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About justineheart

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  1. So I stopped by the dollar store today to get all my “ingredients†for my DIY weekend (yay for first diy projects), when I saw TOTE BAGS FOR ONE DOLLAR! I am no where near ready to make OOT bags, but I thought for a dollar, I can do this. So any brides from the Alberta area dollar-rama has TOTE BAGS FOR ONE DOLLAR! They only had 10 at my store but I called my friend who works in a city near by (I’m in sylvan lake, she is in Red Deer) and she went on her lunch and picked up 10 more! So I’m set now! YAY YAY YAY! 20 tote bags for 20 dollars, don’t mind if I do. So now just to start them in 6 months time. I feel very prepared…right now *note to self do not leave every thing till the last minute*
  2. thank you! hahaha ill try the beer! i got him to sew hair extensions this week with capital morgans help but beer sounds way cheaper! ha my mom and sister are amazing at arts and crafts ( i missed that gene) so i will get them to help! t we start doing save the dates next month and i cant wait! thank you again for all your diy info its priceless!
  3. with my FI being in school i have till April 2014 till we get married, so i have a TON of time to find and plan and so i was not going to do a wedding planner, im also lucky enough to know two people who have lived in costa rica. but as i get closer and closer and do more and more research there are things that scare me that i think i may need a wedding planner. BUT if you ask some of the ladies on here they may be able to help you i no amanda+dave ( i believe thats her username any ways) were married in manual antonio. i dont no how far away quepos is but if its close enough you may be able to use who ever they used. i believe there are different packages you can do with wedding planners, just shoot them an email and ask and say you dont need a lot of help, more of just some guidance in the right direction?! and i would love the share with you what i have so far... i've only been in touch with one company, but they got back to me within 24 hours (escape villas) my questions where 1) are there other villa's within walking distance to it. 2) do you have an all inclusive plan or some thing similar to it and the cost 3) is it close to a beach to hold the wedding ceremony or is it possible to do it at all villa. Thank you. There response was: It is too far in advance for me to quote you a rate at this time but it will most likely be around $12,800 a week. There are another 7 options in the same neighborhood, all within 3 blocks. We can also offer you a full services package additional to the rental fee to make your vacation “all inclusive†and care free. The package would include round trip transfers from the San Jose airport, the rental of SUVs (customer pays insurance), chef services for 2 meals a day, and food and beverages (local brands only, no lobster, no shrimp). The cost of the package depends on the amount of guests staying at the house and if there are any children below the age of 12. Again the rates would not be available this early on. You can have the ceremony on the beach or at the house. Casa de las Brisas has a maximum event occupancy of 45 people, we do have other options for wedding with higher event occupancies. i asked him another question (i ask millions and it probably annoys people but o well) As far as payment of the villa is it possible to get my quests to pay separate? as well Do you offer the service of a wedding planner and if not do you have any recommendations - this is some thing that is important to me, as some guests we are paying for (my sister) but we dont want to be responsible to put the up front costs of the villa, than have people pay us that sounds like a nightmare to me. The concierge can help you arrange for all of the services for a wedding but cannot coordinate the event for you. If you will need coordination services we can recommend a couple of local American wedding coordinators. One is Erin Little of Oasis Weddings and the other is Karen of Tropical Occasions. We can break up payments between 4 separate people for one home, maybe a few more, but not between 60 people. As far as having the ceremony on the beach or in a jungle setting I do suggest speaking with a coordinator about this as they would have more details on what can or cannot be done. that is the information i go! hope some of this helps, also the email was with Fernando Ray [email protected]
  4. i made my FI sit down last night and look at some of the things i loved that you did your yourself, i dont think he was nearly as excited as i was! did your FI get really involved? if he did do you have any tips for me haha also this may be a silly questions, but how do you mail the invitations in the box with out them being ruined?! haha it really confuses me (i swear im not blonde, but most days i should be)
  5. Wow! I read through your whole post and at first I was excited and than a little overwhelmed at every thing you did and things i now NEED to do! I cant wait to put my own spin on some of these ideas. Also I have to say your he/she frame is the CUTEST most unique dyi craft I think I’ve never seen. It would be some thing you would have forever as a reminder and I love that idea that decorations can still be so personalized! Great job you have a serious talent for DYI porjects!
  6. Thank you guys for all your imput and past experience! i talked with my sister and she was actually happy and she is still going to be very much involved, and her daughter is going to be my flower girl! so i think that worked out perfect. as for my fi sister we havent had that conversation yet because my fi and i are living two hours apart and wanted to do it together so heres to hoping it goes as well as my first conversation did! i really took to heart that you just have to make every one who wants to be involved feel like they are and things will work out! i swear some times i just want to be like you no what luke (my fi) you work out all the details ill just show up! when you think about weddings you never think of all the little drama that may happen
  7. I love this! I think proposals mean so much more when they are unique to the couple! He obviously put a lot of thought and effort into this congrats!
