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Everything posted by Jamie5280

  1. Thanks ladies! I definitely see where you are coming from, but I just have never been Daddy's little girl. For example-my dad just went out and bought my younger sister, who is 22 a new car, just cause, she had one that worked just fine, but won't contribute towards the wedding. My younger sister is Daddy's little girl, it is what it is, but again we just aren't that close. My mom has passed and my dads wife is awful, that's why I had a hard time deciding if I should.... We are going to pay for all the men to deep sea fish, so I think I am ok with that being their gift. uote name="Allie2012" url="/t/77399/do-you-give-your-parents-gifts-if#post_1714552"] Hey Jamie, My parents are not contributing any money towards our wedding, BUT my mother is hand making beach bags to use as our OOT bags and they are so beautiful and time consuming on her part! So I definitely want to give her a 'thank you' gift. I found a really nice handcrafted jewellery set that will match her dress nicely that is around $50, so I plan on giving that to her. My FI parents are insisting on giving us money towards the wedding even though I told my FI I didn't want them to. I will probably also buy his mom a jewellery set as she doesn't have a daughter, so I know this would mean a lot to her  As for the 'dads' we probably won't get them anything. I honestly think you shouldn't have to buy a gift for anyone, but if someone has done something special then maybe you would want to get them a little thank you gift. Lu
  2. Hi Ladies, I just finished my first week of Insanity! I have never been so sore in my life, but it was THE best pain!!! Excited to see what the next 7 weeks brings! Hope you all enjoy the rest of your weekend.
  3. Well thanks Chickies! You just made my decision for me! No gifts for the parentals!
  4. HAHAHA!!! I see where you are coming from. Hence my question....But so many people get gifts for their parents and present the gifts to them at let's say the rehearsal dinner, just like you would for your wedding party. I have been in 10 weddings and all the brides and grooms presented their parents with some sort of gift when they gave us ours, whether it be a picture frame/album, jewelry, cuff links, etc.... A lot of threads on here also consist of what people are doing for their parents in regards to a gift, so I was just curious if I HAD to get our parents something, like we are for our wedding party. But you just made me think that maybe we don't have to!
  5. Hello Ladies (and gents) I searched through several threads and my questions wasn't quite answered from what I read through. So here it is- Do you buy your parents a separate gift if they are not helping financially with the wedding??? My FI and I (like most of you) are paying for our wedding ourselves. Which we are fine with. But we just don't know what to do about gifts to the parents? I also have a step mom, whom I am not close with, nor is someone that I wish to spend money on, as she is extremely ungrateful and tells you to your face if she doesn't like what you got her. Nor has she helped with anything AT ALL, but yet, will take credit. There is a definite lack of interest from both my dad, his wife and FI's dad. Not that the lack of interest should dictate the "gifts", though. I just want to know- is it "etiquette" to get our parents something separately or are the gifts we give our guests, as a thank you for coming, good enough? Thanks!!!
  6. Thank you thank you my dear! I keep telling myself that, and I know I can do it! I did take before pictures and wrote down my measurements. Unfortunately, we don't have a scale at home, but I am more concerned about inches than weight right now. We will eventually get a scale to help track our progress, though.
  7. YAY! Very exciting! Especially knowing someone else will be doing it the same time as me. My FI and I are doing it together too which is super helpful in the motivation department! We are also helping each other with with eating. We went and bought all the food, etc... we needed and threw out all "the bad food" so we wouldn't be tempted. I think once you start doing it, you will want to eat better, not to mention you need the energy to get through the work outs (from my very very very short time) doing it, I know I need it. I am sure you will be able to cut down on the sweets! My problem is salt! But it'll be worth it to limit my sodium intake when I am in Mexico! Good luck! and can't wait to hear when you start!
  8. Oh Coco!!! Of course, another person making it all about themselves! I felt that your e-mail was VERY eloquent and you didn't attack her, which is most important! People just don't get it! It's even worse because it's family!!! There is no easy way to say what you had to say, but you did it like a lady and with class! As we all say, weddings really do bring out the worst in people, which is hurtful and sad! I am soo sorry my dear! Big Hugs to you!!!!!!
  9. Thanks Ladies! I cried a lot last night! Soooooo not sure why, but you are all right and you sound exactly like my FI and my sister! I just need to move on! Thanks for the love!!! xoxox
  10. I started Insanity on Monday and I am trying to follow the eating plan as close as possible! It is difficult, but am hoping for some results by the end of the 2 months! Good luck ladies!!! I am definitely going to need motivation to work out 6 days a week and not drink so much wine!! HA!!!
