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Everything posted by AngelaandTrevor

  1. file://localhost/Users/angeladoucette/Downloads/WEDDING%20PACKAGE%20WITH%20INCL%202012%20FINAL-2.pdf
  2. I have it, if you want to send me a email at [email protected] i can forward it to you. I don't know how to attach it here. Angela
  3. Quote:Hi Ams! How many people do you have attending your wedding and reception? When did they release a new package? Chandlyn told me I had to pay $1700.00 for the picses restaurant, she still hasn't sent me out any info on it. I can't get into the files you sent me, just my luck lol. I have to pay an extra $30 pp after 30 and I have 70 going so far! So now I'm wondering if it would be $55 plus the $30 pp totaling $85 pp just for the meal and then on top of that $23 pp for the open bar? The prices seem to keep going up! What was your total bill? If you don't mind me asking. Thanks Angela Originally Posted by PoshAms Hi Angela My hubby-to-be is also called Trevor The buffet was either $55 or $65- at one stage the price came down as they released a new package. Yes, we do have to pay the supplement per guest over the free allowance of 16 which is a pain. The open bar is on top of this and costs $23 for the 2 hours that we will be dancing after the meal. All drinks during the meal will be free of charge. Ams
  4. I am also looking at the picses restaurant, how much did they charge you to rent it out, and how much was it for the Jamaican buffet? And did you still have to pay the extra $30 per person? Does it include an open bar? Or is that extra too? Thanks Angela
  5. There is a Tommy Bahamas in Vaughan/Toronto it is an outlet store with great prices! We went there 3 weeks ago and Trevor got all kinds of cloths! Angela
  6. There is a Tommy Bahamas in Vaughan/Toronto it is an outlet store with great prices! We went there 3 weeks ago and Trevor got all kinds of cloths! Angela
  7. There is a Tommy Bahamas in Vaughan/Toronto it is an outlet store with great prices! We went there 3 weeks ago and Trevor got all kinds of cloths! Angela
  8. There is a Tommy Bahamas in Vaughan/Toronto it is an outlet store with great prices! We went there 3 weeks ago and Trevor got all kinds of cloths! Angela
  9. There is a Tommy Bahama's outlet store in Vaughan/Toronto! Great prices we went there 3 weeks ago and Trevor got a bunch of pants and shirts! Beautiful selection!
  10. Hi Futurejohnson! I've got the grill booked too! We are looking at menu 1 but really don't know what to do! Please let me know how it is! Angela
  11. Angela and Trevor www.angelaandtrevor.jamaicaweddingphotos.com here is a preview of our wedding site if anyone wants to see it!
  12. Hello ladies! I really think this resort needs to get its act together! My travel agent phoned the manager and told them of the problems we are having the manager seemed really concerned and said they would look into it and call her back last friday! Still haven't heard from them! Donnalee however did respond on Chandlyn's email to us and had the wrong restaurant and everything! I'm not to sure about that girl i think she needs to find a new occupation! I responded back saying I wanted Chandlyn as it was Donnalee that has caused all the mess with my wedding! I'm really dissapointed with the way this resort handles everything! My travel aggent only does group weddings and has never ever dealt with a resort that is so messed up when it comes to weddings, prices and hidden charges! I sure hope they pull up their pants when my wedding comes! My travel aggent is coming to our wedding just to make sure it goes as it should and for future reference for other brides! Don't think they are doing so well! Angela
  13. This is the web page for my photographer he is amazing and reasonable http://jamaicaweddingphotos.com/?load=flash Angela Hope this helps!
  14. Hi Ladies! This is a site I used and ordered all my flowers for everyone in silk, that way they all have a keep sake!http://www.facebook.com/pages/The-Brides-Bouquetcom/141729106089?ref=nf> They are really much cheaper and way more beautiful! I will use the free bouquet to toss! Hope this helps! Thanks Daphodil for your information! I just don't like the hidden costs that they come out with 6 months later! I think they should be more organised with their prices! The restaurant you were in I was told was $1700.00 see how the prices keep changing! I am waiting still for the manager to respond back to my travel agent on that it should happen sometime this week. Good luck Ladies! Angela
  15. Hi Monarch, I am using Jamaican Wedding Photographer his name is Devon, his work is amazing and reasonable, check out his web site or google him! Angela
  16. Hi Monach I am using Jamaican Wedding Photographer his name is Devon! He is very good! Check out his web site or google him, his work is amazing! Angela
  17. Hi Monach, I am using Jamaican Wedding Photographer! That the name of the website! He does amazing work! His name is Devon. Our package was $1350.00 but you can get other packages! Check out his website!
  18. Well today the resort manager finally called my travel agent back! Sandra told her of all the problems we are having with the wedding planners! It will be interesting to see what the manager does about them. I will keep you all updated!
  19. Thanks Tekeya! You are very helpfull on here! If you had it to do over again what would you do differently? What would you suggest for a party of 80 plus? I'm getting married a 4pm in the gazebo! Thanks for all your help! Angela
  20. Thanks Daphodil for the information! I've already had a lot of issues with Donnalee and refuse to even discuss anything with her, I just deal with Chandlyn now! Did you close down the restaurant for your dinner? If so was it worth it or would you do it differently? I have 70 plus going to mine and they seem to have all these hidden charges! $2500.00 to close down the restaurant and all that includes is set up of the restaurant and DJ I still have to pay $30 per person for the meal! I was told I have no choice once the party exceeds 80! But when we booked we were never told this at all and we told them there would be over 80 people attending the wedding! I bought all my flowers here! I had them made of silk because I didn't like their prices or flower arrangements. Angela
  21. Wow Tekeya NICE pictures! Great job! I went with Jamaican wedding photographers. Devon does amazing pictures too! I'm booked with the Gran Bahia Principe for April 21st 2012. Did they have any hidden fees that came out after the fact? So far 70 people are booked to go and Chandlyn has said I have to close down the restaurant at a price of $2500.00 plus pay $30 per person after 30 people because of the large amount of people going. Has anyone had the same problem? Everytime I turn around there seems to be a charge for this and a charge for that! Originally it was just the one fee of $2500.00. A month later when i messaged to confirm this I now have to pay the $30 dollars per person too! I'm scared to ask if it covers the alcohol too or if that is extra as well! For an all inclusive resort they sure have a lot of hidden charges. If anyone can help bring me up to date on all the charges that would be great! Thanks Angela
  22. We pretty much have everything sorted out including colors! We are going with yellow flowers and the guys will be in beige and whites and the girls will be in champayne colors! Just waiting for one last response from Chandlyn! Then its just the music left to do and alterations on dresses but we are doing that in Febuary closer to the date! We tryed in April to get the 16th 17th 18th 19th or 20th for our wedding date but they said it was all booked! When did you book your wedding? Angela
  23. I agree! I applied yesterday for the long form! It takes 15 days to come in! I don't want to take any chances!
  24. We arrive on the 16th of April! and leave on the 23rd! How is your planning going? We have booked the Grill for $2500.00 so the resturant will be shut down for us as well we get the band that was playing in there included.
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