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About Flamingo912

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  1. Yayy!!! The new year is here and I'm finally digging my heels in and planning our wedding! We've already got the Flamingo booked for early September but I'm freaking out about photography, flowers, hair, and makeup. I'm somewhat of a control freak so not having met or seen their work in person makes me almost nauseas. Lets start with photography. My fiance' is not what you would call patient. He also gets awkward about taking lovey dovey pictures. BUT its Vegas and I HAVE to take advantage of the surroundings and get in some great pictures. So I was wondering if anyone had any advice or any tips on who I could get to do the photography for a couple hours. Maybe 1 or 2 hours before the ceremony and then 1-2 after the wedding. I havent decided if we want to go with the photographer from the Flamingo for the ceremony or pay the extra to have an outside vendor take the ceremony photos. I would like to stay under $500 for the photography and need to have the images either emailed or on a CD ASAP to get enlargments to use at our reception the week after we get home. or should I just stick with the photographers from the Flamingo? Are they any good? Adivce? Flowers Again, pay the extra to use the Flamingo's or is there a better alternative florist with good prices in the area? Hair and Makeup This is a huge concern of mine because my hair is long, thick, and there is alot of it.. I have horrible luck with wedding updo's. My hair had completely fallen out by the reception at my brother's wedding and my best friends wedding last September I was surrounded by a gaggle of bridesmaids taking the pins out of my hair and redo-ing it as soon as we got to the church from the hairdressers. The bride was even freaked out. I literally looked like I belonged on Little house on the Prairie. I want an elegant look, nothing prom-ish and since my hair is such a pain this is probably what I'm most worried about. I mean, who cares if you have a great photographer when you don't like how you look. Also, there are 7 bridesmaids so we'll probably need a couple to get everyone including both of our mother's taken care of. I dont mind paying a little extra to get my hair done just perfect but I would like to find hairstylists for a reasonable price for the others. Anyway, sorry for rambling on. Any advice would be SOOOO appreciated!
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