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Bride2B 2012

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Everything posted by Bride2B 2012

  1. We've got everything in place for an early April date, including travel plans to accommodate the requirement for arriving 4 business days before the wedding. As long as it's transferable to the US in terms of legal proof, we might be able to get over the blood draw... but that's a big might I think you're right about the cost too, as all of the fees that they quoted us for a transfer to English and documentation, etc. totals over $500. Has anyone a) already gotten married and received legal documents and got their blood drawn and felt safe? Thanks!
  2. Hi All, I have an April 2012 wedding planned and reserved at the Now Jade, but still could use a little help. I'm most worried about having blood drawn, getting a marriage license and receiving proof of our legal marriage back in the States. Can anyone comment on these at all? Thanks in advance! -Meggie
  3. Hi All, Hope your August weddings were AMAZING! My fiance and I are getting married at the Now Jade next April (2012) and would love to hear how everything turned out! We've elected to have a civil ceremony there and are a little nervous about having our blood drawn and whether or not we'll receive proof of our marriage in good time. Any insight on these two concerns would be greatly appreciated! -Meggie
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