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Everything posted by nancya

  1. You did a really good job on the flowers. I am also planning on ordering real touch flowers from afloral. Were you happy with their products?
  2. We are using lucky by jason mraz for my walk down the aisle and i'm yours by jason mraz for the recessional. Not sure if we are going to need music for the signing of the license but if so we are going to use signed sealed delivered by stevie wonder and spend my life with you by eric benet and tamia for our first dance song. We still have a lot of time so things may change but for now this is it. =)
  3. this is a concern of mine too but i am hoping that with alcohol and music things will be ok!
  4. Hello fellow brides, I wanted to share an awesome deal i scored today at Michael's craft store. I got these sewing kits usually 1.59 in the clearance section for .30!! They come in dark red, brown and green. They were not marked 80% off but definitely check the price. I also found some cute water bottles for my bridesmaids at Target for $3.48!
  5. I love your bags! I especially like the note about not posting pictures to facebook. I may steal that statement from you =)
  6. I went to my dollar tree a few weeks ago and found beer mugs for fiance and his groomsmen. We are probably going to get them engraved. Awesome deals at the dollar tree!!
  7. I think that depending on how many people you have and how well people get along place cards are fine.
  8. I love ttd photos. I bought a second dress for it because I am having an at home reception where I will be wearing my real wedding dress. I bought it at thelimited.com when they had their 40% off sale i think it came to about $50.
  9. I am a type A person so I know when it's my turn to send out invitations and RSVP's ill be diligently checking my mailbox for RSVP cards haha. My friend got married in Sept and told me that in her culture (brazilian and his family is mexican) they do not RSVP at all. Not only that but when they do show up to your wedding they will bring extra people even if you only addressed the invite to them. She recently told me that some of those families gave her a card with a $20 bill in it as a gift...I was shocked. I am not trying to offend anyone...just sharing what she told me. =)
  10. I am not sure what I would think if I was asked to pay for my own meal after paying to travel to a DW. Like dmob said it would be a surprise if a family member you haven't seen for years would pay that much to go to your DW.
  11. I had no idea 2 weeks before the wedding is ideal. Some friends of mine did theirs 2 months before the wedding.....good to know.
  12. I am so glad I read this thread. I love the idea of OOT bags and I have been collecting stuff for them but then I started worrying about how I was going to get all of them down there on top of everything else. Very true that our guests will appreciate whatever we give them even if its something small.
  13. Our destination budget is 10K and an at home reception of 10-15K. For the destination our biggest expense is renting a large beach house that will hold us, our families and all of our guests. It is important to us that we do that for everyone. We are also using it for the reception. I am a coupon girl and am always our for bargains so we have been under budget so far. I hope it stays that way!
  14. I loved every part of your wedding planning. It's so nice to see everything put together and I'm glad everything turned out well! I love the lucky penny in your shoe =)
  15. We just officially booked our wedding it will be May 21, 2013 in Destin, FL. So exciting!!!!!!!!!!!
  16. Melissa I know this is 3 years later but would you happen to have the name of the photographer who was $450 for the whole day? I doubt they are still at this rate but worth a shot
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