Hi Ladies, so glad I found this forum. I'm 23 and my FI is 38. He has a 13 yr old son that lives 8 hours away with my FI's ex-wife. Yes, that makes me closer in age to my FSS than my FI. My FI and I have been together about a year and because of the distance, I've only met FSS twice. My FI and his ex had a very messy divorce and a not so great relationship. She kept his son away from him for the past 4 years. Well, in June we went down to Florida for a week. It went well. She was nice (to my face) and despite some drama we had a good vacation. We managed to make it down again a few weeks ago for a weekend trip. That was even more drama and miscommunication. I know that FI eventually wants to have him for the summer or even full time now that FSS is old enough to make the decision for himself. He's such a great kid and although the ex is slightly crazy, I'm blessed to have him and my FI in my life. It's so nice to know that I'm not the only one going through this!