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  1. Trace - the Mexican restaurant is actually closer to the front check-in. The ones closest to the beach are the steakhouse, and the tropical restaurant. My fi and I visited the resort for an afternoon last August when we were scouting out resorts, the resort is basically split into two sides with all the restaurants, buffets, pools and other stuff located in the middle, as I'm sure you've seen on the website. I'm not sure if you can change the food from one restaurant to another, I don't think you can because I think we tried to do that as well, but it can't hurt to try? We ordered maracas as well, but I'm putting them on the chairs during the ceremony for them to shake after we are married... probably rose petals as well for the people in the inside aisle to throw!
  2. Wow I can't believe I haven't been on this forum since January! So my wedding is coming up in less than 3 months - 11/10/12 at Iberostart Quetzal. All but 10 of our 55 guests have made their final payments! We are working with WC Antonieta - who we initially worked with last year when we first booked, then she left for a few months, and now is back? We were initially going to have our rehearsal dinner at restaurant in downtown Playa called Fusion (great food, but would not recommend a party - they kept changing the prices!) Now we are having a private rehearsal dinner at the tropical restaurant the night before and then the wedding reception dinner at the Mexican restaurant (private as well), and then we also rented out the discotech to do first dances and whatnot... We ended up going with the Adventure Photo people for photography (the price went up to $500 for outside vendors!). I've seen some pics from them and I think they are really good! http://ibqmakenziejohn.adventurephotosmx.com http://16-12-2011raniajeffrey.ibquetzaltucan.adventurephotos.com.mx http://danaandjhon.ibquetzaltucan.adventurephotos.com.mx http://ibqdenniseandcarlo1.adventurephotosmx.com Based on what Antonieta has told me we will choose our cake, flowers, and go over other details the first day we get there. I'm still not sure how the food selection is going to go because I don't know if we need to get that information from the guests before we get there? Whew! I guess I had a lot to catch you all up on! Oh last thing is OOT bags, is anyone doing them and what all are you putting in them? So far, we have custom grocery totes made, that have a palm tree, playa del carmen and the wedding date, custom 32 oz cups, a CD of music, welcome note, sunscreen and chapstick, and maybe some mexican candy? Any thoughts or advice is appreciated!
  3. Hi! I'm getting married at Quetzal on November 10, 2012... do you have pictures from your wedding? And do you have any advice? Sorry such a broad question, but I really would love to hear anything!
  4. Getting married in November 2012! If anyone has gotten married there, I would love some advice/information!
  5. Hi KelBram! We are booked to have our wedding 11/10/12 so just a month before you! I am new to this site, and so far I've deduced what you have...that all the planning really only happens a few months before! We will have around 50-60 people also... if I find out any information I'll be sure to pass it along! Anna
  6. Just signed up, my wedding is in November 2012! Does anyone have any first-hand experience with weddings at Iberostart Quetzal/Tucan? Thanks!
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