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Posts posted by leigh2011

  1. Until 11:30am, only the World Cafe (buffet) and the coffee shop are open.  At 11:30am the snack place by the pool opens, and at 12pm the other restaurants that open that day for lunch will start serving.  So if you want to do a "brunch", the World Cafe is really your only option.  I am not sure what the policy is for reservations for groups at World Cafe.  They certainly have enough tables to be able to accomodate a group that size, but it would take a bit of planning by the hostess to make sure tables are left empty and then put together before you arrive.


    Originally Posted by dreamsbride12 View Post

    My Fiance and I are thinking of doing a "welcome brunch" our first morning with all our guests instead of a "rehearsal dinner". For the brides that have had their weddings already- any recommendations where we should have it? What is open at brunch time and do you think it will be a problem having a reservation for 30+ guests?? Thanks so much, in advance! 


  2. Thanks.


    We ended up getting an extra 30-45 minutes of reception time to make up for the issues that came up, so I had 3.5 to 3.75 hours for my reception.  I am actually really glad we had that extra time, I do feel that 3 hours would have felt a little short.  However, my dinner seemed to have run a little long.  Before getting to the resort, our DJ asked for 12-14 songs to play during dinner and I gave him 12.  I remember that he had to improvise on 3-4 additional songs to finish the dinner.  While eating we did have a bit of time between courses (less than 5 minutes - not bad at all) so at times a few people would get up to dance and then go sit back down when the next course was delivered.

    We thought about extending the reception for yet another hour, but decided the extra fee ($280/hr + 11% tax for DJ and $15/pp/hr + 11% tax + 15% gratuity for the bar service) wasn't worth it.  However, if you could plan that into the budget ahead of time you will likely be very happy that you did. 


    I don't think I got anything extra for free.  The only thing that is a maybe (and other brides can say if they got the same thing) is whether I payed for the light-up dance floor verus the wooden dance floor (not sure if there even is such a thing).  My bill simply says "Dance Floor" and was charged at $600 + 15% setup + 11% tax = $756.  However, the planning guide document online has a wooden dance floor for 30 people listed for $700 + 11% tax and a supplement of $150 + 11% tax for the lighted dance floor.  So I am not sure if I got something for free/discount or if they have made changes to the dance floor prices that aren't reflected in the guide. 


    Originally Posted by K Martinez78 View Post

    Leigh... Your wedding pictures are beautiful. I have a question... Did you have enough time at your reception to eat and dance? Was three hours enough or did you extend the time? I don't want to feel rushed. Did you have music during your dinner? Also did Claudia give you anything extra that you didn't pay for?


  3. Here is what we put in our OOT  bags and a comment about each:

    • travel mug - luckily we only spent $1 each on these because hardly anyone used them around the resort.  I heard maybe 2 people say they used them for coffee.
    • visor - these were a big hit because very few people remembered hats/visors - we did not emroider them and I think that made people more likely to wear them
    • sunglasses (men) - we got knock-off aviator sunglasses and they were a big hit - so if you forgot yours or you wanted to keep your expensive ones safe in the room
    • pashmina (ladies) - these were a big hit too as it was windier and thus chillier than most of the ladies expected
    • starfish jewelry (ladies) - hmm - I saw a few of the ladies wearing these necklace & earring sets - I think it was a pleasant surprise for them but I can't say it was a hit
    • pen & notepad - we didn't see these being used, but it is expected they would be an in-room product.  These were free from Vistaprint, so I would say only useful if you are ordering something else as well so you aren't paying the shipping just for these items
    • photoshare card - USELESS!  - everyone has come back and just loaded their pictures onto Facebook
    • first aid kit - big hit
    • pepto - definitely used
    • advil - definitely used
    • bug spray - useless at our resort - it was too breezy to have a bug problem
    • aloe - didn't see this getting used
    • hand sanitizer - didn't see this getting used
    • lip balm - the ladies used these
    • candy - didn't see anyone eating this, but maybe they did in the room
    • arm floaties (kids) - perfect for the age kids we had (2 and 3 yr)
    • sand pail (kids) - the girls (2 & 3) used these to carry their stuff around all week
    • Pez (kids) - they loved these - even took them into the pool where the candy got wet and had to be thrown out
    • koozies - not used at the resort - not sure if they were taken home and used
    • $1 tote bags from the dollar tree - PERFECT - great size and great price - would definitely use these again
    • gum - not sure, but never a bad purchase
    • floss picks - not sure, but they were cheap
    • Shout wipes - did not hear a single word about these being used (but our guests were only staying 3, 4, and 5 nights)


    Hmmm - that is all I can think of right now.  Hope that list helps future brides.

  4. Congratulations Sarah!  Best of luck with the AHR planning.  And good luck with figuring out what to do with the pro pics - there will be so many you love and then you have to decide what to do with them all!

