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Everything posted by MsBlissMpls

  1. Everything here is perfect! I'll share more when I have my computer !! SO AMAZING.
  2. Does anyone know if the bouquets come with ribbon wrapped around the bottom? If not I'll bring some ribbon. Also, is the ribbon that you see in photos on cakes cloth ribbon? Does it look really bad when taking it off to cut the cake? I don't get it. If it is cloth ribbon, what size shoudl it be to look nice? I like the cake in the photo below.
  3. From the photos I've seen the beach wedding is setup right in front of the gazebo area. So, if you look back you'd see the wedding gazebo. I'm going to check it out though. I want it to be SUPER private with as few gawkers as possible. So, maybe a little further down?
  4. WOW. I guess I've posted enough to be able to attached files!! That's nice. Attached is the Silver Wedding Planner for those of you who want to get started. WEDDING PLANNER FORMAT.xlsx
  5. lciz - your photos are super cute. You are a doll! That is so funny about your photo advise from the photographer, I always get the same thing! I'm really nervous about having so many photos taken of us. Just in my dress fitting it took many many photos for me to like one of them, I'm always talking or moving around or half blinking. I'm really bad a posing. You look like a natural. lliaPSU is getting married this Friday and said that she was going to try to update us all on Saturday Can't wait! I really wish I would have had that Wedding Planner Excel Spreadsheet in the beginning of this process. Now that I have that filled out I feel SO much better. Having my own notes and choices from the brochures picked is way different than having it in their format and it feels more final now. I'm using all of the advice that everyone is giving and the "things you wish were different" like having a knife placed on the cake table ahead of time and putting those specific notes in my planner. Not sure if it will help and I know certain things will just be lost in the mix, but it feels good to address it at least once and then see what happens! The whole thing's a gamble, but that's ok
  6. Thanks for the heads-up. We are ready to read EVERYTHING and take our nice slow time when we meet with N. and then take our nice slow time to go over everything when we check out I made my final trip to the mall today and I'm ready to pack it into my luggage tomorrow. This is when I get VERY excited.
  7. Thanks! We are SO excited. Can't wait till Friday when we leave! There is someone up on 4/13. I'm planning to meet up with her at some point on our trip
  8. That's what it is the bamboo with draperies it is $200 and adding flowers is $400 min. However the flowers could them be moved to be 2 additional centerpieces on our long table. Thanks!
  9. We are doing the Silver package and upgrading a few items and decoration like chairs and table runners. We are definately bringing our own votive candles! They charge $3 per candle where as I bought a box of 12 at Michaels for $4.00. Also, we really want a decorated gazebo on the beach but from what I can tell the basic one is $400. What did are you guys thinking for the gazebo on the beach, if that's your option? Do they do a plain setup with cloth included in the package?
  10. LCIZ - Did you have to pay an "outside guest" fee for the photographer to join you for the dinner? We are paying $500 to have them on the resort and we have only 18 people in our party. I'm hoping that the 2 remaining dinner spots that come with the package can go to Adrian and the assistant without any additonal cost.
  11. I did get a blank planner late last night and some answer so I can plan the menu, etc. I'm grateful to have this now, but not on top of packing and general nerves about traveling and remembering everything, I have to do the things that I wanted to have finished two weeks ago. There's so much to do and only 3 days to do it!
  12. So my fiance just stopped at my work and gave me some essential oils for relaxing to rub on my neck. He said it's the "good stuff" that is homemade so it "doesn't just smell good, but it really works." Not that I needed another reminder how awesome he is, but how sweet is that!? Still no anwers from Nayeli, but it's an hour behind there so it's only 3:30 pm. Still time in the workday.
