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Everything posted by k032379

  1. Excited & sad all at the same time. My ring is being custom made & though I told the Jeweler that I didn't care if I didn't receive it until October just before the wedding, I'm on pins & needles and super anxious for it to be in my hands. Now I feel bad, constantly going in to check the progress weekly. I don't want to rush him now, we've waited this long. We syllable have to wait on my Fi's & my band. K
  2. Yay!!!! Congrats LauraR597. I'm so excited for you. As records show, N will show up somewhere. It's just sad that she puts everyone in worry mode. K
  3. Well congrats.... Your day is right around the corner and I'm wishing you all the best & a life long time off happiness :0) We will all make it through. K
  4. Congrats!!! I am so happy for you. That seems to be the ending results for all brides, as much as we stress. What room did you stay in?
  5. Funny im thinking my MOH may pull that same stunt because her entire demeanor about the wedding has changed in the last couple of months. She went from super excited and cant wait to "i need to come into some money". I just kindly state, "dont we all". But she is comes from money. People are something else. I'm not going to get upset with anyone. It is what it is. I just wouldn't make this type of major commitment & not hold up to my end of the bargain.
  6. I know exactly what u are talking about. I wanted small and intimate so I only invited 18 people that I just knew would show up and knowing financially could make the trip. I requested RSVPs by May 1 and sent actual invites out in January. Really only people who weren't invited seem to be making the most effort at this point. So your right Sharon.......I'm like whatever right now. I truly only care about the two of us. He actually wanted it like that but I thought it would be nice to have at least one couple to share the moment with us but then it was like we can't not invite parents but I'm over it all. There are are too many other things in life going on to stress about this. I want everything to go well but it will all work out however it works out. K
  7. opppps, these phones. They just do what they want to. That was actually meant for maroon.
  8. Woooooow Allie Had I been aware I would have drove all the way there for that sale. I went to elementary & middle school there. Great deal. Cobgrats! K
  9. Thank you so much. That was great information to share. I questioned the chairs also. K
  10. Hi Lynn I only caught the end. Do you mind sharing a little of what you found out that may hasn't been discussed on here? Thanks in advance K
  11. Unfortunately not. When I logged on, it made you download some meeting assistant. By the time it was done downloading, I logged in and it was ending, so I got nothing. That sucked. I wanted to hear what N had to say.
  12. The Excellence Webinar with Nayeli starts in about 30 mins. I'll listen for answers to some of these questions. K
  13. Thanks lciz. I figured as much about the EC but I wanted to hear of 1st hand from a bride who has experienced it. Plus I started to realize that even some EC rooms are not in beach view. And we were only staying EC for 6 days so we didn't get the free wedding. We were paying fill price for our wedding pckg anyway. I really appreciate all of your help. You were a beautiful bride. Your makeup was also awesome. I'm a big makeup fan. Thx K
  14. Jass7 I am thinking that by the time we come up peak season will be over for weddings & vacations so things should get better. I didn't really see many other brides going thru this a while back. I promised myself that I wouldn't get stressed over this. :eek:
  15. I'm already kind of over it all already. I guess whenever she gets back to me. I emailed her last week & haven't heard from her yet either. Tho I'm not in a major rush. I see how current brides truly need the most attention, I tried to lay low until it got closer to my time but by the sounds of it I need to get this portion on the road. I'm really interested in if EC is truly worth it because I'm now trying to not give them as much money as I initially planned. With this sort of service, I question my initial plans. I was going for a very small intimate wedding and thought is still go with the silver package but again I question my original selections. I understand its another country but come on.....
  16. Ladies, not sure if this will help but I just looked at Excellence Resorts official Facebook page and noticed all questions and commentator being answered and addressed. I wonder of going on FB with questions or informing about not hearing from N & how many outraged brides are on this site will help us. If done in a tactful manner.
  17. Lciz, These pics are very nice. In your honest opinion, do you believe the upgrade to Excellence Club was worth it? Thank you for all of your greatly appreciated advice. K :0)
  18. The dress looks perfect on you SmuG & your bouquet is beautiful.
  19. I too had a hard time with this but my fi & I are having a civil ceremony. We wanted our 1st "i do" to be the one & only true time we say, "i do". I chatted with other bdw brides who had a civil ceremony & other than the extra cost, it wasn't bad at all.
  20. Here is the webinar info. I just quoted and reposted it from Tammy the owner's original. Hope this helps ladies.
  21. Attention Ladies Nayeli "N" will be on the webinar for EPM on the 14th to answer all questions for EPM brides so i wonder what she will have to say. All questions you have can be answered during then internet conference. I signed up weeks ago. So this may help some of us. K
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