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Everything posted by Jeanious

  1. awesome post. thanks so much for this!
  2. Thanks Carly. That's a good point! I'll have to get some parasols for the guests.
  3. Hi all, I just signed up on this forum, and it's crazy the amount of information available at your finger tips. I've never joined a forum before but I'm really looking forward to this whole experience. I wanted to ask any previous Majestic Elegance brides if they had any advice. In particular, I hear it's really hot in July and that it's better to have a wedding the 1st two weeks rather than the last two as it tends to rain then. I'm planning to marry in the week of July 1st and the only slot left is at 3pm. I'm concerned it'll be too hot. What are your thoughts? Let me know too if there's anyone else getting married the first week of July 2012. I'd love to share some ideas/info. cheers!
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