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Posts posted by Leah22

  1. Jen,


    I reached out to Iberostar.  I emailed the corporate office and heard nothing back.  I complained and Janielle and Angellie (WC and PR Manager) and heard nothing in regards to the rule changes.  But Janielle said I can bring in outside flowers/decorations.  As long as no outside vendors come onto the property.  Not sure where I'm going to go from here.  I don't want to find another venue after I already have several people booked at the Grand.  But I'm definitely not going to put any more money into extras at the Grand for the wedding.  For instance, I was going to do a beach bonfire with steel pan band the night before my wedding.  But after doing the math, it will be more affordable for me take my guests on a catamaran cruise or excursion.

    Originally Posted by Jen723 View Post

    So I posted on the Iberostar Spanish facebook and then they told me to email them- i did- and they said they would forward it.  and i got nothing.  it's been like a week now.  i was a mess for a couple days.  i felt like my entire wedding- my vision was ruined.  i'm just glad i'm not alone.  i chose iberostar because i had the freedom- if i wanted a cookie cutter wedding then i would have went with sandals. 


    Oh and you won't even believe this- after i wrote the grand and told them i would be looking into having the wedding off property the next email i received is "I've been out of the office i will see what i can do"  then not a day later I received a time sheet from Iberostar- for me to fill out so they can start planning the wedding.   huh????  like did they not understand anything that i said to them????   thatswck.gifhas anyone else reached out?  If she is willing to see what she can do maybe the message is being received???? 



  2. Montego Bay is kind of in the middle and there are not many excursions nearby (besides a catamaran/snorkeling, Margaritaville, and the shops at Rose Hall).  But there are many excursions around Negril (as well as Ocho Rios).  Negril is closer to YS Falls, Mayfield Falls, Pigeon Island, Black River, and Appleton Estates.  Dunn's River is in Ocho Rios, as well several others popular stops.  I chose Iberostar over Negril because of the proximity to the airport after hearing my parents and guests complaining about a long drive to get to the resort.  I've been to Ocho Rios before and did not consider that area for my wedding.

    Originally Posted by tmemise View Post

    HI Stacy


    I found that most of the better excurstions are by Ocho Rios so the close your are to that the better so you don't spend alot of time in van going back and forth.


  3. I would also like to point out that the rates to rent the night club and host a beach bonfire have also increased...but ONLY at the Grand.  Brides at the Suites and Beach resorts will pay half the price to rent the night club (which is shared by all the resorts) and to host a beach party (it's the same beach...and all beaches in Jamaica are public property!). 

  4. Thanks for your post Jen!  I'm really pissed about this whole issue...the rate increases and the required vendors.  Plus their vendors are double the prices they should be (including Tai Flora).  I'm going to write to Iberostar right now.


    Originally Posted by Jen723 View Post

    the email message didn't copy right.  oops


  5. The Grand has a free wedding package if you book 5 rooms (but it's a bare bones package with nothing included).  I haven't heard anything about the Suites having a free package.

    Originally Posted by Luis N Dijah View Post

    Hello to all future and past Brides, I have a question about the costs for wedding at Iberostar rose hall. I have the wedding details from Tiffany and Nicole but its hard to get in contact with them. My question is the cost of golden coast wedding is $2100  but its up to between 2 to 8 people but its say more than 8 people there will be additional fee of $18 a guest. I was told before that if we booked more than 10 rooms the wedding package will be free. Is that true?????? thanks for your help


  6. Hey!  I'm getting married in June at the Iberostar Grand and I chose the "free" wedding package.  I thought it was a great deal and came out to be less than getting married at the Suites.  BUT, nothing is included with this package and everything is starting to add up...it is definitely turning out to be a pricey wedding!  Have you considered staying at the Grand and having your wedding off property?  I've read many brides on this forum who have gone this route and it seems to be the best of both worlds.  I think it is more affordable, plus you can still take advantage of what the Grand has to offer.