  13. You are sweet. Thanks for the "stop asking questions" comment, that is sweet. But I don't expect everything to stop for our wedding. I know that we have a bride here getting married on the 13th!! I think her planner is 95% done though, so that's nice. Also, there is a 5:00 bride here as well on our same day. I think I"m going into a calm wedding coma right now. Nothing phases me in this moment (i'll probably be freaking out later). For the sand ceremony I got some really little makeup containers on Ebay (a little bigger than the ones below) and put ribbon and the heart rinestones below on them (they look cute and personalized - I'll put a photo up if I think of it), but last week I found some SUPER cute bottles with cork toppers at Michaels. Of course I was looking for these bottles a month ago and they were no where to be found, my fiance said we should just buy the cute bottles wtih cork tops so we might still do that and just forget about the ones I made. You should check out the ones at Michaels, they are so cute and your guests can fill them up with sand from the beach to take home. However, the bottles at Michaels are kind of big and the small makeup containers I have are a perfect size for 16 people to contribute sand. We need to have room for our sand too! Can't forget who's getting married
  14. lciz - I'm sorry about your cake I've been reading everyone's posts to my fiance (he's acually been asking for updates). I'm thinking we will bring containers down and have all the guests take some cake for their fridge. Throwing away cake is unacceptable. I love cake. I can talk about cake without crying
  15. I got the same apology and "I'll get back to you later today" email, knowing that everyone she's ignored for 2 weeks is getting the same email does not make me feel that our list of questions will be answered throughly. I think this is the part where almost every bride starts to fall apart and anything could make me break down in a waterfall of tears.
  16. At this point we're planning to go into Cancun & get our flowers ourselves & we're prepared to have our ceremony on the beach with no music or support. Dinner could be at a non private restaurant. Not what we were hoping for, but it's better than paying for a package that we don't get to enjoy & counting on a coordinator that no longer exists. If I coud I'd book at a different resort with a history of happy (not stressed & crying) brides.
  17. Ok. I know these things happen in movies, but I am so sad for this real bride at our resort. I hope she has lots of love from everyone around her right now. How do you transition from news like that? On a lighter note?... I just bought my paper lanters with rush shipping (thanks to NRN - that's No Response N). The site I bought them from has free returns if we do not use them, so there's always that option if it's to windy. I hope the wind decides to behave itself soon. lciz - Were you in the middle of your photo shoot when the champagne and bamboo things tipped over? Those would be quite the photos. I don't think I said how awesome your shoes looked. Well all of your photos take my breath away, thank you for sharing. I'm with you on the drinking, my FI and I are such light drinkers I'm toast after one glass of champagne, so we'll probably not drink before and only a few afterwards...but who knows, things always change in the moment. lliaPSU - Thanks for the info on hanging the lanterns. How the lanterns get hung was one of my questions for NRN (her name will be "N" again once I hear from her). A fee of $100/20 ($5.00 each) seems really steep considering the lanters were $1.55 each. Maybe I'll just hand them myself.
  18. I only have 2-3 original ideas. This is not one of them, but I love the look. Thank goodness for the old Del Sol and La Luna photos! They got the best shots and really help sell EPM to me. To bad they are exiled. I just checked on buying the lanters online and the 3 day shipping is $55 to much. I wish N would have gotten back to me so I would have known to order them time for ground shipping. I could have ordered it last week for $13 gound shipping.
  19. LOVE the photos! It's so real time. Your dress is amazing! The chair signs are awesome. I bought a bride/groom one from Micheals but don't necessarity love it. Senor/Senora is so much better I was thinking we would send tips to the photographers & something to N (if we ever see or hear from her - and if she is amazing) after we get home. Bartenders & waitstaff for sure the day of with $ in envelopes. Do you think Tres leches on the bottom and other flavors on the top would be good? Is the cake three layers? Do they save it for you in the frig. and bring some to you whenever you ask? - I hear they did this for one couple. I love the idea of laying at the beach and deciding it's time for wedding cake! What night is the Mexican Fiesta?
  20. For those of you on the Spice Terrace, are you doing any additional decorations on the top (paper laterns, etc)? One of my questions to N was to see if they can do this at the resort and the cost. but no word back. So I'm wondering if I should just buy these and bring them. Time is gettign short for shipping so I hope to decide to order these today or tomorrow.
  21. lciz - Your info is awesome. And don't worry I'm not bummed about the room. It was just a small moment. I absolutely LOVE that you are communication with us fromt the resort... Can you tell us what N. is doing now??? ha. Because whatever it is, she is NOT emailing me. Oh, how I wish that she would confirm our meal options so I could ask our guests what they want. Oh, how I wish I had details to have in an excel spreadsheet..... I'm plannig for both hair up and down and will decide once I get there. That's why my Pinterst has so many ups & down photos!
  22. Sorry, not 35 rooms booked it's room nights. Originally I read that you only needed 35 room nights booked for your party for the base wedding package to be compimentary. But I haven't seen that wording in the new materials, so they may have changed it. Luckly we noticed that detail when we were booking our room and we knew that our group would be staying a combined 35 nights, so we did the non -EC to save money, knowing we could always upgrade if we had it in our budget.
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