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Everything posted by CourtandMatt

  1. Happy Mayyyy ladies!!! At the airport. On my way to Jamaica!!!!
  2. I know!!! The first May brides!!! Yayy!
  3. I know! So many last minute details! I have guests leaving this weekend so it feels even more real!
  4. Where did you buy yours from? I have always wanted to try hair extensions, but have no clue as to where I can buy hair extensions.
  5. Next week our May weddings begin!! How exciting!!
  6. I am soooo sorry this happened to you! I hope you post reviews on all the sites so that future brides can rethink their choice in that bridal salon! It sounds like you have time to either (1) let the dress out or (2) get to your dream size. Either way you are going to look amazing on your day! I can't wait to see the dress on you when you are ready to show us!
  7. Thanks for sharing. I am super annoyed because I have guests leaving next week, but I have not received my estimate or a confirmation that we can have the welcome or rehearsal dinners. I need to let people know where to meet us before they leave (we are giving out our welcome bags at these dinners) so I am getting a bit nervous. Hopefully I hear soon.
  8. This is so helpful. I have a shellac appointment the Tuesday before my Saturday wedding and totally have forgotten to think about color. Anyone have thoughts on either an all white color or red? I am so not good with nail colors.
  9. Hi! Firstly, that's awesome that you are in my area (almost)! I love Annapolis! Secondly, I have yet to receive my estimate or a confirmation of my welcome dinners. It is so frustrating! There are girls getting married after me who have already received their estimates. Hopefully I will hear soon. You have at least gotten your final details sheet, right? If not, make sure to contact them ASAP.
  10. LOVVEEEEE THIS!! I am now wondering if I should put more in their bags. I got them bikinis (Fig Leaves), flip flops (Havaianas - they're the BEST), necklaces (Etsy), and bags (Vistaprint). Maybe I will pick them up magazines in the airport or lotion at Bath & Body Works. BTW, I LOVE the robes. I really wanted to do robes until one of my bridesmaids happened to get me and my maid of honor robes for the holidays. I quickly had to change my plan and went with bikinis instead.
  11. Just had mine this past weekend as well! Still recovering! Thank goodness I took off of work today. I slept 11 hours last night and I am still exhausted! Yay to the last single partying we'll ever do!!
  12. Just had mine this past weekend as well! Still recovering! Thank goodness I took off of work today. I slept 11 hours last night and I am still exhausted! Yay to the last single partying we'll ever do!!
  13. Yay to bachelorette parties! I am headed to NYC next weekend! Super excited!
  14. We wanted to do something a little different since the beach bags we wanted were going to add up to too much. Instead, we did a sand pail (less than $1 a pail) that will have a personalized wedding sticker on the outside and then we will be filling the pail with beach snacks (I am still not sold on these bc we are at an all inclusive but if someone gets the munchies for American snacks they will be happy), sunglasses, a wedding brochure, sunscreen, and aloe. I put all the goodies on my planning thread. They probably wont be bringing any of this home, but we hope that they will feel loved. We are also doing one pail per room and filling up the pails with more goodies for those rooms that have 2+ persons. YAY!! Let us know how it goes!!
  15. Thank you so much, Evelyn, for your nice words! And, yes, we have interacted! In fact, your dress is still one of my all time favorites! I love Honeyfund and people are really starting to catch on (a few of our friends have even started their own Honeyfund). I highly recommend it! Happy planning! Our weddings are so soon!
  16. The fans are really good quality. I was shocked how nice they were and you could totally make them even better by adding ribbon to them or whatever else you wish to add.
  17. You probably do because everything came quickly - at the most 1 1/2 weeks after I ordered them and then I just super glued the post card to the fan. Another easy option, I was in Party City (not sure if they have one in Canada - but really any party store probably has these) and I found program paper that you can buy and then you just print your own. Super easy and cheap! However, I also don't think programs are necessary. I think we all get what is going on. Plus, people will have been all together for at least a day or maybe more and they will probably already know who is doing what.
  18. Our programs are finished! Raffia fans from Oriental Trading Company and postcards from Vistaprint. I super glued the postcards to the fan.
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