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Everything posted by cindy2013

  1. I have been obsessed with pinterest for a few months! My account is pinterest.com/cindy1313
  2. All your pictures are beautiful! I love the look of everything, congratulations!
  3. Annnnd I'm teary-eyed! What a great proposal! I also got engaged the night before a shift at the hospital and boy did it ever make the day fly by!,
  4. Wow that sounds awesome! Good luck with planjing
  5. Congrats! What have you ladies planned so far?
  6. Congrats! This site is amazing and so much fun to browse!
  7. I really like the yellow flowers in the bouquet they are gorgeous! There's something about its simplicity that I just love!
  8. Wow!!! Well done! I love all your little finishing touches, very beautiful and I'm sure your guests will love them!
  9. I totally agree...The ATR BBQ would just be so much fun too!
  10. Thanks!! Now it's time to get things started!!=)
  11. I got my date confirmed a week ago - march 12, 2013! We just gave a deposit to guarantee our group rate for next year as well...I can't wait but there's so much to do!
  12. I would call them just to see what they usually do! they'll probably let you know what their protocol is for that...maybe you dont even have to call in advance adn let them know you're coming
  13. Hahaha Im getting a good laugh from reading this thread! I agree, it's not a show, but man is it fun to dream! I got a little carried away with my wedding party dinner but it was soooo fun! (Just lots of wine, champagne, apps, and a full dinner! =)
  14. Wow looks like your trash the dress session was a blast!
  15. Or can you securely attach the rings to a seashell or starfish with ribbon, and use that to decorate your basket? Have the starfish tied to the basket handle, and then someone can untie the starfish from the handle and she"ll be able to hold them.
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