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Everything posted by DaniBSHR

  1. I'm slightly worried...my wedding is September 1, and I have had NO contact with anyone from the resort. I was told three months before the wedding is when ALL the planning gets done by our last travel agent (we switched) but now I see others whose weddings are after mine...picking locations, decorations, etc... i'm confused...any insight? I just e mailed out travel agent. Thanks!
  2. Where did you guys buy your shells and stuff?!?! Looking for shells, palm trees, something like that!!!
  3. So...actually last minute we changed them. After reading on the BDW threads I found out that at our resort for a certain amount of rooms booked we recieve certain incentives, so our SUPER cut down list has been brought up to be ALL the people we want it to be...which means that we would have had to spend almost $250 dollars on the STDs being made. Yeah, not doing that. So I decided to go the DIY route- and ordered from Vista Print and IdCards for the Luggage tags. I am SOO nervous!!! I hope that they turn out ok, as I am NOT a crafty person AT all, but I saw someone on here and did it, and they were super cute. Where are yours from?? Did you DIY?? I was totally against the DIY stuff, but I think it was just fear. If these turn out ok, I am totally doing it this way. We will see....
  4. I haven't recieved them yet, but I will have 50 Luggage tags available. I ordered 100, because that is all you can order, but I will (at this point) only need 50. If you need them, please PM me. They are (apparently) supposed to work well with the Vista Print cards which I also ordered. I will take pics and post them and let you know Thanks so much!
  5. I decided to go with luggage tags for STDs which are being made now, and then shipped to me. My question is, I don't just want to throw them in an envelope and ship them off. What are your ideas?? The problem is, my travel agent, who is doing all the arragements, is giving us a flyer that we need to ship out as well. I am not the most crafty person in the world, in fact far from it, and i need some ideas!! I want them to be cute... of course. Like, put them in a box or something?!? I have no idea how to do this... what are your guys' ideas?
  6. If you still have the flip flops and shirt, I will take both. If not, where did you get those flip flops?!?!
  7. I am getting ready to hand out my "save the dates" / luggage tags around christams, and I cannot find luggage tags that I am picturing in my head! Where did everyone get theirs from?? I am doing business card sized inserts as "save the dates" and need business card sized luggage tags! HELP
  8. Hello! I would like the women's flip flops, luggage tags, and chair signs!! Can you please e mail me?! (I am not sure how this works, I just joined today LOL) [email protected]
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