    Originally Posted by SarahBen2011 View Post

    I'm baaaaack as well!  What an amazing amazing wedding and trip.  The wedding day went perfectly!  A few bumps along the way (no where to hang my dress on the plane, rushed to get the OOT bags done in time, etc).  But Dreams was perfect and it seriously was everything I had ever wanted.  The honeymoon at Verana in PV was just unreal.  It's so sad to be back hahah.  But now I get to wait for the pro pictures and finish all the stuff for the AHR.  Eeek still so much to do but all good things.


    Congrats to all :-)

    Congratulations Joanne!  I just saw your iphone pictures and they look great.  Both dresses looked fantastic on you.  Hopefully you won't have to wait the whole 2 months to get a few teaser pictures from your photog.

    Best of luck adjusting to real life :-)

    Originally Posted by JoanneIreland View Post

    I'm back too!!!!!!!!!!! Just landed a few hours ago and couldn't resist the urge to log in here! Cuddled up on the sofa with my hubby and bless his heart he's watching TV whilst I just explained to him I absolutely HAD to log in here and check for updates, LOL!!


    Congratulations to everyone one of you, you look so stunning, and all your pictures are amazining, can't wait to see more and hear more details.


    Our day was amazing, truely the best day of my life and I've never felt happier.

    We won't have pro-pics for 2 months (sucks I know), but friends and family emailed some pics so once I get logged into work I will post a few.


    After 3 weeks in Mexico I am still trying to wrap my head around the idea that no one will be putting clean sheets on the bed tomorrow, bringing fresh towels and cleaning the house, handing me a mamosa at 7am, making me food of my choice at my beck and call, and handing me a cocktail menu as I laze on the beach. I just asked Mike if I could place a breakfast order with him for tomorrow morning and I just got a funny look, LMAO!


    Absolutely shattered now but will check back in tomorrow and read all the updates in more detail then!

    Nitey nite!


  5. Thanks ladies.  I think it is fun to string all of your pictures together to see how things progressed from boyfriend & girlfriend to husband & wife.


    JayKay - thanks....I was very happy when I had that bouquet delivered to my room.  I intentionally kept my wedding colors on the neutral side (light blue and navy blue) so that I could have pops of color in things like the flowers and have them stand out.

  6. Hmmm - good question.  My best guess would have to be in the neighborhood of 45 seconds to a minute.  But of course that can depend on how fast you are walking.


    I think the spa did really well on my hair and fairly well on my makeup.  Definitely bring pictures of what you want to your appointment.  The ladies at the salon style hair for a lot of brides, so they have probably come across any style you ask them to do.  For the makeup, I think she did my eyes really well (even applying fake lashes that I brought with me) - however, she did not apply a concealer which I feel like I need because my skin isn't that great.  If I had known she wasn't going to do that, I could have applied the foundation I brought with me before I went to the salon.

    Originally Posted by sarahlhal View Post

    Approximately how long did it take to walk down the aisle??  And how did the spa do with your hair and makeup??  Oh, and Congrats Mrs.!


  7. Congratulations!


    Your pictures are lovely - the ones you posted AND the ones on the blog.  There are some beautiful and artistic shots.  But I think my favorite may be the last one on the blog - the simple closeup of you behind his arm - because you look so happy! 


    Originally Posted by carrieb258 View Post

    Hey girls, 


    Congratulations all those who are already married and good luck to those who are still to come. I am now officially a Mrs!!! We did it ladies! The day was amazing, simply perfect, gorgeous weather, stunning beach and just everything went so smoothly. 


    Please see a link to some photos by our amazing photographer Sascha http://cancunphotosblog.com/carriemike-dreams-tulum/ he was just amazing. 


    Can not believe I am a Mrs, just the AHR to organise now.... 


  8. I just looked at your gallery and those pictures are so unique!!!  I would never have thought to do a TTD on horseback - so cool.  Color me jealous wink.gif


    Originally Posted by meBonidie2be View Post


    Roan Robinson was so great to work with. Here is a lilttle peek from our TTD. The best ones are not even shown here. There are some more on his FB page that are my favs.


    Happy Thanksgiving!!! 


  9. Congrats Taryn!  I hope you made it home safe and we can't wait to see your pictures.

    That Palace Resort deal with the resort credits sounds awesome.


    Originally Posted by sxcT View Post

    Hi my lovely November brides!!


    Im still at Sun Palace getting a pedicure as I type. We fly home tmrw. What a wonderful experience. The whole wedding was gorgeous, ceremony was a hit (David and the whole bridal party danced down the aisle to a choreographed dance....they did such a great job) and the ceremony script I put together was lovely and several guests commented on it. The reception was a blast...food was great and we got everyone up to dance for at least two songs. Aventura Resort was beautiful!! The days flew by and I don't feel like I've been on vacation for 9 days already. I want to stay lol!!


    I got to see the video last night and I can't wait to see the photos. La Luna did a fantastic job of capturing amazing moments.


    Everyone loved the OOT bags and ended up using a good amount of the stuff in them. Palace Resorts offers credit to use at the spa, on excursions, upgrading the room, etc. Most people either got $750 or $1500 to spend. They loved it. Palace Resorts is amazing!!


