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Everything posted by Mandy5676

  1. Thanks again! We are bringing someone with us to do the ceremony. I did hear that rain was pretty short there so i am glad to hear that. Our reception is in one of the restaurants. I got the Fantasy package. They will let us know when we get there where we can reserve and separate us a bit. With such a small group it didnt make sense to pay for a reception for 24 when I only have 10. Do you have one that you suggest was the best? Miguelina is my coordinator so I am happy she did well with you. I am waiting to hear back from her about changing my time but I believe I am the only wedding that day so I doubt it will be a problem. I didnt change much from my package so it should be pretty stress free when I get there. I am so ready. I would say you have no idea but obviously you know exactly!! Any other suggestions on what to def do there or make sure we don't miss? We will be there with family for 3 days then 4 on our own.... Mandy
  2. Wow thank you that was exactly what I needed!! That helps me get a better picture on how long everything takes and confirms that I definitely need to change my times. How was the wind on the beach as far as hearing and stuff? DId you do reception at a restaurant or thru package? How was your weather? It's calling for rain all next week but I am hoping it comes and goes! I am sure I have hundreds more. I thought I was done worrying but then I saw all your pics and it made me think of more!! Glad everything turned out so well for you! Mandy
  3. Janet1480...your pictures are fantastic! Thank you for posting so much information! It's ncie to have someone posting a recent wedding!! I had a few questions for you. We leave in 8 days married in 11!!! Can you give me a good timeline for how you did things? I have a friend taking my pics as well and we are trying to figure out how to schedule it all. My ceremony is a t 5 right now with cocktail after but I am trying to change it to 430 I am afraid I wont have enough sunlight. My hair is at 1pm. So when did you do group photos, getting ready pics, and couple pics? How much time did you need? Do you think 430 ceremony is too late in the day? Any suggestions would be helpful. I only have 10 people coming so it's not a big group and I would actually like to enjoy the cocktail hour a bit myself!! Thanks Mandy
  4. Thank you for the menus. I was also wondering...is anyone doing the Fantasy package? I have chosen Chill Out right now but may downgrade because the reception seems silly and overpriced for the small group I have. Anyone have suggestions on restaurants (not privatizing) that would work since it's all inclusive? Maybe if they would separate us a little?
  5. I paid for a friend who takes greats photos to come with us. It came out cheaper than any package would and I get ALL the pics. Has anyone received any menus options? My ninety days are up and I have not received a call or much info after my package was paid and rooms booked!!
  6. jkweddingday...I saw aisle runners in the package pictures but I am not sure if that means they are included (they should be) But the spreadsheet shows white/ivory runners as $75 each.
  7. I dont know if it is included but I do know it is in the package pictures, which to me means it should be. I do see the white/ivory runners a la carte are $75 each in the spreadsheet that was sent to me.
  8. Oh I like that! That's a great idea. Thank you for that! Janet1480...Are you doing "sunset"? I was able to move it to 5, heard sun sets there at 6ish.
  9. Thanks for responding. I have pretty much confirmed December 18th, 5 pm!! We wont have time for paperwork processing either so will do it here beforehand and are having his cousin who is a minister perform for us there! I feel the same way. Sometimes I feel sad it's only a small group but we really did not leave anyone any time to plan for a trip like this and I dont really want a BIG wedding. I will miss having some close friends there but our parents will be there and a few others. I am not sure I would want to handle the disappointed of people not coming for sorry reasons and such! Are you doing beach ceremony and reception? I was not sure what they would do with a smaller group. I would like to do beach ceremony, sort of at sunset, cocktail hour and then reception. I love the Chill Out Chic package but was wondering if they adjust it down since it is for only 8 ppl and not 24. Are you doing everything a la carte? My WC so far is Cemone. She seems to get back very quickly but her answers are vague sometimes. I worry about not having hands on my planning!! Thank you again! Mandy
  10. Great forum for information. I've had most of my questions answered here! Im planning a small ceremony there in December. Are most of you planning legal ceremonies? We dont seem to have enough time to plan for one. We just got engaged and are getting married quick! What times are your weddings? The one date I want only has a 3 pm left but I want a sunset reception. Has anyone else planned a small ceremony we only have eight people?
  11. Has anyone planned a wedding with their packages for less than 10 people. I like some of the bigger packages but will only have 8 ppl traveling with us. Do you know if they adjust these packages down? Has anyone brought thier own preacher?? Thanks. Planning for Dec 2011 wedding at PPC!! Mandy
  12. I am trying to plan for a wedding at PPC for THIS December, I just emailed the Romance Team 2 days ago. Those of you in your planning stages, do you think December is out of the question?? It will only be 8 people including us and the packages that are set on the website are fine with me. In other words, I do not plan on making changes or adding things. I like the Chill Out Chic package but does anyone know since I have such a smal group if pricing would be less? Thank you in advance for responding. This forum has helped out more than any of the thousands of web pages I have been visiting!!!! Mandy
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