  8. Hey girls i didn’t really no where to put this so i thought this would be the best place. Any ways, Its time for me to ask the girls who mean the most to me to be in my bridesmaids but im having a hard time drawing the line and i don’t want to hurt any ones feelings. I no a lot of drama can happen from bridesmaids, ive read my fair share of bridesmaid drama posts...so i wanted some opinions! My FI has two sisters, one which i love to death, and the other i think is a spoiled brat. I get along with both, but would not ask the younger sister to be in my wedding party. (she has an its all about me attitude, and isn’t close with me FI at all) but his other sister has been one of my besfriends, so question # 1 Can i ask my FI one sister to be in my wedding and not the other. or do i just not ask either to avoid hurt feelings I have two steps sisters, who are a lot older than i am (im 22, they are 30, and 32) but i am extremely close with the younger of the two. She helped me through an addiction, we lived together and have grown up together. My oldest sister and i weren’t really close, She lived two hours away and although we have always got along, we were just never that close so question 2 is Can i ask my sister im close with and not the other (i should point out that my oldest sister is extremely easy going, and her feelings probably would not be hurt, and she doesn’t believe in marriage, but i still dont want to hurt her feelings) I have some girlfriends who mean the world to me, they are the great girls. But there are just some things that make me hesitate to ask them. Is it better not to ask some one who you no is going to be flaky and not really care about the little things that matter to me. I no she would be there for the big day and come on the trip, but its the other things i want her there for that i don’t think i could count on her for? as well she just found out she is pregnant, so that might make things more difficult Is it ok to NOT ask some one who’s wedding you’ve been it? I was shocked she asked me to be in her wedding because we really grew but i still want her to come, just i feel like i have to draw the line some where and we just arent that close My fi is only asking my brother, his brother and one of his friends to be in the wedding so he has three people and if i JUST ask the girls I want to be there i still have 4, with the girls i dont really want to be part of the wedding party its 7, do you think it will look weird to have uneven numbers? or am i just being OCD
  9. ChocoTaco7568 i like the one on the far right but id put a little more plum and a little less chartreause! this is what i want mine to look like but with some soft pink in there some where!
  10. i was set on this (but not with seashells, instead i wanted small flowers) because i really dont want a viel and thought it would like very earthy (we are getting married by a waterfall not a beach) and thought it would fit perfectly with big loose curls (i have long brown hair thats very think) but than i saw some one post the second picuter and now im torn! im very glitsy and love "bling" but i feel like the first picture still fits better what do you girls think?!
  11. Hey girls! so i was looking to make some shoes for st.patty's day tomorrow and i came across this website psimadethis.com so i started looking at some of thing things they have and they gave me some great idea's for oot bags, and than for a headband (i dont want a viel) so i thought i would share it with you guys!
  12. if you find any information please pass it on!! this would be so helpful! great post
  13. I don’t no which villa you went through, but the one im talking too includes a bus for my guest to my villa (san jose to manuel Antonio). I now that it is costing me a little extra but i just thought it would so be worth it, especially since travelling with my family is like the movie home alone. I really wish i was kidding about that. I no its a long drive but from what i read its a beautiful one! So my fi and I have a bus for each of the villa’s (we plan on two to three depending on the number of guests) If you have a smaller guest list a girlfriend of mine is spending two weeks in costa rica and travelling all around (there are 6 of them in totally) and they are renting a car and staying at hostels that would be another option! I also no they said that for a small fee (20% of your grocery bill) they can do your shopping for you or im sure if you asked you could just use the same charter for the car as the one that shuttles from the airport. Because you have a guest list of 10 to 15 people you could do both a beach and do the reception at your villa. The villa i have my heart set on has said it would be perfectly fine if i wanted to get married on the beach (they would recommend me to talk to a wedding planner to set that part up the rest i will do on my own) and then i can have my reception at the largest villa and will have it catered and i will get my loving family to set up decorations the night before and in the little finishing touches in the morning with me. Usually your villa can set up the catering. I am choosing an all inclusive package so two meals a day or included (it will be an extra cost for the night of the wedding because all of the people in one villa) as well as i have requested to have two bartenders present for the night! As for chair rentals you can probably do it on your own, i’ve looked into it and if you want i can pass along some of the places i looked into. I don’t no if you have a villa picked but let me no if you want any information on that! Thats what all my googling has taught me so far! Hope it helps
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