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Everything posted by annichou

  1. any comments on using mywedding.com ?
  2. thank you ladies for reminding me to do this ! I have familly members coming from all out of the country so they might find it extremely useful!
  3. How much is it to reserve/book a wedding date spot? And is the "spot" they offer us is for the ceremony?
  4. @AnaS: Congratulations! And thank you very much for all the useful infos!
  5. Hi ladies! OCT definitely attracted our attention, but your forum got me hooked on that hotel! We got in touch with Ana (Wed-Co), sending her the wedding form partially filled up, but we've been anxiously waiting for a week now to hear if our specific date is available!! I realize that they are extremely busy but is it normal? Do you know if they do morning ceremony over there? That is really what we want to do. TIP: With these websites, i figured sunset and sunrise times at that time of year: http://www.cancunmap.com/weather/cancun-sunset.html and http://www.timeanddate.com/worldclock/astronomy.html?n=923. OUR PLAN: *The date: December 3rd 2012 ! Which will be our 12th year anniversary together, so it is the only non-negociable detail. *The group: 30-ish people in all. (25% under 40 y.o., no kids) *The theme: something blue something floral *What we have in mind (so far, which might change in a bit): - Having a casual civil ceremony on a rooftop terrace in the morning, then proceding to a reserved area at one of the restaurants for breakfast. - Everyone can relax during the day. Good time for a couple's spa perhaps, and photoshoots? - Then in end afternoon, we will have the elegantly dressed-up cocktail hour followed by the reception diner at a lobby terrace or at the creperie. Now of course i expect that the plan might change for multiple reasons... Have a great day! Annie *
  6. Hi, the west coast is the unstable part of Mexico. Riviera Maya is ok. Of course one should always be street smart and respectful of locals when in a foreign country.
  7. @winniethepiglet: i'm curious as to know why you chose not to have your reception at the hotel? And also, how was the nightlife in general at the hotel? (ex. were there live bands performing? was the disco good? was there a good ambience in the lobby at night?...) Thanks and congrats for your wedding! *
  8. Congratulations on your wedding! Sounds like it was great fun in all. I was just curious to know why you didn't have the reception and party at the hotel itself? Thanks
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