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Everything posted by noreenp79

  1. Marcia is in my budget and Misha was not...I emailed Marcia a while back and she never responded, so I tried again and emailed her through the form on her website, and she wrote back immediatley. Since then, I've communicated with her assistants, but through her email address. I sent back my contract and asked about how to pay the deposit, and got no response, so I sent another message asking how to do the Bank of America deposit and someone wrote back within the day. So, my advice is, if you like her, just email again!! It doesn't hurt to look around, but I thought her work was beautiful for the price. Hope this helps!!! :-)
  2. A few of my guests are asking about excursion options. Does anyone have any idea of the excursions offered through the resort and or prices? I'd like to include that in a brochure, so if you have info on a catamaran cruise, shopping day trip, water fall trip, that would be awesome and helpful. Thanks!
  3. I LOVE LOVE LOVE them! Now for my million questions... Can you tell me how you did the trifold envelope? What fonts did you use? How did you do the flower picture?
  4. Hi! This forum is great. I had trouble find THE dress but today it happened! We weren't allowed to take pics but here is the model in the dress. It's called Clarice!
  5. Hi MKing! I booked my photographer....Marcia Roberts! I have a room block at the hotel but nobody besides me and my parents have booked a room yet! I think I'm going to use Tia Flora for my flowers....they have been very responsive and the pics they sent me look really good. I had some communication with Godfrey but his quote wasn't much lower than Tia Floras. I think I'm going to use the resort DJ, so I'm not sure I'll need any other outside vendors. I've heard good things about a a makeup artist in the area but I'll probably just use the hotel staff for that. How many people are you expecting? Do you have your dress yet?
  6. I love the pink and orange fabric. What kind of fabric is it and how many yards of it did you bring? Did Nicole set that up for you?
  7. Hi Mking! I'm getting married July 30, 2011 at the Suites! How is your planning going? I've done STDs, but that's it!
  8. Hi everyone! I've been reading this thread for weeks, and it has been very informative. I'm getting married at the Suites on July 30, 2012! I'm very excited but overwhelmed and not sure what to do next. My STDs are out, but nobody has booked yet. I need to go dress shopping! I've been emailing with the florist, and I can't decide what to do about photography! I'm sure I'll have a lot of questions as the date gets closer, but I appreciate all the advice, photos and ideas!! :-)
  9. I've been checking out this website for a while now, but this is my first post! I'm getting married at the Iberostar Rose Hall Suites on July 30, 2012! 2011 Brides 8.28.2011 - MrsWashington11 9.8.2011 - QTPie11 - Suites 9.9.2011 – Islandgirl910 – Suites 9.10.2011 – toiinlove – Grand 10.8.2011 – futuremrstgun – Beach 10.30.2012 – nolabride78 (Stacy & Raymond) 11.6.2011 – pmwoodard1978 (Paula & xx) – Beach 11.6.2011 - ErinDoc (Erin & Bryan) - Suites 11.11.2011 – mrsgreene2011 (Jeanine & Reuben) – Suites 11.12.11- meeshamillz - Beach 11.14.2011 - Sn2bMrsMarshall (Eric & Sheena) - Beach 11.16.2011 – starrysim – Beach 11.20.2011 - lianac (Liana & Jeff) - Suites 11.24.2011 – Bride2be – Suites 12.3.2011- DeAngelis2be (Christine & Joseph)- Grand 12.5.2011 - Marlena (Marlena & Brian) Beach 12.6.2011 – Kimberli1211 (Kim & Coleman) – Suites 2012 Brides 1.9.2012 – daizyduke – Suites 1.18.2012 - RyGuysBride - Suites 1.18.2012 - nikadawn - Beach 2.2.2012 – shanas (Shana & Brian) – Beach 2.11.2012 - bmaxam12 - Suites 2.22.2012 - X-Tina - Suites 2.24.2012 – hayjk – Suites 2.26.2012 – bjcs21 – Suites 3.19.2012-Saskbride2012 (Kari&Sean) = Suites 4.18.2012 – cGd41812 – Suites 4.27.2012 - Jamaica2012 - Beach 5.30.2012 – MoBayBride2B – Suites 6.8.2012 – sunshine2413 (Shannon & Maurell) - 6.9.2012 - Sj4680 (Susan & Kyle) - Grand 6.22.2012 – dcrow55 – Suites 6.23.2012 - fungirl97 - Suites 7.1.2012 – JADE28 (Charene & Kevin) – Suites 7.7.2012 – JamaicaSukie – Suites 7.13.2012 - tdotey (Tomi & Kevin) - Beach 7.22.2012 – IslandBride201x (Kim & Eric) – Suites 7.22.2012 – MrsDesz – Beach 7.23.2012 – IslandBride12 - Suites 7.30.2012 - noreenp79 - Suites 8.24.2012 – Kadijah – Suites 11.11.2012 – futuremrsclark (Megan & Nick) – Suites 2013 Brides 6.5.2013- amybutz89- Suites Past Brides 6.30.2011 – mrsdeloatch2be – Suites 7.13.2011 – daisymable – Suites
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