  11. Hi guys! So I need to vent a little...I am pretty sure that my friendship with 2 people has come to an end! This has been a long time coming because of the awful things they have done and said to me over the past 3 almost 4 years so I am not sure why I am sad!?!?! They both have decided not to come to my wedding, which I thought I got over until yesterday. (Oh and they are best friends, which means they gang up and talk sh*t about me every time they get together!!!) One of the girls and I were supposed to get together and she canceled on me 4 times, which means she obviously doesn't want to see me, and she never contacted me to re-schedule again! (and like I am going to contact her again! ) The other one, I finally told her that my feelings are hurt that I don't have ONE friend coming, and I got snide comments back, so I kind of stopped being polite and now she won't talk to me!!! HA! But the kicker is, I know they go around talking about me and how it's all my fault they our friendship is flailing! NO accountability on their end whatsoever! I haven't been the "bestest" friend at all times, but I would never do and say some of the things they have. So I am sure you asking yourselves, why would you want to stay friends??? We were College roommates and friends for 15 yrs and were sooo close until I moved to Houston over 3 year ago, I keep waiting for things to change. Ok, thanks for letting me vent, I am trying and trying not to let them get to me, but I just can't get over it! So now I have a question, do I invite them to my bridal shower and bach. party!? It's a "damned if you do, damned if you don't" scenario. I am the bad person if I don't invite them, but I am pretty sure they won't come anyways! Which will p*ss me off all over again! Thanks again for letting me vent!!!!!!!! I just need to talk it out sometimes and I can't trust anyone else~! Funny, right!? that I trust you guys over people I have knows for years!!!!! xoxoxo
  12. Thanks Girl!!! I am hoping to see results after 1 month, a little at least. I am glad we are starting now, so we can do almost 2 rounds before we leave!
  13. You look amazing! Congrats!!! You are going to be lookin' pretty hot in Punta Cana!!!!
  14. OH NO, I am sooo sorry!!! I have not heard of that "officially", but they did try to tell us that when we signed our contract, so what we are doing is buying a room for our photog for the night, and I had MP put in the our contract that we could have an outside photog if we bought the room. However, they say this all the time to everyone. I had to fight to get them to put it in my contract. I am sure you can still get Juan, but you may have to get him a room for sure!
  15. Thanks! I am really scared! the first day was sooo hard and that was just the fit test! But I HAVE to do it! I am so excited that you are leaving in 22 days!!! YAY!!!!! I can't wait to hear all about it!!!!
  16. Honestly, I started harassing Ivis Hitchcock. She/he kept saying that they couldn't reserve our spots until 3 months before, but when I asked about a certain location for our reception it was already booked????? So, I called them out on that stating that they obviously reserve before then. etc, etc, etc....I must have insisted 4 or 5 times until they finally broke down. It wasn't as easy for me as it was for other ladies on here! Again, I still didn't get every location I wanted, but that's ok! I am sure it will all be just fine!!! We aren't sure how many we have either, but we will for sure be below 75 That would stress me out! HA!!! Keep stalking and harassing the MP, that's what worked best for us!
  17. YAY!!! Congrats! I can't believe you came in so much lower than your budget! That's awesome! I also love you ceremony script, so much in fact, that I saved it (stole it) to use a lot of it in ours!!! Thanks for sharing!!!
  18. All right!!! It's official! I started Insanity yesterday and I can't believe how out of shape I am, I thought my heart was going to explode just from the fit test!!! My FI got up early to do the first real work out this morning, and he was dying! I am a little scared, but I am doing it!!! Only 5 months until our wedding and Bride 2012 and SxcT pix are so motiviting!!!! I will utilize this thread a lot in the next 2 months for motivation!!!! Any other ladies doing Insanity right now????
  19. Hello my beautiful brides to be!!! Obviously, I haven't been here since before Christmas and I missed you all so very much! I can't wait to go back and read what everyone has been up to!!!! Some of you have weddings coming up here sooo soon!!! YAY!!!! I hope everyone had a great Holiday and New year! ps....I officially got our locations in writing! FINALLY!!! So another thing crossed off the list, oh and I started Insanity yesterday! OMG, I am going to die, but I am sure it will all worth it in the end!!!! Excited to get into shape! xoxox Jamie
  20. Hi ladies! I am off work tomorrow and all next week, so I become really bad about checking this site when I am not at work! So, I want to make sure I wish you all wonderful holiday and happy new year!!! I hope it is filled with fun, family and food (and some liquor) ! HAHAHA!!! cheers to you all if I don't talk to you in a few days!!!!!! xoxox
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