a program and a light up maraca at each guest's seat.
































  3. Originally Posted by LacieRitchie View Post


    Congrats on your upcoming nuptials! I am also getting married at SMB June13, 2013. I saw your save the dates and those are absolutely adorable! I was looking to recreate something just like it! You said SMB helped you with the photo, who do you have as a wedding coordinator? I was wanting to see if they might could help me also! Congrats again!

    Not sure if I responded to you or not! Cecilia was our wedding coordinator, however I contacted Adventure Photo directly and they helped me with the save the date photo! Its not us in it, lol!

  4. Originally Posted by Funkydoll View Post


    Question:  Dinner Menu


    For the Silver/Gold dinner menu, there are three different choices on each course.

    I'm just wondering if all the guests can select diff combination on the reception night? or

    Bride and Groom have to pre-select one from each course?

    Do you know if i can mix it with two main course (for example, 10 suft and turf and 10 chicken)?



    We arrived at the resort 4 days early, and pre arranged with Cecilia to try several menu items before making our decision. We had 45 guests, so I had the same concerns. However, after tasting the menu options (all were VERY good), we decided upon the stuffed chicken breast (it had shrimp inside). It was light, yet very flavorfull.  Cecilia gave us the option of two soups and two entrees if we chose, but we utlimately went with a sit down dinner and decided to just serve everyone the same. I didnt have any guests unhappy with the selections, and many complimented it as better than the resort restaturant food (although it is really the same).  I worried about printing menus also, but the resort did one for us, and it was simple and happily unexpected :)!

  5. Originally Posted by LacieRitchie View Post


    Absolutely beautiful Lola! I love love love your beach setup......How did you get the walkway like that? what kind is it? I guess I haven't seen that option available but it's perfect. Your pics are gorgeous...Can't wait to see more and hear your full review! :)

    THANK YOU! We actually upgraded our beach wedding setup to the white chuppah. It was presented to me through one of the documents Cecilia had sent, from Planner 1 Events. If you want, I can send you Gabi's information, she was my direct contact with Planner 1 Events. I LOVED it so much, and do not regret for a second the pricey upgrade :)!!!!!! Plus, the wooden walkway, made it that much easier to walk on.

  6. Originally Posted by CriCri View Post



    Lola , thank yuso much for your pictures that are gorgeous!!!

    I like very much the sashes with svarowski holder and also your weddin dress!!

    Did you use the spa for hair stile and make up?  And as regards the shoes ... barefoot or shoes?

    I hope to see your video and more pictures if you can


    Thank you!!!! We are still waiting on our video and pictures. . . I am SO ANXIOUS :)! I will definitely share with you though!


    I did use the spa for both hair and makeup (and a pedicure, cause mine got ruined quickly). I was VERY HAPPY with Blanca who did both my trial hair appointment, and my day of wedding hair and makeup. She was very easy to work with and seemed quite experienced. I highly recommend her :)!


    We did barefoot sandals for the ceremony, I made sure Juan got a photo of this too, LOL! And then we did flats for the reception. 


    To be continued . . .LOL!

  7. We did a interfaith symbolic ceremony! 



    We have gathered together in this place to witness and experience one of lifeâ€s most precious moments. Benjamin Washington and Laura Goldstein have invited us to share in the celebration of their love as they commit themselves to each other in marriage. Being assured of your love as life companions, and that you have your families†blessings, I now ask, “Who gives this woman to be married to this man?â€

    Dad: “Her mom and I do.â€

    This beautiful setting should remind us that, like the ocean, human life is an ebb and flow- the life of the spirit and emotions- moves in cycles. To be in a relationship does not guarantee an eternal summer. To make a sincere and honest commitment does not promise an end to all struggles. What a good relationship does offer, much like this ocean, is the opportunity for renewal. It recognizes the abiding, shared hope that after every fall and winter, spring and summer will come again.

    The fact that each of you has travelled such a great distance to be here today is a testament to the amazing amount of love and support they have. Many of you have given them much happiness, warmth, and guidance through the various stages of their lives. They would like to sincerely thank you all for being here to celebrate their big day. A very special and respectful acknowledgement must also be made to celebrate our loved ones who have passed on, and who are unable to be here today, yet their spirit remains very much so alive and strong in our hearts. PAUSE.

    Every marriage ceremony is unique, and today, not only are two special people being joined together, but two faiths, as well. From  two different and distinct traditions, they have come together to learn the best of what each has to offer, appreciating their difference, and confirming that being together is far better than being apart from each other. May your life together be a witness to others that people can live together in peace in spite of differences? Your marriage then becomes a sign, a very precious sign, that nothing is stronger than love. The Bible says, “Love bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, endures all things. Love never fails. So faith, hope, and love abide, these three; but the greatest of these is love.â€

    Chuppah Explanation

    We are surrounded by a beautiful chuppah. The chuppah represents the home. Its four poles symbolize the four pillars upon which a strong marriage is built: family, friendship, love and respect. A shelter that is open on all sides we see an invitation and a sign of welcome to those we love. The chuppah's delicate structure reminds those beneath it, that the only thing real about a home is the people in it, who love and who choose to be together as a family.


