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Everything posted by Palakovich2012

  1. Thanks Abbie, I guess I am just wondering why my account says check your email for account verification and I have done this and nothing..... I was thinking the email was important factor in communicating on threads and posting and me getting that would allow me access to being a member / using this site? Did you ever get information and tips on how to use / navigate the sites ect. I would hope or think there would be something and was hoping it was in the verification email?
  2. Hi, Congrats on your engagement! I am new to this site and still trying to figure out how to post a thread it tells me holding for moderation whatever that means, maybe you could help? I would love to help you with insight on where to start bases on my experiences of a year in the works of planning. I have been engaged a year coming up on October 5th and been completely overwhelmed and explored every avenue there is for a local wedding vs. destinatin. We just now figured out after months and months of planning and research and changing directions min. 5 times a DW is was the way to go for budgets costs and also keeping your wedding an open invite but knowing a lot less will attend and keeps finances and budget from gettting our of control. I am in similar situation as you..... My fiance has a LARGE family 9 in immediate and mine is just 4. My entire family and friends are all excited about the destination wedding and all want to attend prior to invites even going out! His family is not as excited as all the brothers and sisters will not be able to travel due to new babies and also cost.... It is very hard to plana wedding and even harder when you tthink about or try to make everyone else happy!!!!! Remember this is you and your fiance's time and it is all about you! You will never be able to satisfy or live up to everyones expectations and will drive yourself crazy trying to do so escpecially if you have a budget to keep you in check! We initally discounted idea of a DWdo because his family is so large and some of mine will not be able to afford coming and costs ect! We looked at a wedding from all angles and thought just keep it small to stay in budget and then rent a beach house locally and invite all friends and family for casual reception / celebration over an entire weekend or 4 days. Rentals, food, venue, band, ect.ect. add up quick!!! WE wasted months doing this to find out houses we wanted are booked or for sale or can't look at or getting no response. Find ing out how expensive and hard it is too coordinate with little time. Is budget a big part of your planning decisions on what you will do? If so I recommend a DW ALL Inclusive Resort! WE wanted to keep it around 10K total and that hopefully includes our honeymoon to Costa Rica an extra week after our wedding of 4 nights in Cancun Mexico.. Most weddings at an all inclusive resort will be offered free or complimentary to you if you stay 7 nights or just 3-4 as long as you book min. of 5 rooms ( each resort is diff) We thought we were 9% on Secrets Maroma beach which is beautiful and has highest reveiiws of all resorts, but due to budget and not being sure guests could afford coming and staying there it are now duing Moon Palace Cancun. Check into it ! Hope this gives you a little guidance to get started
  3. What does that mean? How do you get past being held for moderation? Are there instructions?
  4. Hi Ladies, I'm looking forward to talking with you all and using this site! I am new here and a bit technolgically challenged at times and can't really figure out to how to use this site... I can read and navigate through forums fine,however I never received my verification email either and tried to start a thread and it said editing for content and I have no idea where the thread is posted or if it is even posted? Does that mean I am o.k. to use site without getting the verification email? Is there a welcome letter and info that tells you exactly how this site works with info how to navigate through, post and start or join threads? I have searched forums and found only answers to questions that are past the initial basic stage of navigating and coresponding. Please help me! Getting frustrated and wasting lots of time trying to figure out on my own. Sure it is easy just needing a little guidance. Thanks!
  5. I did not either and have emailed the contact at best destination weddings. I inquired what is wrong and hoping to hear back from them as well as info on how to post and work forums. I am not sure how this site works yet....If I find out will let you know. Please do the same if you get a response so I can figure this all out too .....
  6. Hi ladies ! just wanted to say HELLO and congrats to everyone! What an exciting time of our lives. I am on here for my first time. I just made my first big decision in almost ONE YEAR of being engaged after months and hours of taking ever route possible to plan a wedding that we thought would be local. A month ago we decided to entertain idea of destination wedding and been looking at options all over the map from Carribean -ST. John, St. Lucia ect. to Costa Rica to Mexico.....EXHAUSTING! My fiance are so excited to say we have made the first decision to do an All Inclusive destination wedding! We need to narrow down the stress with our schedules not alloting for much planning time and the month we want to do this creeping in February 2012! We have been doing research on resorts and All inclusives for weeks (feels like months) by recommendation of a friend of the family told us about her experience at the Moon Palace Cancun. We thought we were 99% sure we were going to get married at the Secrets Resort Maroma Beach it is beautiful, however last night after adding up all expenses and lack of things that came with wedding packages there we looked into the Moon Palace Cancun. We love their packages and prices much better knowing we will have more than 10 guests. Our plans are to get married at MP in February .....leaving us not so much time to pull this all together and send out invites, save the dates ect! I was hoping some of you nice brides/ couples could offer us the best advice on how you nailed down reserving a date and package at Moon Palace for you wedding day and party. Did you go through the resort directly or a travel agent? If you had a travel agent were they able to offer you better deals and packages than resort? Any input on a travel agent to use there are soo many! Anyone doing the sunset wedding package with catamaran? Would love feedback if any one can share info on good travel agent and / or best resort person to contact and how we should get started. We would love to offer information to anyone as well on any details we have looked into thus far! Love to hear your feedback and thank you in advance!!!
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