Hi Ladies!! I have been searching everywhere trying to find the tote bag I want to use for my OOT Bags. I even ordered these cute flip flop bags, that were way too tiny. Well, I found this amazing deal... www.shirtsinbulk.com and I ordered the Harriton Tote Bag. They were $4.91 each, with free shipping over $50. I also found a promo code "ANJPTBC" for an extra 5% off the total order, which made my tote bags $4.55 each! I only needed 12 bags, so for those of you that go over $100 orders, there is a 10% promo code also available on retailmenot.com. Their shipping is super fast too! I ordered on Sunday, and they were delivered on Tuesday!!! Below is the stock photo of the bag I got - they have multiple colors. The bags are the perfect size for what I'm looking for! They are pretty nice quality too - I was afraid they'd be pretty cheap material for being such a good price. They do have a coating on the fabric that I believe helps it to be water resistant... so it's not a very "soft" bag, but it's still great!