I got through customs with a green light! Such a relief! All the worry for nothing, We had a total of 9 suitcases (2 for me, 2 for hubby, 1 for stepson & 4 with wedding decor/favors)...as well as our carry-on's, 2 suits & 1 bridal gown. We were the Clampett's! LOL I put an itemized list in each of my 4 wedding suitcase along with receipts. I made sure each suitcase was of $300 value or less. We split the wedding suitcases up between me, my hubby, my stepson & my girfriend who was travelling with us. Again, no issues - all my fuss for nothing, although it's a 50/50 shot. Red or Green. Luckily I was prepared just the same. I would have hated to have issues! Here is what my list looked like. Hope this helps. SUITCASES.xlsx