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Everything posted by ShayF

  1. Rashel did my makeup for an engagement photo shoot at the suites....I didn't have to pay a vendor fee when she came. Hope that helps.
  2. I don't know where that emoticon came from lol sry about that
  3. Hi Soon2BDudgeon! Welcome and Congrats!!! U have the price list for 2013?? I've been trying to get that for months...can you email it to me please???? My email is [email protected]
  4. Yes!!!!!! Happy new year to u too! I'm excited also!
  5. Welcome Animo!!! My wedding date is Dec 8, 2013!!!! Hopefully, I'll see u there!!!
  6. Sorry ladies for that above funky looking post. Lol Anywho....congrats to all!! Can anyone share the new price list? I've emailed Nicole twice since Nov with no response :-( I know she's extremely busy but I'm soooo anxious!!! :-D
  7. Did Nicole send anyone the updated price list for 2013 yet?
  8. I love ur wedding webites! Especially the HoneyFund....mind if i "steal" that idea lol
  9. Yes they do have their own tubes for the lazy river. The resort is gorg! You're gonna love it!
  10. Thanks! ur just as awesome! You guys are really nice for sharing....
  11. I went to Jamaica to do a "site inspection" of IRHS. I booked an engagement session with Saab Weddings. They are an AMAZING (husband/wife) Team! Easy going...kind-hearted...I LOVED them! Def gonna use them for my wedding.
  12. Hi! and Congrats! I'm getting married at the suites too! May I ask which TA u chose? I'm having trouble finding one myself.
  13. Brandy and Trish!!!! We're Wedding SISTERS lol I hope we'll all PARTY together!!! See you in a year!! 2012 Brides: 08-12-2012 - dthomasg - Beach 08-18-2012 - MrsG 81812- Suites (Will and Ana) 08-24-2012 – Kadijah – Suites 10-06-2012- Jen723 -Grand 10-07-2012 - mcolon722 - Suites 10-13-2012-Mecampb - Suites (Jim & Morgan) 11-11-2012- meeshamillz - Beach 11-11-2012 – futuremrsclark (Megan & Nick) – Suites 12-03-2012 - Sjay (Sarah & Nelson) - Suites 12-12-2012 Bridemichyboo-Suites 2013 Brides: 01-04-2013- Justine416(Justine & Ryan)- Beach 01-07-2013 - Shauna253 - Suites 01-20-2013- Jreist - Beach 01-26-2013 - Grand 01-27-2013 - mthackeray (Adam and Marci) - Beach 01-28-2013 - erin2100 - Beach 02-20-2013 - newbiebridetobe - Suites 02-21-2013 - Cateyedcutie (Monique & Robert) – Grand 02-24-2013 - HollyandJohn - Suites 03-07-2013- mcc842002 (Meagan & Tom) - Beach 03-13-2013 - kristencanada (Kristen & Kyle) - Grand 03-23-2013 - Laura2013 (Laura & Jonathan) - Beach 03-28-2013-Kassi22 (Karen & Wayne) - Suites 04-17-2013 Vanessa and Robert - Suites 04-27-2013 - albellis (Andrea & David) - Beach 05-04-2013 - CourtandMatt (Courtney & Matt) - Suites 05-04-2013 - DaniScales2B (Danielle and Robert) - Grand 05-05-2013 - LauraKr - Suites 05-12-2013 - fut MrsAntenor (Tanae and Vladimir) - Suites 05-16-2013 - WendyJune (Wendy & Gordon) - Beach 05-18-2013 kinsellak1 (Roland and Kate)- Suites 05-23-2013 - heather1214 (Jack & Heather) - Suites 05-26-2013 - allieplask (Allie and Nick) Suites 05- -2013- amybutz89- Suites 06-01-2013 - madison87 - Grand 06-02-2013 - Lillove81 - Suites 06-04-2013 beachbaby1192 (Andy & Debbie) - Beach 06-17-2013 - Bruuning17 (Laura & Jaden) -Suites 06-21-2013- kfarkas26 (Kristi and Jack)- Grand 06-22-2013 abbeynmike (Abbey and Mike) - Grand 07-01-2013 HeyMonBride - Suites 07-06-2013 - DanaB16 (Dana & Russell) - Suites 07-20-2013 - CokonLove (Naima & Satu) - Suites 08-13-2013- cander916 -(CharnayandCarl) - Suites 08-31-2013 - jleg04 (Jen & Tim) - Suites 09-02-2013- krystal084 (Krystal & Kurt)- Suites 11-13-2013-Papoue (Pascale & Eric)- Beach 12-07-2013- MrsDSO (Brandy and Joe) - Suites 12-08-2013- ShayF (Shay and Dwayne)- Suites 12-09-2013- TrishKurtis- (Trish and Kurtis)- Suites
  14. Hi Ladies!!! I'm fresh off my "Site Inspection" of the Suites....it was AMAZING!!! The resort is SPECTACULAR! All of the staff is very pleasant! I met with Nicole briefly. She was very, very nice! Ladies, your gonna love this place! We didn't want to come home. I also did an engagement session with Michael and Olive of Saab Weddings!!! The pics came out FAB! They are both so easy going. The make an excellent team! I've already booked my wedding for Dec. 8, 2013. I can't wait to go back! Happy planning!
  15. Ladies!!! I've received confirmation!!!! Official date is 12/8/13!!! So excited and relieved.... I've also just booked a vacation (in Sept) for my ♥'s bday.....but secretly it's to visit Nicole and check things out lol pls dont tell him MARY3076....that's a very cool wedding date! I like...
  16. How did you guys get Nicole to respond to your emails??? I know she's extremely busy......but she was really quick at first and now I can't get in contact with her. What's the longest you've waited for a response?
  17. yes i will....i just don't wanna seem like a pest! but i guess i'll just have to annoy the heck out of her for a response! lol
  18. Sjay, Should I email her to let her know i'm still interested or just wait it out? thanks for ur reassurance!
  19. Hi Leah22... Have u decided on a photographer yet?
  20. Big3n09...That's the best advice I've ever heard!!! "I will not be unhappy,stressed, or disrespected PERIOD....so what I try my best and so what I can to not have any of those emotions come into play." I LOVE IT! and I'm working on having the same attitude! Thanks for sharing, you've definitely changed my outlook on this situation.
  21. Hey Ladies! I also plan to be a IRHS bride in Dec 2013... We sent our request 6 days ago with no response...other brides have told me Nicole works on "island time". I can't wait for our confirmation!!! Meanwhile, my FI is cool as a cucumber. lol I'm so happy this thread is here...hopefully u guys can save me from a few meltdowns! Happy Planning!!!!
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