    Well we fly home tmrw and I don't go back to work til Tuesday so I have plenty of time to post pics, videos, write reviews, post my planning thread, etc. 


    Hope u all have a fantastic Thanksgiving!!!


  10. No matter what, your wedding will be wonderful.  And your vacation will be fantastic too.


    We had our AHR this past weekend and all I can so is thank goodness we didn't have a traditional wedding and reception.  The AHR was 4 hours long and had ~100 guests and I was so exhausted from having to walk around and talk to everyone.  I can say that I didn't touch any of the food we had catered (until we took the left-overs home when I crammed down 2 cupcakes at 2am) and I only consumed a single glass of wine.  I think I started having fun and dancing for the last 1/2 hour or so when enough guests had already left that I didn't have to continue to mingle.  After the AHR, I thought to myself how crappy it would be for a traditional bride such that you couldn't have fun because you spend your whole reception walking around thanking people for coming and likely meeting some new people for the first time.  That experience truly made me appreciate my DW reception where I was able to sit and eat my meal and then spend the entire rest of the time on the dance floor because I had already spent 1-2 days with all of my guests.


    Originally Posted by jana297 View Post

    We are having ours on a Friday. I am so excited but a little nervous too!


  11. I am right there with you.  If I could go back and change anything about my wedding I would still have it at Dreams Cancun, but I wouldn't have chosen November because there were just too many weddings going on.  Ahead of time, I had no idea that November & December were the busiest wedding months.  I hope it gives future brides comfort that even with the things that went wrong on my wedding day, I would still choose Dreams Cancun again.

    Also, I am sure a weekday wedding would have been less hectic.  However, I needed to choose a weekend so guests wouldn't have to take as many days off of work.  For those ladies that have their whole group coming for an entire week - selecting a weekday will probably minimize the chance of another wedding on your day.

    Originally Posted by jana297 View Post

    Great review thanks for sharing. I am a little disappointed in their lack of concern for your day by allowing a rehearsal to make your ceremony late. Unacceptable! Also not fair to your guests!!


  12. Congratulations Mrs B - on the marriage and the baby.  I can't imagine trying to plan for a wedding and a baby at the same time - I am impressed.  Like Pucca said - we are looking forward to seeing pictures.


    Pucca - I am right there with you on wanting to find a way to pass on the dress so someone else can enjoy it.  If you find out any good info on donating your dress, please let me know.

  13. I finally wrote and posted my wedding review.  One problem - apparently each username is only allowed to write one review per resort, so I had to combine my wedding and resort reviews.  I think there must be a size limit to your review because I couldn't add the pictures to the wedding review portion.  However, I did upload the pictures to my BDW profile albums and put links to them in the review.


    If you want to see more wedding photos, click on the link in my signature.



  14. I have been back from my wedding for a more than a week now, and I wanted to share some pictures of how my planning turned out. 


    First, here is a pic of my outfit.


    bride's attire.png


    And a pic of the groom and groomsmen.


    groomsmen attire.png


    My bouquet based on the centerpiece inspiration picture I gave the wedding coordinator.




    The gazebo décor/centerpieces.  So, I didnâ€t get exactly what I had planned for the centerpieces but that is because the wedding coordinator gave me a suggestion to save money.  As I got 4 sprays for the gazebo décor and I had 4 reception tables, she said they would just move the gazebo sprays and make them centerpieces.  The sprays were done in the colors I liked and with a lot of the roses I like, but the resort always has the lilies as well to help make them look full.  I will say the sprays were bigger than the centerpieces (in a vase) that I wanted, so it helped to make the table look full.


    gazebo flowers.png


    A picture of the gazebo before the ceremony.




    A picture of the sand ceremony frame after being moved from the gazebo to the reception.  The two vases did not hold enough sand to fill the entire frame, so I needed to have brought extra to fill the frame the next day.  As I didnâ€t bring extra, I transported the frame home as is in my hand held carry-on (making sure to keep it upright).  Had it been full there would have been no need for that.


    Sand ceremony.png


    A picture of a place setting (after the white charger plate had been removed).


    place setting.png


    A picture of the reception location from a distance.  I loved the lights of the distant resorts in the background (across the water).


    reception location.png


    A picture of the wedding cake and cake topper.


    wedding cake.png


    A couple of pictures of the excursion.  First is a picture from the Tulum ruins.  The second picture is while snorkeling at a lagoon in Akumal.  There happened to be large schools of sardines in the lagoon and it was AMAZING to snorkel with thousands upon thousands of the tiny fish (which are forming a wall behind me in this picture).  The school of sardines would part as you swam toward it such that you could stop and find yourself completely surrounded by the school.  The best snorkeling experience I have ever had.






    I have more pictures from the wedding in my profile – and there is a link in my signature.

  15. I know I love looking at other bride's wedding pictures both out of curiosity and sometimes for inspiration - so I thought I would post some of my different pictures in case it other brides are like me.  I am going to post a few pictures from each event in this thread, but I have more in albums under my profile.


    The first pro pictures we had taken were Engagement Pictures in November 2010.













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