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Everything posted by scooter514

  1. We used Roxroy Gough. You'll find his website if you google his name. He can be hard to get in touch with sometimes, and you have to be very patient on actually receiving your final video, but he does a great job and is very professional. We were married in Negril and he is located in Montego Bay. He didn't charge any extra for travel. I highly recommend him!
  2. Tori, what a big thank you I owe you for sharing your information! We only have 8 people going to our destination wedding but still want to surprise them and think an OOT will be a nice unexpected touch. Since it's so few I was able to get the first aid kids for free with some coupons I gathered so I figured why not include them..unless you really think it's a waste of space when packing and just toss the bandaids in the survival kit?Post a Reply As for the survival kit, was everything used? I am planning to include advil, immodium, hand sanitizer, gum and/or mints, fruit flavored mentos candy, chapstick, and a pack of kleenex/tissues. Is there anything else that you think should be included based on what your guests used? I have a coupon for tums. Yes or no to including a roll of those? Any of that I should leave out? I'm so glad to hear that your guests enjoyed the bags and appreciated them. It's very obvious how much time and effort you put into them. Very well done!
  3. The coupon for the johnson and johnson first aid kit isn't working for me. Did you use any other coupons you would be able to share with us? I'm trying to save as much as possible when putting together my bags. Thanks so much!
  4. This is great! I love it and all of the Jamaican language and other information you included. So cute!
  5. I've never heard of or seen anything like this before - I may have to look into this!
  6. I hope EDR and your wedding was amazing. I got engaged there a few months ago and loved everything about it!
  7. I'm in love with this welcome book. I'm going to "borrow" some of your wording!
  8. I think travel mugs are a great idea to give guests
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