  7. Does anyone have information for a wholesale florist in or around Montego Bay?  I want to do a very simple centerpiece for my June wedding, which will consist of a 4" jar or vase with 2-3 stems each.  But I want to use rectangular tables and have a full line of these jars at each table...which may be about 10 jars per table.  I received quotes from Tai Flora and Floral Fantasies for $15-35 per jar.  Which is extreme since I may have around 100 guests and 12-15 tables (you do the math).  So I want to do the flowers myself and I just need to locate a wholesale florist where I can purchase only the flowers and then cut them and arrange them myself.


    Any ideas or contacts?



  8. Hi Delgadot,

    After touring the Iberostar property, why did you decide to hold your wedding off site at Hummingbird Hall?



    Originally Posted by delgadot View Post

    @ Nikadawn that is great to hear! For whatever reason people have created accounts on this site and they turn out to be vendors posing as brides etc so I wont be surprised if that bride you are referring too is a fake and has nothing better to do!


    So I have not posted on here in a while but even though I decided to have my actual wedding off site I am still staying at the Iberostar Rose Hall Beach. I did stay at the Suites back in May and got to tour the beach property as well so if you ladies have any questions ask away! I also took a ton of pics! So just let me know:)




  9. Hi Maria!


    I'm actually getting married at the Grand, but I'm sure I'll see you around since I'll have several guests staying at the Suites.  As of now I've got my dress ordered (it's scheduled to arrive in early April), the STDs went out in late October, and my invitations are designed and set to go out in the next week or 2 (although we already have several people booked based on the STD info).  I hired a local photographer (Brian Nejedly...he's actually from Atlanta, but now lives in Ocho Rios).  And I'm now trying to figure out the flowers/decorations.  I received a few quotes from local florists and they're all very high for the really simple design that I want.  So I'm trying to find a wholesale florist in Montego Bay or figure out a different approach to bring the costs down.  But I figure I have plenty of time to work that out.  I plan on doing OOT bags as well, but I've made no progress on those...just lots of ideas of what I want to include in them.

  10. We are getting married stateside and doing a vow renewal in Jamaica.  It just makes more sense for us.  The process will be easier, with less foreign paperwork and hassles to do with.  Plus we know that are marriage will be recognized immediately.  Versus getting married in Jamaica (or elsewhere outside the country) you may have to wait several months to receive your paper work and then you have to wait for it to be accepted by your state.  I think people will understand if it's a vow renewal.  We view the Jamaica wedding as the "real" wedding.  The stateside marriage just covers the legalities.  You need to figure out what will work best for your needs/desires.

    Originally Posted by JamaicaSukie View Post

    Yeah I gotta say I'm a little nervous about it too now that fiance put negative thoughts in my head.  We are playing with the idea of getting married stateside and then just doing the renewal in Jamaica but that just doesn't sit well with me.  I'm uncomfortable asking people to send X amount of dollars to come and watch us basically renew our vows.  Any advice anyone can give would be helpful.



  11. It depends on your package.  I believe some packages come with centerpieces/flower decorations for the reception.  The resort uses Tai Flora and you will need to contact them to tell them what you want.  My package comes with no flowers and I've found Tai Flora to be on the high side (for what I want)...plus they're very non-responsive.  so I am looking into outside florists and/or bringing my own centerpieces and decorations.  There are several wedding florists in the area, you can do a simple google search and find at least 4 companies who do weddings in Montego Bay.  But the resort with charge a vendor fee ($250) if an outside florist comes onto the property...but they can drop things off in the lobby without the extra charge.  Good luck.

    Originally Posted by summerdaisies View Post

    Can anyone tell me what they did for centerpieces for the dinner? Did they provide them for you? Did you bring items from home? help!


  12. Also, I found out that rates will vary greatly from week to week. We tried to book the last week of June originally, but we found out the rate at the Suites would be $200 per night instead of $160! So we switched to early June. You have a lot time. I would contact some travel agents now and see what kind of rates they can give and when those promotions will end. If you don't like the rate, then wait and ask again 2-3 months later. I locked in my group rates 9 months in advance (I would have preferred to do it at 12 months but my fiancé didn't officially give me my ring until September and I refused to start planning any earlier). But this month I've seen some really great promotions for my dates at the Iberostar that are lower than the rates I reserved!

