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Everything posted by Sandra26

  1. Hi girls, For my outside photographer first they tell me 80$ per person + the meal 100$ per person (chill out) Then they want to charge me 200$ per person + the meal but because I had keep my email they charge me 80 for the day pass... Until 22h00 Calibride for the outside photographer I had photosincancun.com Derek and Lorena and was so happy with my 3300 photos I keep them all day... Look on their web side in portefolio then wedding and in search put grand sunset princess you will see pictures of like 11 wedding that they do there and some of mine.... They are use to this place and are so good persons. Only good things to say about them Shelbi I was abble to were my shoes for like 4 minutes and almost fall like 10 times... Really. For the ceremony they only have a red carpet that I didn't took because my wedding was white and blue and red not really... The carpet can help forthe ceremony but all evening... I don't think you should have heels... Bring them for the pictures... Good luck every brides and enjoy your day!!!
  2. Hi Dwenski16, No problem for the photos if you need everything else just let me know... I had keep everything, every emails... I took the Princess package but it's for 20 and we were 45... So I have to pay extra for the 25 persons...4.00 per person for the cake and 10.00 per person for the toast... Than we took the chill out party it was 100.00$ per person x 45+2(photographer). Than the dj for 4 hours 650.00$. I took 2 outside photographers 80.00 each for a day pass (First she told me 80.00 than it was 200.00 each but I had proof the her with her email and she said ok 80.00 each... Be carefull) + my bridesmaids flowers and my boys boutoniere 60.00. For the photographer for me it was almost the more important I took photosincancun, Derek and Lorena... The photographers at the hotel are goods but me I want a lot of pictures of my day... And it was 1500.00 for 90 pictures only... Than you have to ask them to by the cd of all the pictures I think it could be arround 500.00 and 1000.00 more... Me it cost 2000.00 for to photographers for all day... Before wedding Derek goes with the guys and Lorena with the girls geeting ready, than the ceremony, than wedding group photos, family, couple, on the beach, all my guest also get theire familly portraits, than brides and groom all over the resort, than the evening dancing cake dinner, speech ect... I finnally have 3300 photos and 120 edits. By the way the chill out seem expensive but everybody said the food was delicious, and all week I saw 2 wedding at the same time in the same restaurant it's not funny always when a wedding was asking for kiss the other follow... I hate that they take a lots of weddings in the same day... I was having my ceremony at 3h00 and have to leave the gazebo for 4h00 because they have an other one... If I can help with something else
  3. Hi Calibride, We got married last January at GSP and my wedding was perfect... More expensive that I was expecting but PERFECT. If I can help you with anything I had keep all my emails from and to them. When you will start dealling with them you should keep all your emails until you pay because sometimes things change prices... First I will give you the email that I have [email protected] mine was Araceli Lagunas Adame but in your first email to save your date, ask for Emma. The is 2 differents gazebo that you can choose I have piscts of booth the weeding planner didn't tell me that it's more my photographer that send me all the info. I don't really know were I can send you pictures??? Let me know if you need more info. Sorry for my english:)
  4. Hi Karica, To be honnest I didn't really have a great experience planning my wedding since October, but this week things really are getting in place. I'm all set now!!! My new wedding coordinator is Araceli Lagunas it change 2 weeks ago... When you pay they served you well. I getting married at 3 at sunset gazebo follow by a toast than pictures and we will have the reception and dinner at the chill out with a dj. We would be 42 persons total and hope will have a beautifull and sunny day (it's my biggest concern) We took the photographer for all day and will have more than 2000 pictures (pictures was almost the more important think in my wedding because it's memory for life) You will have to go see wedding anyways so if you want to pass by to see mine your welcome, just not sure I will see you. If you have question, I already been to this hotel, It will be a pleasure to help you. Thank you very much and good luck for everything for you to. Sandra
  5. Hi Karica, I am getting married January 24th and my photographers are photosincancun. Just write photosincancun all together on google and you will find their web side Then go on portfolio then wedding they also do trash the dress I find they are amazing, I am very happy to got them but I reserve in October. Good luck for the photographer and enjoy your day!!! Sandra
  6. Thank you very much Genevieve for letting us know your experience. We are 42 peoples leaving in 30 days still waiting answer from the wedding planer (how I don't even know her name) for my evening because she book my beach evening party to someone else after telling me I can pay only when I get there... I am really nervouse and Lorena (she's relly helpfull with me) gave me this blog and it help me a lot to prepare my self for my appointment with her January 22th. I am sad for what's happen at your dinner because you want all day to be perfect but I am really happy for you that you like your pictures because you gonna look at hose for many years. Thanks again!!! Sandra
  7. Hello, I am getting married on January 24th and I am very happy to have Derick and Lorena as my photographer. It's about 70 dollars for the day pass but you also have to pay for each person for dinner I am presently at my office but have all the complete information in my wedding book at home. I will provide you more info if you need. Thank you! Sandra
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