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Everything posted by Laura1220

  1. Welcome Amstapleton! That is only 2 days before my wedding! How exciting!
  2. Hi Ladies, I am getting married April 22, 2013 at Moon Palace. I did a site visit in December. The beach is small, but I did not care too much. There is seaweed, but all the nearby resorts who share the same beach have it too. I think it depends on the tides, as to how much seaweed accumulates on the beach. MP cleans the seaweed numerous times a day with a tractor. Below is are photos of the beach from my site visit, including one where a wedding was taking place! Regarding the new Colin Cowie packages, yes we have to use them in 2013. I personally am doing the complimentary and add-ons as I did not love the collections. If purple was my wedding color, I would have used that one as it is beautiful, but you cannot change the colors. I look forward to planning with all of you!
  3. Hellloooo Ladies! This is my first post! I am a MP April 2013 Bride! I have just finished 5 days of reading through this entire thread (all 378 pages) and the information is invaluable. I feel like I know so many of you already and you are all so talented, beautiful and wonderful! I am grateful for all the insight I now have regarding what to expect in the next 14 months as I begin to plan my wedding. I wish you all the best in next months as your wedding dates approach and look forward to seeing how all your weddings turn out! I am not a very creative bride, but all your DIY projects are so inspiring, I may just take a shot at it! I walked around AC Moore this afternoon gathering up ideas already! I am sure I will have many questions as the days and months go on, but for now just saying hello!
  4. Jason and I met in August 2006 at a mutual friend's engagement party. We went to the same high school, and had many friends in common, but We had somehow never met before, but we started talking that night and instantly clicked! The photo above was taken from that very night as he was showing me all the features on how to use my brand new camera (all his years working at Best Buy came to good use)! We became friends for quite some time, although I was interested in being more than just friends, but since I didn't think he was, I would never admit to it. About a year and a half later, when Jay went on a trip to Vegas, he found himself missing me and wishing I was there, and realized this was much more than what he had originally thought. On May 28, 2008 we started officially dating, we moved in together in July 2009 and had a memorable engagement on the beach on August 20, 2011!
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