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Everything posted by briannettu

  1. I don't have them yet. Still sorting through the proofs. Should have them in about two weeks. Some are good, some not so much, but it's like that with any photographer I guess. I think we narrowed down 422 to about 70 that we want. I got the package that lets you pick 60, so we are going to try to work out a deal to get another CD with the rest that we want. She had some cute ideas and definitely worked hard. The lighting isn't always right but I can adjust that in my photo editing program if I have to. She was very nice and even went over time a little. She took any pictures I asked her to take. As soon as I get them I will post some. I don't regret having her at all. Quite a deal for $659.
  2. Here's my review thread as well. Gonna try to post a planning thread with all our gift bag, clothes, rings, etc. http://www.bestdestinationwedding.com/products/the-royal-in-playa-del-carmen-all-inclusive-spa-resort/reviews/6333
  3. Just got back from our wedding at the Royal PDC and everything was wonderful. Don't worry about a thing. The resort itself is awesome and everyone is so helpful and friendly. I'll write a review soon, but it was definitely the best trip I've had. We were married on the beach and it rained before the ceremony but it was nice to cool it off a little. It's hot and humid for sure! Don't have any worries about getting your hair done at Spazul because Lupita did mine and it was perfect. She did a great job. Lilia was our WC and she was great also. We even did the resort photographer and I don't remember her name but she was very professional and attentive and spent more time with us than we even paid for. I'll write more soon, but whatever you do, don't stress!!
  4. Someone mentioned a ceremony script so I asked Maritza for the one for the symbolic ceremony and it was....AWFUL! I'm very laid back about all of this wedding stuff, but the script was just not gonna cut it. So many grammatical errors and stuff that was just weird to talk about in a wedding ceremony...like solving problems with talking, not fists. I know there's a language barrier and all (I'm a spanish teacher after all) but Geez! Hopefully they'll let me use my own.
  5. We only have about 12 guests with no reception. We are going to go out as a group afterward. So we chose to upgrade to the master suite and get the free wedding because it was basically like getting a free upgrade. It was the same price to do that as 4 nights with one of the cheapest packages. Plus I thought it was RIDICULOUS to have to pay $600 for a minister when they know you have to have one. In the free package, the minister was included. We are keeping it simple!
  6. We only invited family and very close friends to the destination. I feel like it's asking a lot for people to spend that kind of money just for my wedding. Even so, neither of his brothers is coming because of work and my sister probably cannot afford to. But we are sending out over 100 invites to the party afterward. I have decided, however, that I will not send out seperate announcements. If I'm not close enough to someone to invite them to the party, then I'm not going to send them an announcement. That seems like just asking for a gift. I don't care if the people coming to the party give me a gift, I just want to have a good time and celebrate.
  7. We are leaving on the 8th, getting married on the 11th, and returning on the 13th. The AHR is on the 28th. I was told people need a month's advance notice to plan so that would mean we would mail them out toward the end of June. I guess I could word the AHR invite as "they will be married" and just change the wording to "were married" and reprint for the others and not send those until we get back. Since you can edit and such for free on those sites I mentioned.
  8. I think I am going to do one postcard that on the front says something like: A sunny future begins on the beach on 7-11-12. Names Place website Then on the back there will be party info. Some peole will get one with a blank back though if they're not invited to the party. I've gotten a lot of cute ideas from zazzle.com and purpletrail.com is neat also. I like how you can customize them and look at them and save them to decide later instead of paying upfront for a design and not knowing what you're getting.
  9. I am struggling with how and when to send an announcement/ahr invite without having to send them seperately. Here's the deal: We are getting married in Playa del Carmen on July 11, 2012. We need to have our AHR by August 4 at the latest. This doesn't really give us time to send an announcement/ahr invite after the wedding (we want everyone to have ample time to plan to come to the party). Some people (like weird family members and people my parents work with) will ONLY get the announcement, not a party invite. In my mind I have a postcard style thing with an announcement on the front and an AHR invite on the back. For those who aren't invited to the AHR they will only get the front. Trying to keep it fairly cheap since we are on quite a small budget. I just don't know how to word it if we have to send it out before we get married. Do you think July 11 is too late to send out an AHR invite for July 28 or August 4? Most of the people who would be attending are local. PLEASE HELP! Thanks!
  10. I know it's probably on here somewhere but can someone answer these two questions: 1. How do you book your room and flight and wedding? I was wondering if I could do a travel package from a travel website and then book the wedding through the hotel. 2. How much are day passes for the guests coming to the wedding from the Gran Porto? How about from other resorts? Pretty much settled on The Royal in July of this year but need to know about booking and getting an exact date. Thanks.
  11. I would like any informatio that you were able to get please. It is intriguing that it is new. Looking for a place for July 2012. [email protected]
  12. can you email me the information? I would love it. Thank you! [email protected]
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