  13. What's included in the prices you both listed (number of days? Airfare?). It's hard to compare without that info. I have group rates through a travel for both the Suites and the Grand. For the Suites the cost is $528 pp for 3 nights plus $160 each additional night. This includes all taxes and roundtrip airport transfers. But airfare is separate and obviously varies. I've been checking out airfare for my guests and it will run between $200 to $700 depending on the part of the country they're flying from (I have guests coming from all over, including a friend from Sweden). But I contacted at least 10 travel agents before I settled on this rate (some agents were much higher).

  14. The package prices are the same for 2012.  Only the reception prices changed at the Grand (and the bonfire and disco rental rates).  I didn't mean to freak everyone out!  If you were already planning to add on a premium bar, then this won't affect you too much.  But if you wanted to save some money and go with the standard bar, then you're out of luck since it's no longer an option.

    Originally Posted by malikmakhi View Post

    Did the actual wedding packages increase as well or just the additional things like bonfire, private reception, etc. Does anyone know if the rates increased for the Suites as well? If the rates increased like the Grand....I may actually have to plan my wedding somewhere else. I understand the rates will increase, but for the rates to almost double is absolutely insane.


  15. The Grand has increased their reception prices to include a REQUIRED premium bar. To rent Port Maria with a group of 31-50 people, the price is now $3000 (it used to be $1750 with a standard bar and an optional $12 pp per hour extra to upgrade to the premium). 51-75 people is $4500, 76-100 is $6000, 101-150 is $9000. Also, the rates to rent the disco and host a beach bonfire party increased. The disco is now $650 for 20 people and the bonfire is now $500 (I believe they used to be $375 & $300). The only positive is that the Grand now no longer requires day passes for wedding guests IF you have a private reception. But if you have less than 30 people you can't do a private reception and their day pass rate increased to $75 (it used to be $50). I complained to Janielle & Angellie and informed them that I had planned and based my budget on the 2011 rates and I saw no need to upgrade to a premium bar. And if the new rates were going to jncrease they should have told me at the time of booking. Janielle responded with "I'm sorry for the inconvenience, but these are the new rates. The Grand now requires a premium bar for all events." I just can't understand why I'm paying so much extra money for a reception dinner at an all-inclusive when my guests have already paid a premium at this resort.

    2012 rates are twice those for 2011?!  Say it isn't so!  I just emailed the coordinators for the updated rates but I've certainly been working from the figures I received when I booked this June for my May 2012 ceremony.



    Originally Posted by Leah22 View Post




    Where did you end up having you ceremony and reception?  Did you work with anyone in Jamaica to plan it?  I am considering hosting my reception (and maybe ceremony) off property since I just received the 2012 rates for the Grand (and they're almost double the 2011 rates).

  16. Saab photography looks really really amazing!  They were recommended to me by Half Moon resort (which I almost booked before the Iberostar Grand).  But they're very pricey!  A 7 hour package with 2 professional photographers (no assistant) is $3700 and the 5 hour package with 2 photographers (again 2 professionals, no assistant) is $2900.  They also have associates who have packages that are about 2/3 the price.  For me I think it's between Saab, Sungold, and Brian Nejedly.  I was going to book with Merrick Cousley.  Who has great prices and really good pictures...but I think I want to spend the extra money to have really great quality images and editing.

    Originally Posted by ShayF View Post

    Has anyone used Saab photography? or even contacted them for pricing?

    Their website is fab!!! but I haven't seen anyone post anything about them....

    any thoughts?


  17. Check out negrilonestop.com (lots of reviews of them on trip advisor).  They use a reliable company for transfers and i think it costs $125 roundtrip for 2 people (i think the company is malcolm brothers).  also try clive's transport service (you can google it).  my fiance and i used them on a past trip.  they are cheap, reliable, and will provide beer for the ride.

  18. A catamaran cruise is a great idea! 


    You can also looking into renting a private villa.  The wedding party could stay at the villa and your guests would find other hotels nearby (or nearby villas to share).  With this option everything could be hosted on your property.  I looked into this originally and I thought it would be more expensive, but I think it is actually more economical to do it this way if you have a large number of guests.

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