Thanks for posting a pic of that layout, I think we've decided to do the same. I have a question though, since you've now been and seen the room....would that work for a head table of 15 people? We have a large wedding party but don't want to have to split us up, so we wanted to do 15 across, and then 14 down each side, as you did (total of 43 people). Is the room big enough for that length of a head table, if 15 of us want all sit in one long line? i am stressing about this, big time! We calc'd out the room measurements - Pilar gave us a diagram that shows the length of the room as 15 meters (49 feet) and figured that if we put 4 of those rectangular tables across as one big head table (total of 32 feet), that would still leave about 8.5ft on either end of the head table. is that too cramped? And the 14 down each side, were they all side-by-side, or did you have 7 place settings facing each other? I would prefer to have everyone all face the dance floor in the middle, so nobody's back is to each other.....hope this makes sense- I can visualize in my mind, but it's so hard to explain!