Hey jenguitard, Which catalogues are you looking for? They have the bouquets, centerpieces, cakes, etc on their website under the downloads page. I was told we could give our guests a choice of two entree options, but they all have to have the same salad, soup, etc. Their choices are due when final payment and everything else is due, 45 days before the event. And you have to be able to signify which guests what (different place cards or something). I asked about a slideshow set up for our rehearsal dinner, which we're doing on the beach, and was told there was an additional $350 fee to set up a TV/DVD to play it. My finance thought that was really crazy, his exact words were "so we're basically borrowing a TV for 5 minutes for what it costs to by a new TV?" Haha, so we abandoned that idea... They do have projection screens in the ballroom, but I don't know if theres a charge for that. There shouldn't be an additional charge for iPod/speaker set up, and I think the basic wooden dance floor is included, but if you want the light up dance floor, that costs extra.