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Everything posted by LuluC

  1. Hey Brides! I'm getting married July 30th at GP Lady Hamilton and sad to say my Finace's family have been trouble since day one. One piece of advise is that do NOT under any circumstance lower your standards/change your plans for a bunch of whiners. Close family and friends should support your dreams especially regarding the biggest day of your lives. We have carried on with our plans, and when the whiner and complainers see you are not paying them any attention they will book and show up at your wedding. I'm only a month away and still have people booking. (The same complainers and the lovely Fiance's mother who started a WWIII lol) What I have learned from this whole experience is some relatives/friends are very difficult people to begin with and are looking for reasons to complain and ruin people's moods. KEEP SMILING... Don't let anyone dim your light or squash your wedding dreams.
  2. Hi Mel, you have 10 more days!!! I booked the waves of love because its the cheapest yet nicest one... however Im trying to change the theme color to purple. I don't like white or blue! The tropical one is beautiful, but its 4000$!!!! What have you chosen for the dinner menu? I really want the Beach BBQ party but they wont hold it for less than 50 ppl.
  3. Hi Mel, you have 10 more days!!! I booked the waves of love because its the cheapest yet nicest one... however Im trying to change the theme color to purple. I don't like white or blue! The tropical one is beautiful, but its 4000$!!!! What have you chosen for the dinner menu? I really want the Beach BBQ party but they wont hold it for less than 50 ppl.
  4. Hi Mel, you have 10 more days!!! I booked the waves of love because its the cheapest yet nicest one... however Im trying to change the theme color to purple. I don't like white or blue! The tropical one is beautiful, but its 4000$!!!! What have you chosen for the dinner menu? I really want the Beach BBQ party but they wont hold it for less than 50 ppl.
  5. Hi Mel, you have 10 more days!!! I booked the waves of love because its the cheapest yet nicest one... however Im trying to change the theme color to purple. I don't like white or blue! The tropical one is beautiful, but its 4000$!!!! What have you chosen for the dinner menu? I really want the Beach BBQ party but they wont hold it for less than 50 ppl.
  6. hey! So Am I, July 30th...when are you getting married and what package have you booked? Im so confused
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