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Everything posted by ginta14

  1. HEy Jeff What did you do about Music? Trying to avoid the sound system rental fees... Thanks! Gina
  2. Hey Ladies who have recently gotten married.... WHAT buffet did you choose for the reception and what were your thoughts on the food? Struggling to pick a menu! thanks!
  3. Hey Lauren! Congrats! Your pictures are amazing. I would love to ask you about your beach reception. What did they charge you to do all that? the set up? the lanterns? Ours wedding is 27 days away and were just going to use the solarium. Thanks so much. Gina
  4. OMG! Do you know what the extra fees were for the reception??? This place is a joke, it's 6 months before my contract and I want OUT. Thanks so much,
  5. Hi All, Is anyone else having serious issues with all the fees on top of supposedly complementary events? Also, it says now that the complementary private function is only for 2 hours??? Is there a pp/ph fee yet that I haven't seen? I am on the verge of telling the resort to shove it and cancel completely. What a joke! At least the other resorts told you how they were ripping you off upfront. I can't take another fee. Please help!
  6. HI Kristee thanks for all the helpful info! I'd love any recommendations for local playa del carmen wedding day pics. I tried Cherry Blossom too but their site is still down. Thanks heaps Gina
  7. Hi Watjol, Our wedding is a few days after yours! 9/7/12! Looking forward to hearing how your planning is going. Shopping around local florists and photographers at the moment. Funny how Mexico isn't quite the bargain we thought it would be. Mention 'wedding' and the price quadruples! Happy planning, Gina
  8. Hi All, Looking for a local PDC florist as well and am interested in feedback and pics. I will contribute if I find anything interesting. Thx!
  9. Hey Shannon, do you remember the name of the florist up the road? I am not planning on ordering much from the hotel...def not flowers. Our wedding day is next September and we haven't chosen locations yet. I am starting to feel way behind reading everyone's posts. Thanks so much. Gina
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