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Everything posted by Mayanbride

  1. JennyBell, I am on the same boat...I want to tell everyone, but my hubby wants to wait til I reach the 3 months mark. Carly, My hubby also doesn't want to know the gender...he wants to wait until birth!! I can peek, but I can't tell him or hint or make obvious decor or buy gender defined baby clothes. Like you, I hope I am having a girl, because I like Hello Kitty. As for names, we already agreed on the names Ezio for boy and Arisia for girl.
  2. Mocha, You are right, it can happen right away. I removed my IUD in August, since I didn't had any period for 6 years because of the IUD, my doctor recommended me to wait for at least one cycle (so he can estimate the due date ...etc). I have been on pills since 14 yrs old, I thought maybe it would take a while to my body to re-adjust. So after honeymoon in September, AHR in October...me and hubby decided to try in November, and surprise surprise...we got it with 1 strike, I am a preggie now. The only inconvenience for now is I can't drink champagne/wine in the holiday season! If I knew it is this easy to get knocked up, I would've wait after the holidays. I know..I know...Like you said, we never know when it might happen.
  3. Maggie, If you are asian, you can probably keep your hair down and add tons of hair spray to prevent the hot mess. Both of my BMs are asians, and they kept their hair down with loads of spray.
  4. Hi Kelly, Wind factor: it depends on the weather, most of the time, it is not too windy on the beach. However, it is not very pleasant if it gets too windy. Semi-private venues: If you have a large group (more than 20+), and you really want to eat together for a welcome dinner, semi-private venue reception is the way to go. Pros: eat together Cons: Everyone eats the same thing, and extra cost I had a small group and we had dinner together almost every night, the restos put tables together for us. No extra cost for us (hubby was against the idea of paying extra for meals in an AI resort) and everyone can order their dishes. 2 wedding receptions on the same beach: the distance is ok between the Pelicanos and the Gazebo beach, and you will be so into the moment that you won't notice the other wedding down the way.
  5. If I remember right, she got it from Babyonline, and the original dress is a dress from David's Bridal, you have to go back around 50+ pages to see the actual post.
  6. My pick is You're the first, the last, my everything by Joshua Radin. It is a song featured in a Tiffany & Co’s True Love Grows ad.
  7. You are in the K.O. dresses thread. PPP was a very helpful member on this thread. You can do like me, read the whole thread from the beginning, and take notes. She provided the step by step on how to order a dress. Don't worry this thread was drama free and very fun to read up until page 386 or around there.
  8. WOW, your dress is beautiful. Do you have other pics to see the back and the train? Keep us updated.
  9. Avens, Did u feel wow and aw~~ wearing this dress? if yes, then just ignore others' reactions, becuz it is not their wedding day. If no, they you must ask yourself why. Bottom line, do you like yourself to be in this dress?
  10. I am not sure about what type of special needs that your kid needs, I do know a few teachers who work in school for special need kids and myself was diagnosed as an autistic kid. I hope I can help you out.
  11. yes, I am catching up with so many pages, and taking notes from her advice. Very pretty dress in rum pink by the way. it is so vogue now to have soft pastel colors dresses as wedding dress.
  12. Bride2012, there is a very nice replica dress posted in the my dress has arrived thread and there is the show your dress thread. I am still catching up on the last 300+ pages and taking notes, I have to say things aren't the same since brides with the same attribute acted out.
  13. wow, your second dress will look amazing under the water because it is very light and romantic.
  14. How about a long dress for your ceremony, and a short one like this for your reception?
  15. It is like Ebay, you have to pick sellers with positive reviews and chat with the client service to get more information before you place your order. Remember, always use Paypal, it is easier to dispute in case it doesn't work out.
  16. Congratz to all the future mommies on this thread. I just got married last month, and will start TTC this week. For those who are trying, I think stress has a lot to do with it. My mom has irregular cycles, only got periods 2-3 times per year, and she still managed to get 4 kids, she had 2 miscarriages as well, so 6 pregnancies in total. Her motto is just follow the flow, and don't stress about it.
  17. I just found this thread. I am 32 yrs old, and my hubby is 35 yrs old. We got married in Oct 2011, and want TTC asap after our wedding. The number one reason is my age, my doctor said above 35 yrs old is considered high risk, so if I want to have 2 kids,..I better start asap. Have anyone try those ovulation test? On the other hand, we both love to travel, and enjoy OUR time. Looking at others doesn't encourage us to have kids neither. We got a lot of friends who just got kids, and disappeared from our social radar since their baby's arrival or got into fights all the time. Some are trying forever to TTC, and going to get expensive treatments after treatments.
  18. I agree with Ginger, vbbtk, Courtastrophe and Gracimurano. She provided honest opinion and a lot of valuable tricks to make sure the dress comes out right. I really miss her. As for Jersey or Orange County wife went bad, well I saw her ring on another thread, I have to say that she got the biggest yellow rock on this forum, so we can assume she can be a Jersey/OC wife with an easy life, but she is not as plastic as those Jersey/OC wives, at least I find her very honest and with no plastic on her. By the way, Congratz to MissKim, I just saw 11/11/11 on your profile, but you said you will renew your vows in January 2012. So did you ordered another dress for your 11/11/11 wedding?
  19. JessicaAnne, I am sorry to hear this, usually it only happens around January that we hear bad news like that from end of April Brides. Yes, the Royal and GP both got sold out in April almost every year. They usually reserve a chunk of their rooms for their timeshare members because they have a policy that guarantees rooms availability, plus some are reserve for airline packages. Therefore, even they said it is sold out, it is not really FULL/ SOLD OUT. You can put your guests in GP, and when they check in ..they can ask for upgrade to the Royal for around $60/nite per room (if there are rooms available at the last minute), if not they can come to the Royal on your wedding day without a day pass, you can always visit them. Another solution would be move your wedding to another Real resort...or just let your other guests to book with other resorts, and you pay the extra fee for non-Royal guests.
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