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Everything posted by khunt29

  1. I wish I knew about this thread earlier! Our wedding party (15 people) started a Biggest Loser competition, we all threw in $20, so there's quite the pot to be had We had a nutritionist friend draw up a 4 week meal plan for us- no sodium, caffeine, or sugar (only what naturally occurs in fruit), and we all started on January 7th. I am so happy to say that I am down 19.4 lbs, and my FI is down 32! It basically consists of 6 small meals a day, and TONS of water. If anyone is interested, I can post the plan here- it works! I haven't exercised at all and have still lost 20- I probably had about 35 to lose total. Cheers! Kristen
  2. Thanks for posting a pic of that layout, I think we've decided to do the same. I have a question though, since you've now been and seen the room....would that work for a head table of 15 people? We have a large wedding party but don't want to have to split us up, so we wanted to do 15 across, and then 14 down each side, as you did (total of 43 people). Is the room big enough for that length of a head table, if 15 of us want all sit in one long line? i am stressing about this, big time! We calc'd out the room measurements - Pilar gave us a diagram that shows the length of the room as 15 meters (49 feet) and figured that if we put 4 of those rectangular tables across as one big head table (total of 32 feet), that would still leave about 8.5ft on either end of the head table. is that too cramped? And the 14 down each side, were they all side-by-side, or did you have 7 place settings facing each other? I would prefer to have everyone all face the dance floor in the middle, so nobody's back is to each other.....hope this makes sense- I can visualize in my mind, but it's so hard to explain!
  3. Vistaprint has beach-themed business cards for FREE! I personalized them with that super cute saying, and it's costing me nothing, for 250 of them!
  4. Julie, that would be great! Are you able to share it via email? Mine is [email protected] thank you!! kristen
  5. Cassidy just posted pics yesterday, the page before this one
  6. Hi ladies, i can't remember if I had seen it in here or not, but does anyone have a template they wouldn't mind sharing for a master room list at the resort? FI and I are taking the private xfr from the airport and thought it would be nice for us to have sheets for everyone with everyone's name on it and a space for us to fill in the room#. I suppose this is something I could doctor up in excel, just wondered if anyone had one already Thanks! kristen
  7. OMG I just realized I don't have a marriage licence!!! How long does it take to get one? eeeek.
  8. also-- we got our coil rings from eBay as well... http://www.ebay.ca/itm/LOT-12-PCS-SPIRAL-WRIST-COIL-KEY-CHAIN-KEY-RING-HOLDER-NEW-6-COLOR-AVAILABLE-/290646337721?pt=US_Women_s_Accessories&var=&hash=item43abdf28b9 We priced them out, Staples had 3 rings (black- yuck) for $3.79 and Canadian Tire was $1.99 apiece! I couldn't believe it, these things are so 80's, how can they charge so much LOL!
  9. For anyone doing OOT bags- found this great seller for badge holders http://www.ebay.com/itm/50-Vertical-Vinyl-ID-Card-Badge-Holders-w-Zip-Zipper-/290361052457?pt=LH_DefaultDomain_0&hash=item439ade0d29 and for the coil rings http://www.ebay.ca/itm/LOT-12-PCS-SPIRAL-WRIST-COIL-KEY-CHAIN-KEY-RING-HOLDER-NEW-6-COLOR-AVAILABLE-/290646337721?pt=US_Women_s_Accessories&var=&hash=item43abdf28b9
  10. I have a question about decor. I am looking at ordering paper lantersn and have found 2 good sites, but I can't seem to find any shipping costs for either one. Does anyone have any experience with ordering from paperlanternstore.com or justartifacts.com? The pricing at paperlanternstore is cheaper, but not by much, so if the shipping is more, then I might go with justartifacts... Thanks!
  11. Found a review on here: http://www.bestdestinationwedding.com/products/now-jade-riviera-cancun/reviews/4708 Sounds pretty good, thank goodness!
  12. you're kidding?! We have our planner working with Pilar, and she supposedly has already been in contact with our DJ- I just assumed it was Doremixx, I better double check that. I just tried googling AVI, but didn't come up with any hits...
  13. It's hard to get used to the way they operate, when things here are so much faster! At work, I freak if one or two days go by without a response to one of my emails, because I think something might be wrong, LOL. What sorts of things do you have planned for excursions?
  14. We also haven't received a response from Pilar in almost a week. We sent her our original planning form and got her invoice, which we almost threw up on haaha, so we adjusted some things and sent back a revised planning form, now just waiting for a revise bill. I know everything falls together, but it's so hard to let go of the control! We're in Ontario, our travel agent is in BC, and then throw Pilar into the mix, aned everything just takes forever! So stressful. As an aside- I just took a trip to Ikea yesterday and got a ton of stuff, white table lanterns, artificial orchids (which actually look pretty nice), and they have cylindrical vases on for $9.99 - a set of three, so we bought 3 sets- haven't figured out how we're transporting them yet...
  15. For anyone else struggling with the layout, check out this link! It's been helpful, and totally validated what I have in mind http://myrivierawedding.com/2009/12/21/wedding-table-plans-made-easy/
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