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Kim Deslippe

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Everything posted by Kim Deslippe

  1. I have a couple pictures of the Pisces that Donnalee sent me but I cannot seem to get them to post. If you want to PM me your email I can send them to you.
  2. I just had an email out to ask the WC what to do in this situation because we also want to rent the Pisces and I didn't get much of a straight answer (I think they misunderstand questions a lot..lol!) We figure on having 45+ guests but I asked about also booking the Dolce as a back for bad weather and/or if we don't meet the min. 45 and all I got was this has to be done in advance. I am going to send another email rephrasing the questions and I will let you know what kind of answer I get. I also don't see why the min. 45 matters if we're paying the $1700 anyway, especially at the Pisces because it's not used for dinners anyway (from what I understand). As for paying the extra $20pp to meet the minimum, I don't think I would offer this up until you actually get down there and if they make an issue out of it because they won't know how many is in your party until you check-in.
  3. That is a gorgeous dress Ashley, I'll have to look around to see who carries that designer in the area. As for buying online, we did the same thing for my brothers wedding because it was like half the price of buying it through the shop, so if we can I'm gonna attempt that too!
  4. Thanks Ashley, I figure they will all prefer to have a short dresses, but having a long one shortened is definitely a good idea and I hadn't thought of that. My main colour is purple, so if the shades vary between fabrics I think it will work out okay and I'm not set on having and "exact" shade. I've never seen a corset back BM dress, but that would be an excellent option and will have to keep my eyes peeled for one. I agree that rouching is a great feature, I always seem to go for that style myself. The reason I decided to have them choose what they are comfortable in is because my MOH (sister) is fairly tiny and doesn't have much in the bust region, my one BM (sister-in-law) is fairly slim but busty, and my other BM (FI sister) is not slim (but not obese) and very busty, and trying to find a dress that looks good on all might be a problem.
  5. Back on to wedding news...I am planning on taking my MOH (sister), to look for dresses this week. We have lots of time to get them but she's only home for 3wks and it's mainly to find a style that she likes and get her sized, we can worry about ordering them later. I told my girls that I want them to have a dress that they are comfortable in, so they don't all have to agree on the same style, it just has to be the colour that I choose. Any words of advice from brides that have already gone through this process? Also, I been trying to decide on decorations for the Pisces restaurant and wondering what kind of lighting that they have down there already? Donnalee sent me a couple pictures of it decorated with some paper lanterns, but she said that they were provided by another bride. It looks like they are hanging from strands of Christmas lights, are these already under the umbrellas? Any info would be helpful!! Thanks
  6. Off topic, but so happy to share that I am a first time Auntie. My beautiful nephew arrived on Friday and he is the most precious baby ever!!! He wasn't due until Monday the 6th, which will actually be my wedding day next year and the way the dates work out, he'll be celebrating his 1st birthday in Jamaica!! (I had checked with his parents before we chose are date and they said not to plan around them because they'd be bringing him either way) So cool, gonna have to plan a birthday party too!!
  7. Thanks ladies!! I good with the whole song not being played, just wanted to make sure that is was long enough. I probably be one to walk too fast also; I'll have to have my dad slow me down!!
  8. I know this question has been asked before but I cannot seem to find the page it's on; about how long is the walk to the gazebo from the drop off point? I have found the song I want to walk down to and it's about 4 min. long and I want to make sure it's long enough. Thanks!! http://weddingmusicproject.bandcamp.com/track/bless-the-broken-road?permalink
  9. When I attended my cousins wedding in Mexico a few years ago, they had their ceremony early, 11 or 12. I wasn't that we were board, but having to get ready early, then change to sit by the pool and then change again for the reception was kind of drag. Expecially for the girls trying not to get hair or makeup messed up, but that was just my take on it and why we booked our for late afternoon.
  10. I have emailed a few times in the last couple weeks and have had a respose from Donnalee within a couple days of each. I always send it to Chandlyn but cc Donnalee, you could try that and see what happens. ([email protected])
  11. Hey Laurelyn, Try the buy and sell thread here, there were some really nice tropical ones being sold by Dymond6, if she still has them. They are used, but looked in good shape and for an excellent price. I almost got them myself but just decided to wait until some other things are sorted out first. Another option is Ebay, I have seen some on there too!
  12. I've been trying to come up with ideas for OOT bags/favours for our guests and I've gotten a lot of great ideas from this thread as well as others on this site which is great, but I had a thought and wondered what others have done or a planning. If you gave or are giving OOT bags to your guests when they arrive, did/are you give a favour at the reception as well? Really trying to stay in (or under budget), so I hope to have a plan of what we want to give before I make any purchases.
  13. Wow your OOT bags, baskets, and goody bags are amazing!! Koodo's to you for putting so much effort into them. I've been trying to come up with ideas for our OOT bags/favours but don't think I can fit anything this elaborate into my budget, but you do have some awesome ideas that I may have to snag Hope you have a wonderful wedding!!