    Ben and Laura have chosen a reading from the Book of Ruth    1: 16-18

    Wherever you go, I will go.
    Wherever you live, I will live.
    Your people will be my people.
    Your God will be my God too.
    Wherever you die I will die.
    And there I shall be buried beside you.
    We shall be together forever.
    And our love will be the gift of our life

    Ben and Laura, would you please face each other and join your hands.

    Ben, as I say these words, would you please repeat after me…

    I love you, Laura. You are my best friend. Today I give myself to you in marriage. I promise to encourage and inspire you, to laugh with you, and to comfort you in times of sorrow and struggle.

    I promise to love you in good times and in bad, when life seems easy and when it seems hard, when our love is simple, and when it is an effort. I promise to cherish you, and to always hold you in highest regard. These things I give to you today, and all the days of our life. I am forever yours……faithfully.

    Laura, as I say these words, would you please repeat after me…

    I love you, Ben; you too are my best friend. Today I give myself to you in marriage. I promise to encourage and inspire you, to laugh with you, and to comfort you in times of sorrow and struggle. I promise to love you in good times and in bad, when life seems easy and when it seems hard, when our love is simple, and when it is an effort. I promise to cherish you, and to always hold you in highest regard. These things I give to you today, and all the days of our life. I am forever yours……faithfully.

    The Rings

    “May I have the ringsâ€

    Laura & Ben, your rings are intimately associated with your intent to honor and treasure the vows you have made today. By exchanging rings, resolve to live your vows and not to let them drift in shallow promises. Believe and trust that the words you have spoken have the capacity to create the marriage, family and life of your dreams, and that the rings you exchange will have the power to return you to your vows.

    These rings mark the beginning of a long journey together, wear them proudly, as they are symbols which speak of love that you have for each other….

    Ben as you place this ring on Lauraâ€s finger please repeat after me…

    Laura, I give you this ring, as a sign of our marriage, and a lasting reminder, of the vows made between us today. I give you this ring, as a reminder that I will love, honor, and cherish you, in all times, in all places, and in all ways, forever.

    Laura, if you accept please say I do…

    Laura as you place this ring on Benâ€s finger please repeat after me…

    Ben, I give you this ring, as a sign of our marriage, and a lasting reminder, of the vows made between us today. I give you this ring, as a reminder that I will love, honor, and cherish you, in all times, in all places, and in all ways, forever.

    Ben, if you accept please say I do…

    ADDRESSING THE AUDIENCE: Family and friends, are you willing to sustain the strength of this marriage by giving Laura & Ben the public commitment of your love and support, through all of the ups and downs they will encounter on their journey. If you are willing, please respond now by saying, “we areâ€.


    Laura & Ben, before the two of you met, your lives were on separate roads, each going in different directions and seemingly leading to different destinations. But, somewhere along the way, through some twist of fate, you did meet, and you fell in love. Today, you find yourselves standing here together at the threshold of a new path, as you promise to forever join your once separate lives into one.

    To symbolize this union and the importance of the individuals within the marriage, two separate colors of sand will be combined. Each one holds its own unique beauty, strength, and character. They can stand on their own and be whole. However, when these two are blended together, they create an entirely new and extraordinary more intricate entity. Each grain of sand brings to the mixture a lasting beauty that forever enriches the combination. Please pour the sand into this common container to symbolize the union of your two lives.

    The couple has chosen Harry Hotimsky, the uncle to the bride, to join us and recite the Traditional Seven Blessings.

    The Seven Blessings ~
    "Seven is the most frequently used number in the Bible. It took seven days to
    form the earth, leaving the number seven to mark for us the path to creation.
    Since every marriage is celebrated as a new creation, It is customary in Jewish
    tradition that the bride and groom are bestowed with seven blessings. These
    blessings represent Ben and Lauraâ€s hopes for the future.

    Blessings are given over wine

    1. Baruch Ata Adonai, Elohainu Melech HaOlam, SheHakol Borah Lichvodo.

    Blessed are You, G-d, our L-rd, King of the universe, Who has created everything for His glory.


    2. Baruch Ata Adonai, Elohainu Melech HaOlam, Yotzer Ha'Adam

    Blessed are You, G-d, our L-rd, King of the universe, Who fashioned the Man.


