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Everything posted by gottheinvite

  1. Hi Abbie, I own Got The Invite? - a Passport Wedding Invitation company located right here in Canada! I know that you are looking for a DIY passport template, however you should check out our website as you will find that our prices are a lot less than our counterparts and our invitations are the most authentic that you will find anywhere, right down to the the texture of the jacket cover and inside pages! Visit www.gottheinvite.com for more info and feel free to contact me at [email protected] if you have any questions. Kendra Lee Got The Invite?
  2. Hey - check this out - Passport Invitations from Got The Invite? - a very unique and an excellent way to get your guests excited about your wedding and a great means of relaying a lot of information in one small package!
  3. I know you're already married but if anyone else is looking for Passport Wedding Invitations, I have the most authentic invitations around! They are completely customizeable and our pricing is very competitive. Check out Testimonials to see comments from happy brides. Visit www.gottheinvite.com for more information.
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