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Everything posted by daizee0808

  1. Anel Fuentes de Maria | Dreams Riviera Cancun Photos | http://dreamsriveriacancun.adventurephotos.com.mx/ | Vallarta Adventures | Paseo de las Palmas 39-A, Nuevo Vallarta, Nay. 63732 | Tel: +52 (322) 2971212 ext 453 | Toll Free from US or Canada: 1 866 725 3007 | http://dreamsriveriacancun.adventurephotos.com.mx/ | www.vallarta-adventures.com | www.dolphin-adventure.com l
  2. 11am-12pm Nails 12pm-2pm Hair and Makeup for the girls 4pm Ceremony 4:30pm Group Photos 5pm Coctail Hour 6pm - 10pm Reception ( we paid for 1 extra hour) 10pm- After party at Desires Lounge
  3. Ladies, here are answers to your questions. - Picture frame for sand ceremony: You can find this kind of picture frame anywhere. I saw so many places that carry them ( Hobby Lobby, Meijers...). It's a wooden frame so my dad drilled a big hole on top and we bought a funnel from Michaels to pour the sand into. - Reception Location: We had it at the Seaside Grill. This was a perfect location because the resort has so many parties that you would want a separation from the other events (noise issue). It also gets really windy at night so there is a potential for sand to get into your food if you have it outdoors on the beach or pool deck. We originally wanted the pool deck but they messed up and gave it to someone else by mistake. I threw a fit and got our travel agent involved so we ended up getting the Seaside Grill for free. It would have cost $15 per person + 11% tax. - Groom & Groomsmen suits: I live in New York so we bought them from an Italian suite store which we just ran into randomly. We got lucky because we purchased them during the winter so they had a major clearance. $1,200 suits reduced to $300 so we bought 6 of them. If you are in Manhattan, let me know and I will give you the address. I believe they still carry them. Not sure what the color is..I think it's cream leaning toward the yellow side.
  4. Hi All: Just got back from our wedding and wanted to share our slideshow with you. Any questions, let me know. http://web.mac.com/vallarta_adventure2/SlideshowsDRERC/FAULHABERALL/
  5. 2/24/2012 Bud and Jackie 2/25/2012 Mariah and Jens 3/18/2012 William and Kate 4/21/2012 Ankswt03 (Amanda and Jeremy) 5/12/2012 Dimplesandsuga 5/21/2012 CKNMVS 5/23/2012 Aimeelaco28 5/24/2012 weddingprincess (Shannon & Brad) 6/3/2012 Mrskatieperry (Katie and PJ) 6/9/2012 Ssapper 6/18/2012 juliej84 (Julie and Ash) 7/28/2012 Mnunez 8/7/2012 Nj2012 (Nikki & Joe) 8/10/12 Annie & Jon 8/24/2012 Sarah-Jane (Sarah and James) 9/1/2012 Cbandemer (Colleen & Brian) 11/19/2012 melinmontana (Melissa and Kael) 12/17/2012 Savs1027 (Savanah and John) 4/27/2013 Vika Yakovleva (Vika & Anthony) 5/3/2013 Kthorpe
  6. I have a dilema...my wedding is on Feb. 25th, 2012 and a few more guests are coming than anticipated (not many). This is fine for us, however, the resort is completely sold out for that weekend and our room block is all booked. Do any other brides have rooms still available for that same weekend that are not taken? or there are cancellations? If so, I'll gladly take them off your hands. Our guests can stay elsewhere but would prefer to stay at the same resort as the rest of us. Thanks!
  7. This is what I saw from another post on here: The gazebo is about 3 meters high (to the beginning of the arch) x 4.30 meters from side to side. I'm not sure how much fabric to buy so if you find out, please let me know. I'm looking to do the same.
  8. Hi Janine, I love everything you posted. Thank you so much for sharing. Do you mind sending me your attached documents? I can't open them :-( [email protected] Thank you so much!
  9. Hi, Could you send me the menus along with the vegetarian option? Thank you so much. Getting a hold of Gina has been almost impossible. My email: [email protected]
  10. Hi jkhowell, I'm new to this forum and just saw that your wedding is the day before mine. There's a chance that we might run into each other. I have not done anything yet for this wedding except reserving the date. Hope 4 months is enough time to plan a wedding :-)
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