    3. Baruch Ata Adonai, Elohainu Melech HaOlam, Asher Yatzar Et Ha'Adam Betzalmo, b'Tzelem Dmut Tavnito, VeHitkon Lo Mimenu Binyan Adei Ad. Baruch Ata Adonai Yotzer Ha'Adam

    Blessed are You, G-d, our L-rd, King of the universe, Who fashioned the Man in His image, in the image of his likeness and prepared for him from himself a building for eternity. Blessed are You G-d, Who fashioned the man.


    4. Sos Tasis VeTagel HaAkarah, BeKibbutz Bane'ha Letocha BeSimchaa. Baruch Ata Adonai, Mesame'ach Tzion BeVaneha

    Bring intense joy and exultation to the barren one through the ingathering of her children amidst her in gladness. Blessed are You, G-d, Who gladdens Zion with her children.


    5. Sameach TeSamach Re'im Ahuvim, KeSamechacha Yetzircha BeGan Eden MiKedem. Baruch Ata Adonai, MeSame'ach Chatan VeKalah

    Gladden the beloved companions as You gladdened Your creatons in the garden of Eden from the earliest time. Blessed are You, G-d, Who gladdens groom and bride.


    6. Baruch Ata Adonai, Elohainu Melech HaOlam, Asher Barah Sasson VeSimcha, Chatan VeKalah, Gila Rina, Ditza VeChedva, Ahava VeAchava, VeShalom VeRe'ut. MeHera Adonai Eloheinu Yishama BeArei Yehudah U'Vchutzot Yerushalayim, Kol Sasson V'eKol Simcha, Kol Chatan V'eKol Kalah, Kol Mitzhalot Chatanim MeChupatam, U'Nearim Mimishte Neginatam. Baruch Ata Adonai, MeSame'ach Chatan Im Hakalah.

    Blessed are You, G-d, our L-rd, King of the universe, Who created joy and gladness, groom and bride, mirth, glad song, pleasure, delight, love, brotherhood, peace, and companionship. G-d, our L-rd, let there soon be heard in the cities of Judah and the streets of Jerusalem the sound of joy and the sound of gladness, the voice of the groom and the voice of the bride, the sound of the grooms' joy from their canopies and of the youths from their song-filled feasts. Blessed are You G-d Who gladdens the groom with the bride.

    7. Baruch Ata Adonai, Elohainu Melech HaOlam, Boreh Pri HaGafen.

    Blessed are You, G-d, our L-rd, the King of the universe, creator of the fruit of the vine.


    As you have shared this cup of wine, so may you, under God's guidance share
    contentment, peace and fulfillment from the cup of life. May you find life's
    joys heightened, its bitterness sweetened, and each of its moments hallowed by
    true companionship and love.â€

    In this Let us bow our heads in prayer for a moment.

    ADDRESS THE AUDIENCE: “Please join us in reciting The Lordâ€s Prayer

    ~ Breaking of the Glass and Pronouncement ~

    "The traditional breaking of the glass which marks the end of the ceremony, is a
    reminder of both the strength and the fragility of the spiritual bond that is
    marriage. It is a reminder to appreciate all that we have now, to embrace
    change, and to always hold the important things in life above all else. Samantha
    and Martin may your marriage last longer than it would take for all the broken
    pieces to reassemble themselves, and may all of your troubles be as easily
    shattered. As the glass is broken, I invite everyone to shout "Mazal Tov," which
    means "congratulations and good luck."

    Glass wrapped in cloth, is placed on the floor

    The Bible says, "Love bears all things,
    believes all things, hopes all things, endures all things.
    Love never fails. So faith, hope, and love abide, these three;
    but remember that the greatest of these is love."
    May God bless you and keep you in this wisdom
    for all the days of your togetherness.
    You are now as your hearts have always known you to be, Husband and Wife.
    You may kiss your beautiful Bride!"

    Groom steps on glass breaking it., couple kiss everyone claps,

    EVERYONE: "Mazel Tov!"

  8. Originally Posted by BridetobeABCD View Post


    I am having a hard time figuring out how to bring everything down too ... hmmmm

    We just were married in Riviera Maya...and I brought ALOT of stuff. What I did was first divide the stuff among 6 different bags and suitcases, using a luggage scale and receipts to organize appropriately and ensure not over the 50lb bag weight limit.  Then inventoried each bag and made a folder that indicated exact contents and the receipts, because each person can not exceed a $300 per person (or couple if married with same last name) maximum without having to pay taxes.  


    I gave a bag to 6 different people in our wedding party to bring down. I planned to give each of them the $40 extra bag fee (the first one is free on United to Mexico), but as it turned out they were all able to work it out and bring them as their free bag.  