  14. Hi Boots, I am getting married at the GBP in Feb 2013 and have been emailing the WC recently to make my arrangements. The $2500 is to privatize the Dolce Vita and The Grill for evening. I think if you have or 70 people they require you do that, but I'd have to go back through my emails to be sure. The $25 pp is based on the guests over and above what are included with the package you chose, and there doesn't seem to be anyway around this. Another option for your dinner and dance that I recently found out about is the Pisces, which is the restaurant down by the beach used for lunch/snacks. It is $1700 to rent it for 4 hrs (6:30 - 10:30), they figure the first 2 hrs for dinner and the last 2 hrs for dancing, etc. Your DJ is included for the whole 4 hrs and you have the bartender for the first 2 hrs during dinner, but you may be able to have them longer for a price, of course. Definitely check out the thread that JayKay mentioned, there is so much information on there and it will take you a bit to go through, but it is a huge sanity saver! Hope this helps and happy planning!!
  15. Thanks JayKay, I will keep that in mind. We are probably going with the free package, so if they don't swap anything out it won't be a big deal. Actually, maybe the reason for the inconsistency's if based on if you have the free package or if you pay for one of the upgraded ones; just a thought, still no biggie!
  16. Totally agree with you Joda, my FI and I also hate being the centre of attention, so a DW is perfect for us. Having like 50 people watching vs like 200, makes us much more comfortable.
  17. Thanks Alicia, I think we should be okay now. My FI had a few words with our TA for sending me into such a panic. The pricing is back down in the area we originally figured (for whatever reason) and I've been in touch with another TA to see what she comes up with when AI prices are released in March. As for our STDs, think I will still plan to send them out in the beginning of March (most of our guests are already aware of when and where we plan to go).
  18. It is so great reading everyone's different reviews about the resort and how everything plays out, it definitely gives you a heads up about things to be aware of. Loving the fact that they will give you something else if you choose not to use something included with the packages. I think that we will be bring a photographer from home with us (my FI cousin, but she's just starting out so were gonna test her out in the spring with some engagement pics I think!!) and I'm still debating on what I want to do about flowers.
  19. We planned on sending out our STD in the next couple weeks, which puts us about a year out from our wedding in Feb 2013. Our date has been booked and confirmed with our resort but know we are just concerned about pricing because our TA is giving us prices much higher then what he originally estimated. So, I think we will wait till the beginning of March when we can get official pricing, to send our STD just in case we need to rethink our DW wedding choice, which I will be really disappointed if we have to I figured on sending out the formal invites about 6 months before, depending on when deposits/final payments are due to book. STDs included: - date - location - website (where guests can get resort and TA info before the formal invites go out) Formal invites include: - date - resort - TA info - website - RSVP info
  20. So glad I came across this thread. My FI and I have been back and forth on having an AHR. Our wedding is planned for Feb 2013 in Jamaica and we decided on a DW because of costs and it being the best option for us, with our families not living in the same area because everyone would have had to travel for an AHW anyway. We figure on having a pretty good group going with us but I know there will be others that just cannot afford to make it and cannot travel, such as grandparents, so what we plan do to is have a personal dinner with them after we get back. We are still undecided about possibly doing an open house/bbq reception in the summer following.
  21. Totally get that acw, and most people give money now a days anyway, including us. Just thought it was a little abrupt and as you said, not proper etiquette, but it could gave been something new I just hadn't heard about. Definitely think if we end up going that we'll hang on to whatever we decide to give until it actually happens..lol! It hasn't just been the wedding that's been on and off, it's been the relationship, so that does make somewhat of a difference. My FI and I are kind of in the same predicament with the registry, because we have both already lived on our own for a while and when we moved in together a few years ago we had duplicates of a lot of stuff, so we donated it to Goodwill; we kept the newer items but still most of it was hand-me-downs. So we're thinking that we'll upgrade on those items but other then that there really isn't anything that we need. Gift cards are a great idea, (I do that for a lot of Christmas gifts, it's just easier) maybe I'll have to put the word out for that when the time comes. Thanks
  22. Question, not sure if this is something new or I've just never see it before. We received a wedding invite from my finances Aunt for her wedding in May, which is also away but in Niagara Falls (about 4hr drive for us), so most people will probably book a room for the night, not an issue. I look at the back of the reply card and it has a tag that says "Monetary wedding, No gifts please". Now, I took this as we don't want gifts but give us money. They are an older couple and she has been married before, so I can understand if they really don't need anything but isn't that what registry's are for, to register for what you do need. Just thought it was a little bold asking for only money from guests and my other concern is that this wedding has been on and off about 3 times now. On another note, totally scored some new luggage the other day, which I desperately needed! Was at Costco and they had Heys TekLight Lightweight Spinner 3 pc set for $199.99, awesome deal. It has a 30", 26" and 21"; there is so much room in them and gonna come in so handy with wedding supplies. Can't wait to try them out next month when we go to Costa Rica for a week.
  23. Oh, that is soo awesome. I emailed the WC this morning to see about getting it, if not we're going to go with the Dolce but really hoping for this!!! What did you do for drinks, did you pay the $20pp for the bartender or was that included too?
  24. Thanks Erin, Sorry, I meant to ask before, did you rent the Pisces just for the dinner or had you arranged to have your dancing, etc. there as well and did they include the DJ in the $1700, cause that would be excellent!!
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