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Everything posted by TriSportBride

  1. Hi all, Just got back last week from OCT (and honeymoon at SilverSands). All I can say is WOW! We used Sweet Fire Photography, and we're crazy happy with how the pictures turned out. Have a peek! http://vimeo.com/user14370373/review/54746931/755d169e44 ~h
  2. @Andrea 28 - I hear ya! I've been transferred from Ana to Angelica, and am NOT getting answers. Our wedding is on November 21st ... it's starting to get down to crunch time! Grrr!!!
  3. Haven't been to the forums in a while - getting married November 21, 2012 at OCT. Looking through all the pictures - eeeeEEEEee!! So excited! Can't wait! Thanks @DalChrisWedding for all the pictures of the flowers! I'm quite alright with waiting to make that decision when we get there, but it's so nice to have a little glimpse into what's available! Thank you!
  4. This is what we're doing with our photographer. I believe the guest price is $130pp based on double occupancy, and a bit more for just single. Still better than the $300 resort fee, and lets us have the TTD the next day! Is it bad that I think I'm more excited about our TTD than I am about the wedding pictures? (kidding ... kind of! ha!)
  5. Yikes! I've booked November 21, 2012 at OCT, and heard nothing of this. They took our money, and we have several guests attending. We are using the Lobby Terrace though, so not sure if the beach might be an issue?
  6. Hey sgreen99, We've just been through the whole "vendor/non-vendor" thing ... we were quoted $300 for a vendor fee, but if we have our photographer stay over night (very handy for TTD the next day), we only pay $132pp (double occupancy). I think that's the way we're going to go - haven't totally decided yet. We've only booked the photographer until 6pm, so I feel badly that they're going to have nothing to do all night! Well, I guess there are worse places in the world to have nothing to do all night ... Bottom line - if your photographer is a 'guest', no matter for how long, you don't need to pay the vendor fee. Or, at least that's how I understand my particuar arrangement. Hope that helps! Cheers,
  7. Let me know how you do with that - I asked to have my November 2012 4pm time changed to 3:30, and she said no. Sounds like there are ceremonies at 2pm and 4pm and that's it! I hope you manage to change it - I'll push a bit more for it if you do! lol
  8. Great pictures! Thanks. I was hoping for a shot maybe from the lobby through to the terrace? I'm still a bit fuzzy on how 'lobby' the 'lobby terrace' location is. Can anyone else speak to this? Like, is your ceremony in the middle (well, not LITERALLY, but you know what I mean) of people checking in? Thanks for any help!
  9. @AnaS Can't wait to hear how all your time planning goes. We're not there until November, 2012, but timing is definitely something I've been thinking of. I figured I would take care of most of those details closer to the date, but it's sooo helpful to see what others are doing! I would love to see some more picutres of the lobby terrace area! That's where we're doing the ceremony/reception (I think - depends how many more times I change my mind! ha!). I'm hoping it's more 'terrace' than 'lobby'? If you could snap some pics there, that would be awesome! Cheers!
  10. Thank you all for your words of wisdom! @AwayWeGo - Symbolic Ceremony for us too. Something about handing over my blood just doesn't sit well with me. @TropicLover - oh my! Sunscreen is right! Big floppy hat and a bandeau style bathingsuit as well? So excited to now start planning a few little details. Not going to do too much - OOT bags for sure, and I would like to do something for centerpieces without breaking the bank, or my back packing everything there! Can't believe how much good information is on this site. If you have any other advice/tips/tricks, I'm all ears!
  11. Thanks! As much as I would have liked the Tuesday (just gets it out of the way sooner in the week), I agree with your points about the 4pm. I have suggested the pictures beforehand to the FI ... and I got 'the look'. You know the one where he looks at you as if you have 3 heads? Ya. That one. He's VERY traditional, so we'll be doing pictures after! Does the reception have to start right away do you know? Or could we start that later ... I was thinking 4pm ceremony, 6pm cocktails, 7pm dinner, 9pm ... dance? Thanks!
  12. So - just got word about different dates that are available. Assuming a Sunday through Sunday stay ... does a 2pm Tuesday ceremony or a 4pm Wednesday ceremony make the most sense? I would love to have it Tuesday, but that's awfully early in the day ... Any thoughts? Comments? Opinions? Experiences? I would love to hear them all! Thanks!
  13. Thank you so much for the link to the facebook page! I'm emailing them to anyone that will listen to me! Ha!
  14. BOOKED! After stalking these forums for a few weeks now, Ocean Coral and Turquesa was the winner. Thank you all so much for all the information that you've posted. I'm sure you can understand what a huge help it's been! We're getting married there November 2012, so I have a while yet before any detailed stuff happens. Can't wait to hear about other's experiences there!
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