    It was VERY STRESSFUL getting it organized, I  had to redo my inventory lists several times. But I made sure to make a template that listed the person's name carrying the items. The receipt with the cost. And I put our wedding logo and information on the top, with "ITEMS NOT FOR RESALE" so that there was not a question about anything.


    Turns out the only thing they really questioned was our little silver frames we were using for escort cards. They did not take them, nor tax them, but apparently had quite an interest in them. My maracas and starfish made it in effortlessly, which is what I was most worried about.


    PM me if i you have more specific questions!

  9. Hi everyone!!! We got back Sunday, but things have been so crazy since then. I do plan to write a full on review, but I am waiting for the video and photos to come in to give a full and accurate review. 


    HOWEVER, I did want to go ahead and tell you ladies that we had the most amazing, breathtaking, effortless event. It was even more beautiful that I had even imagined. Cecilia did an over the top job of executing my vision. I did bring a TON of stuff, and stressed out HEAVILY about it, but at the end of the day, all that stress was WELL WORTH IT!!!!


    I do  highly encouarge to use the Preferred Club as a bride. I was in the Preferred Lounge everyday working on last minute details. But please be assured, upcoming SMB brides, you will have a magical day, guaranteed!

  10. Originally Posted by wallabymeisje View Post


    wow I love your details and your stamp what esty seller did you get them from ?

    I used an ETSY seller: Rebekah from http://www.etsy.com/people/WeddingMonograms. I highly recommend her. She worked with me til I was completely satisfied with the product.I have used the pdf and jpg monogram on EVERYTHING to really keep everything in the same theme!  I used vistaprint to print tons of stickers with it too :0)

  11. Originally Posted by brideRN View Post


    Hi ladies! Our wedding is coming up - October 20!!!! Just a few questions..


    CONGRATS, your date is ALMOST HERE!!!!


    -for those doing the ceremony on the beach - what setup are you using? any special decorations?


    we are doing a white acrylic four poster covering rather than the standard chuppah, white a white wooden aisle (my mom is handicapped and needs it to walk down)


    -are you making a seating chart for your guests? we have around 35 people. How many people per table are you doing?

    I am planning to do a seating chart, we are having close to 50 guests. I am thinking 8 per table!


    -are you planning on printing copies of your menu to take to place at the tables?

    This is one thing I decided against doing. Due to the amount of people, it is a buffet style, and the selections will be indicated as they serve themselves.


    -what kind of things are you putting in the OOT bags? where are you buying them?

    This was my favorite part. please feel free to email me privately any further questions about where I got what, or for a photo. [email protected]


    logo printed bags, logo printed white mugs (with tops to keep the sand and bugs out), logo printed black koozies, starfish bottle openers (I read about some people not having a way to open the Coronas from their mini bar in their fridge), white hard case boxes (for money, room key, and phone), mini first aid kits, hand sanitizer w/ holders, chapsticks, tums, advil, emergen-c, alka seltzer, altoids, a personalized word find and puzzle I made on rack cards from Vistaprint, a personalized "do not disturb" door hanger I made on rack cards from Vistaprint, a Welcome letter and itinerary also made on rack cards from vistaprint


    I still am looking for both insect repellent (hopefully wipes) and sunscreen (spf 50 and above) for the bags, if anyone has any suggestions please :)


    -we are looking to buy maracas to put on the tables - any ideas on affordable options??

    my colors are a little unique and untraditional for a beach wedding (persian plum, silver, grey, and ivory). SO, as much as I loved the ones I see from amols that everyone else used, I didnt want the colors to interrupt our theme. I found someone to make them each personalized with our colors, but it was ridiculous expensive for something that may be thrown away. I finally found (after requesting samples from MANY websites) black and white plastic maracas, and they LIGHT UP in the dark (battery operated). They are border line cheesy, but they stayed within our color theme, were much less expensive, my fiance LOVED them, and I think they will look really cool once the sun sets during our reception.


    Thanks!!! : )

  12. Originally Posted by KCDawn View Post


    One week to go!!  Wow!  I'm trying to pull everything together so I'm sure I"ll have a few questions for you girls.


    First one - Did you take a cake cutting/serving set with you?  I wasn't going to, but I want to know what they'll give you if you don't bring your own.



    That is something we are not planning to bring either. I am assuming they just provide you with whatever they typically use on site!!

  13. Hi ladies!! My wedding is just under two months out, and I am just learning about the rules in regards to bringing STARFISH into Mexico. We are flying into the Cancun airport and I have made my own napkin rings and escort cards with the white 3'  finger starfish. Can someone please give me some advice on their experience on bringing these items into Mexico.  


    I had read if they are replicas, it is not as big of a deal . . .SADLY, I dont even know if mine are replicas or real. I am pretty sure they are not real though.I attatched a photo also. PLEASE HELP!! THANK YOU!700

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