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About goodnplenti

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  1. My finace just told me he stillhas not got a divorce and we have this wedding set for july 2012 in jamaica, I feel so messed up i dont know what to do. he says he will get lawyer and start divorce now but I am afraid it's not going to be in time for July, sould I postpone wedding or not get married to him.
  2. My finace is a truck driver also and owns his own truck. He proposed last xmas and we planned a july 2012 wedding in jamaica, I dediced to ask for the divorce papers and he told me he stillhas not filed, not because he doesnt want to but because he's a man that waits until t he last minute to do things, now we have to get a lawyer to get this process going, especially since the woman moved to Argentina. I understand all your feelings. I have them also and now I am also confused if I should stay with him or continue on with wedding.
  3. Yes, I am getting married in Beaches negril, July 6, 2012
  4. Thanks for the info. Well, I was just informed that I will have to pay the $250 set up for and I dont even have decorations yet. All I have are programs to go n seats and ribbon wands to end of ceremony. So now, I will buy decorations for the gazebo. I dont have to pay for all that stuff for reception cause I am doing Katt cruise and food, liiquor and dj all included. I was gonna treat everyone to this cruise anyway, so why not kill2 birds with 1 stone. How much were 2 floral arrangements for ceremony, this sucks cause the ceremony is only 30 minutes.
  5. Wow. I sent out my save the dates months ago and my wedding is July 2012. let me know how it goes. How are you getting decorations and favors there?
  6. As for the photographer, I am not sure how long he stays with you, I would think for the entire wedding & reception, but Iam doing a cruise for reception and they are charging $100 per hour extra for him to be on the cruise with us, I opted out and instead I will put cameras in everyones gift bag and ask them to take pictures for us.
  7. I am thinking 40-50 guests are coming also and the cruise is $1950, it holds up to 50 for that price and then like $2200 for 50 to100 people. It's a 2-3 hr cruise and it's all yours.
  8. how did everything go with your wedding? I am getting married at beaches negril, july 2012. I have concerns about getting all the favors, gifts and decorations there and beaches price are way too high.
  9. Iwould love to see your pictures, I am getting married at beaches negril july 2012. how did you get favors and decorations there? I am having Katt cruise instead of reception since cost for everyhthing to do reception at beaaches is too much money. Any suggestions?
  10. I am getting married at Beaches negril, July 2012. let me know how you make out with bringing all the favors and decorations through customs. We asked UPS how much too ship , it's $400 per box and the resort said you must be there to sign for it. I will take my chances with customs, there main concern is selling stuff and when they see it's for wedding, it should be ok. Any ideas? I am doing Beautiful Beginnigs Wedding, at gazebo and having the reception on the Katt Cruise since having reception at Beaches is too much money, its like paying for a reception at home, this way it's different & then we will all go to dinner after the cruise.
  11. I am getting married in July 2012, but Renne WAS my WC, but she is no longer there and it's now CHloe. She was very good and did not try to sell me anything, but missed giving me some of the expenses I will have to pay, like that $250 set up fee for wedding. I am really excited, my main concern is getting all my favors, decorations and gifts for guests there. Any ideas or suggestions. I was just gonna buy 1 big suitcase and put everything in there. I am using the gazebo and having the reception on the Katt Cruise since the extra fees for a reception at resort is too high ( just like having reception at home), gotta pay for music, seatings, liquor service, table service. I want to decorate wedding ceremony, but I am not sure what to get. I was thinking beach balls and rose petals, but the rose petals cost $60 a bag and she said I need 3 bags...sheesh. Oh well, I am so excited though.
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